upside down

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Eddie made his way right to the drivers seat, grabbing tweezers out of his backpack and putting them in his mouth, pulling a bunch of different wires out from under the steering wheel.

He cut two of them in a swift motion, feeling Steve's breath in his neck while ripping off the silicone protection from the metal wires.

„Where'd you learn how to do this?" Steve asked impressed, though a slight worry over what he didn't know about his boyfriend yet could be heard out of his voice if you payed enough attention.

„Well, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball, my old man was teaching me how to hot-wire" he hissed.
Steve opened his mouth to respond, but Eddie continued.

„Now I swore to myself I wouldn't wind up like he did, but now I'm wanted for murder, and soon...grand theft auto" he went on while starting to softly touch the wires together, which hissed statically.

„So yeah, I'm really living up to that Munson name" Eddie whispered, shame clear in his shaking voice, when Robin came up from behind Steve.

„Eddie, I'm not sure if I love the idea of you driving" she admitted, trying to sound nice, raising an eyebrow at Eddies grin.

„Oh I'm just starting this sucker. My sweethearts got her" he said, leaning closer to Steve's face and mumbling „Don't ya, big boy" before pressing a quick kiss on the others lips.

Before Steve could return the kiss, the wires crackled again, and the engine started, while the car radio started playing Up Around the Bend.

The owners of the caravan jumped up, knocking on the door furiously while shouting at them from outside to open the door.

Eddie just looked up at Steve with a devilish grin, hopping out of the drivers seat and pushing Steve in it, who quickly got into the seat and pressed his foot down onto the gas pedal.

The others were shouting at him from behind, and while Dustin and Max looked back at the couple who ran after them, Steve tried to get a feeling for the much bigger car than the ones he was used to.

„Shit, they look pissed" Dustin said, looking back at them.
„Well it's not everyday that you lose your house and car in one fell swoop" Robin joked while holding onto the backseat.

Eddie giggled slightly, clearly enjoying the adrenaline while sitting into the passenger seat.

Steve yelled out in shock as he curved around the sign at the entrance of the park.
He tried to ignore that he was sitting in a stolen caravan with his group of friends, going to a military store to kill a wizard from another dimension.

Instead, he looked over at Eddie, who was smiling at her once they passed the „Leaving Hawkins" sign, indicating that they were safe for the time being, since no one was going to be in their way for a good hour.

„How's it handle?" he asked Steve softly, smiling.

„Not half bad, considering that this is a house" Steve chuckled.
„It's silly but I've always had this dream that I was going to have a really big family, like a full brood of Harrington, like five, six kids" he admitted, blushing a bit at the thought of the dream that had included Nancy for the longest time now had Eddie in it, clear by his side.

„Six?!" Eddie laughed, raising his eyebrows.
„Yeah, three girls, three boys. And every summer I figured all of us Harringtons would pack into something like this and just...see the country, you know?" Steve went on, eyes fixated on the road.

„Like the Grand Canyon and stuff?" Eddie asked, half mocking and half interested into Steve's dream of the future. He felt bad because even if him and Steve really were going to get more serious, he wouldn't be able to fulfill this dream for him, since gay men weren't able to adopt.

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