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And Steve was correct, because right as they got downstairs again the doorbell rang and Dustin went to go open the door for Lucas.

The boy greeted everyone politely before shooting Eddie a sceptical look.
The taller brunette hid himself behind Steve, who just let it happen.
He didn't know how well Eddie and Lucas knew each other, but from what he had heard he was also in their D&D club, so Steve was a little confused about Lucas being so distant.

„Guys, can I please have an explanation on this? Jason said Eddie killed his girlfriend, why are we all here?!" he exclaimed, his head snapping around when a high pitched whine came from Eddie, who just buried his face deeper into Steve's back.

Steve stiffened, turning around to the other and whispering „how old are you Ed's?" without alarming the others who currently filled Lucas in on the reality of things.

Eddie looked up at him with teary eyes, holding up three fingers.
He had dropped, and fast.
Steve had to think quick, to get him upstairs again like he promised.

The two younger boys were talking loudly over wether or not Eddie was innocent, Lucas still not completely sure if he believed them.

Max's eyes laid on the two adults though, somehow having a knowing expression on her face.
She waved her hand to get them out of the room, and Steve decided to just go with it and talk to her about it later.
Once Steve and Eddie were out of the living room and out of the others sight, the brunette quickly picked up the other and carried him upstairs, feeling the others tears soak through his shirt.

He sat Eddie down on the bed and bend down in front of him, stroking some strands of his dark curls out of his face.
„What's got you so upset hunny?" he asked calmly, while not breaking eye contact for a second.
Eddie hiccuped, once again his hands playing with the hem of Steve's shirt, which the other realised Eddie had been wearing for a few days now, and he decided to change him to get the littles mind off whatever had caused the breakdown.

„He men'ion'd Ch'issy" Eddie whispered, slightly slurring the words.
Steve sighed, nodding and placed the stuffed dragon into the littles arms, which had laid on the bed forgotten since they got up.

„I understand. Do you want me to stay with you for a bit? Cuddle you until you're ready to go down with me again?" Steve smiled, while searching through Eddies backpack that still laid on the floor.
He noticed a nod from the other through the corner of his eye and pulled a worn out band t-shirt from the bag.

„Alright Sweetheart, but let's get you changed first, okay?" he said, holding the shirt up, rising his eyebrows in confusion when Eddie shook his head furiously.
„Wan' wea' daddy's shirt" he whined, and Steve felt a warm feeling take over him.

He smiled softly at the boy, picking him up and kissing his forehead.
„Well little one, you've been wearing daddies shirt for the past days, can I at least give you another one of my shirts?"
he asked, happy when the little in his arms blushed slightly and nodded.

They were an odd pair for everyone who'd see them, but Steve didn't mind, and no one else would ever see this side of Eddie, or so he hoped.
Steve felt extremely protective over the little in his arms, and he'd do anything and fight anyone who would come close to his little one.

He quickly sat Eddie down on his hip, so he could go through his closet without having to worry about the little being too unstable in his hand, and went to look for a shirt that was appropriate to wear in bed for the other.

Steve pulled a hoodie out of the bottom drawer of his closet, inspecting the heart print on the baby blue sweater, that he had been gifted by an ex girlfriend for valentine's day a year or two back.
He quickly checked the size, smiling as he realised that it would be still a bit too big on Eddie, even though of it being a bit too small for him since a while.

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