Harry glanced at Charlie who was sitting in front of the fireplace with his older brother. He knew that the older one now knew about them and he didn't like it, something inside him told him that this was a mistake, that his story with the handsome dragon rider might not end well. He looked away and walked towards his godson. He really had no reason to worry about his heart on Christmas Eve, so he might as well focus on what was important: this little boy he loved as if he were his own. The baby had been covered with gifts, as had Victoire, and both were now sleeping peacefully in their playpen. Leaning against the park fence, he thought to himself that he really didn't spend enough time with Teddy.
"Do you want to sleep at my place tonight?" Andromeda offered him and settled down beside him.
"I don't want to bother you," he replied, hoping she would insist.
He really didn't want to be alone for Christmas, but all the Weasleys were staying at the Burrow, Hermione and Fleur were sleeping there too. However Harry had felt like too much and had declined the invitation. He knew that the situation, with Fred's death, was still very heavy for them and Molly had almost seemed relieved by his refusal. She had held a ceremony for her deceased son the next day and Harry knew it was going to be a difficult time for the whole family.
"You never bother me Harry, you may not be like a son, but like a nephew to me. You are also a very important person to my grandson and it makes me very happy that you two can spend time together."
"Thank you," he replied simply.
"Maybe we'll go then," the witch added, looking around at the more or less sleeping redheads around them.
Harry nodded and went around the room to greet and thank his friends. It was hard for him to just shake Charlie's hand, but he restrained himself. He knew the redhead would send him an owl as soon as he arranged to visit incognito. Finally, he took his godson in his arms, Andromeda reduced all the packages and had them transported to her home.
Naoil, her house elf, was in the living room in less than a second. She took the packages and slipped away. Harry followed Andromeda through the corridors of the big house to Teddy's room. He realized that Naoil had already put the boy's presents away, leaving only the little Christmas pajamas he had just received, the little stuffed wolf Molly had knitted, and the magic nightlight George had given him. Harry had been a little suspicious of the latter gift at first, but the redhead had assured him that it was the most reliable and harmless thing around. The night light looked like a Golden Snitch that flew softly over the bed, giving off a subdued light. The light formed stars and animals on the ceiling and walls. A second identical little ball was in Harry's pocket, this one meant to warn its owner if the baby ever needed him.
"If it ever gets all red and starts to vibrate, just say Teddy and hold it tight," George had told him very seriously.
The dark-haired man changed Teddy without him waking up under Andromeda's tender gaze, then laid him down. He stayed a few moments to contemplate him, feeling at peace and invaded of love at this sight.
Finally, Andromeda pointed to the door in the wall to the right of the crib. They opened it together and Harry found a beautiful room with beige walls and brown furniture. He knew it wasn't his host's room, his was in green tones and was on the other side of Teddy's room. Naoil was waiting for them in the middle of what he concluded was his room for the night.
"Does Master Harry need anything? I can go to Master Harry's if need be."
"Thank you Naoil, I will. Just ask Kreatur, he will know what to give me."
The elf bowed and disappeared in a pop. The two wizards left alone exchanged a small talk until Naoil returned with a black travel bag. They wished each other a good night and Harry grabbed his toothbrush from the top of the bag without looking at what else was in it. Quickly, he got ready for the night and went to bed, sleep taking him quickly.

The Safe Wizards
FanfictionWith the Battle of Hogwarts over, Harry realizes that a political party with a strong hold on magical society in England could be a threat to his godson Teddy. Harry is ready to do anything to get Teddy out of their clutches, even if it means sacrif...