Chapter 10

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sunoo woke up feeling happier than usual. he liked going to school, but now that he had another reason, he felt so happy. the black haired was so thrilled that his parents got concerned for him the moment he stepped out of his room "i have never seen you smile like that" his mother raised her eyebrows "what do you mean? i always smile like this" sunoo giggled.

both his father and mother looked at each other with a face that said 'what the hell is he doing?'. he sat on the table and started eating his food "you're acting like your crush liked you back. seriously sunoo what happened?" his father asked and sat in front of him "nothing happened~" he sang.

- ♡ -

"daniel! hey!" sunoo ran to the boy who was currently fixing his things in his locker. daniel tilted his head and waited for him to catch his breath "you didnt run that far, you're tired already?" he laughed "i dont run much so i get tired very fast. anyways, do you want to get lunch with me?" sunoo asked with a smile.

the younger chuckled and shut his locker "sure. I'll pay though!" he placed his right arm on his shoulder and led theirselves to the cafeteria.

ni-ki watched the scene in front of him with mixed feelings. sunoo's relationship with other people was none of his business, he knew that. heck they weren't even close and people didnt even see them as friends. so why did his chest feel so heavy and why were his jaws clenched?

he took a deep breath and pouted "ni-ki. you have a boyfriend, please remember that" heeseung ruffled the youngers hair and smiled "i know hyung. i know" he sighed. the older looked at him with worried eyes "is there anything you want to tell me?" he asked.

the older knew that ni-ki was not the type to open up. he would always shut everyone out and act like he didnt care about anything at all, but it was worth a try "its nothing. just bored because i dont really tease him anymore" ni-ki laughed "i know you're lying. i wont force you to tell me. just dont do anything stupid ok?" he advised.

ㅡ ♡ ㅡ

ni-ki for sale

ni-ki for sale:
can you buy
me lunch too 🥺

leave me alone 😞

ni-ki for sale:
im hungry


ni-ki for sale:
still hungry

jay told me you're rich
buy your own food
im pretty sure you have
more money than me 👺


@mjriki tweeted!


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park.jay w-what did i do
→ @mjriki I didnt get free lunch because of you.
→ @sunoo.sun lying is a sin 🤥

ㅡ ♡ ㅡ



who is this?


oh djvshdavdbsv
how did you get my number?

he gave it to me 🥰

how does taki know
my number? 😦

his father has a lot of connections
i begged him lmao
fortunately he gave it to me

you really had to ask him aw
you shouldve just asked me 😭

i was shy

you?? shy??

anyways what are you
doing tomorrow?

probably gonna study
or paint something if i
get bored

its a weekend
wanna go for a drive
in the afternoon?
maybe eat on the way hehe

i dont have a car
can you pick me up?

ill pick you up at 2!

ok great
thanks daniel 🥰

changed unknown to "dan💗"

ㅡ ♡ ㅡ

"you said you'll pick me up at two! its still one fifty!" sunoo whined. he quickly put some makeup on and fixed his hair "you dont have to keep putting all these crap hyung come on!" daniel rolled his eyes and grabbed his wrists, dragging him to his car. he opened the passengers seat and waited for sunoo to enter. once he did, he shut the car door and made his way to the drivers seat.

sunoo fished his phone out of his pocket and connected it to the cars speaker "should we eat something first?" daniel asked "i havent eaten anything yet for lunch. lets go eat!" sunoo said.

the younger nodded and started driving "everything going well with you and your boyfriend?" daniel asked. sunoo smiled and looked at him "we're doing very well! i think i know who it is now though~" he giggled "ah really? who is it?" the younger chuckled "he's very tall and handsome. thats all i can say" he smiled.

"what about you? are you in a relationship?" sunoo asks him "nope! im not interested in dating right now haha" daniel replied, turning the steering wheel for a u-turn after. sunoo raised his eyebrows "maybe he doesnt want to tell anyone because he wants to keep himself safe? or he's just a private guy?" his thoughts said.

a few minutes later, they arrived at a restaurant. they both left the car and took the empty table by the corner "can you order for me hyung? i have to do something real quick. I'll have what you get" daniel said. sunoo nodded and made his way to the counter.

when daniel saw that he was distracted, he took sunoo's phone that was on the table and unlocked it. funny. he didnt have a password. the younger grinned and opened twitter, quickly opening his dms and looking through everything. one that caught his attention was 'yeonjunsbiceps'. he opened the conversation and saw a few hearts at the very end of the conversation.

that was it. he found what he was looking for. he quickly opened his notes app in his device and typed the username of the person so he wouldn't forget. he made sure to pay attention to how that persons way of typing so he could act like him.


stream future perfect !! 😋😋

edit - 07/06/22 :
MY DUMBASS HAD A GRAMMAR ERROR IN THE LAST PARAGRAPH OMG IM SO SORRY 💀 It's supposed to be "he made sure to pay attention to that persons way of typing so he could act like him." 😭 if i edit it the comments for that paragraph will dissappear </3

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