Max Verstappen [Pancakes]

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A/N Just something that came to my mind while I was writing my new book (:

BOOK: Who wants to be tagged in the first chapter of my new Max Verstappen book? My plan is to publish it in the next few days! The story is rated mature due it's 18+ content, keep that in mind when you want me to tag you. Would love to greet you as reader there!

A little sneak peak for the book: It was supposed to be a one-night stand but turned into an affair and so much more. A story in which two people find each other without even searching for a partner

TAGLIST: LilyHeseltineNew Maryletomlinson natalkaf1 cosmicless auguriaep MegTheF1Weirdo

WORDS: 1253

Mid season party of the F1 paddock, starting the summer break and I am invited to it. Everyone is probably thinking that this is a cool experience but if I am honest, I am just bored right now. I am working for RedBull for a short period of time now and barely know anyone, but my boss told me that it is a duty to be here, and I just accepted my fate. Standing there between the sponsors in their suits and some of the drivers while I do not know what to do.

One of my co-workers told me that these parties are legendary and that some of the drivers tend to undress on the dancefloor, but I do not see this happening tonight. This doesn't feel like a party but rather something forced. Dinner was served at tables but now the people are spread everywhere in the room. I did not join any of them because I don't want to force myself between them and make a conversation awkward because they don't know me.

Standing alone, just with my cocktail in my hand, I look around, trying to spot someone I maybe now. My eyes met the ones of a young boy, probably around my age who is looking at me. I can't see him completely since he is standing in a dark corner, but it still makes me a bit uncomfortable that he is watching me closely. Questioning I lift one of my eyebrows. Is there something on my face or do I have a spot on my dress? He grins at me in a charming way and after hesitating for a bit I smile back.

It looks like he takes this as an invite to come over to me and my heart flutters with a bit of nervousness. He leans casually against the bar and gives me his hand while I slowly realise something.

"Hi, I am Max and who is the girl with the beautiful smile?" Max Verstappen, driver of the team I am working for and an absolute snack. I mutter my name, smile at him shyly and try to act as normal as possible. Even if I am working for RedBull I never met the drivers, and this is a premier.

"So, do you like this party?" Max asks and looks really interested in my answer. A bit sarcastic I laugh. "Party? If this is a party, I do not want to know how the formal events look like." Giggling I look up to Max who laughs at my words.

"You're right, tonight is really boring. Is there something you would rather do?" He asks, keeping our conversation alive.

"I would like to be at home and read a good book." I admit and for a brief moment Max looks at me, to perplex to speak because he starts to laugh loudly. When he is slowly calming down again a last chuckle leaves his lips and he grins at me. My heart is reacting to it with a little stumble before it continues to beat.

"I should probably start to entertain you before you die of boredom." Max winks at me and I start to wonder if he is flirting with me. I shove this though to the back of my head because I don't think Max Verstappen would flirt with someone simple like me.

I agree to his plan, curious how he is planning to amuse me and with every minute that passes my boredom disappears a little bit more. Max is making me laugh and he can't stop grinning either. The evening gets later and the number of drinks we emptied has risen. In general, the atmosphere at this party is way better now. People are dancing and a DJ is playing louder songs. Nobody has stripped yet, but things can always change in a matter of seconds.

My last memory of this evening is how Max drags me onto the dancefloor with a smile. After this everything is black.

With a soft groan I rub over my eyes and turn myself onto my back. God, I have a headache and my mouth feels strange, a feeling you get after a night full of alcohol. Just disgusting. Carefully I stretch my arms out and get goosebumps when a soft breeze strokes my naked skin. Wait a minute, naked skin? Shocked I open my eyes and discover that I am indeed naked in bed and if this was not enough there is a hickey at my hipbone.

An almost silent "Fuck" leaves my lips and I cover my face with my hands. I dig trough my memories but at first, I can't remember what happened after Max and I entered the dancefloor. Little memory pieces flow trough my mind while I desperately try to remember.

His hands on my hips, his body close to mine.

How we sneaked into a dark corner to kiss.

His almost inaudible "Let's disappear" close by my ear.

How we couldn't keep our hands by ourselves in the hallway.

His lips which explored my body.

Sex. Passionate sex.

Oh no. How could this happen? Not that I did not want it or that it wasn't good, it was the opposite because it was really good. It is only that I fear potential problems I could face now. Max is a driver for our team, and I am not sure if I was allowed to get this close to him. We couldn't even deny it because people have seen us on the party. Great, I think to myself before I decide to get up with a sight.

Quickly I dress with some lose clothes and walk into the direction of my kitchen but stop in the middle of my hallway. Why does it smell like food in here and who is making these noises in the kitchen? With slow steps I walk closer to the door and lean carefully against the doorway. Surprised I lift one of my eyebrows. Is this a dream or is this really Max Verstappen standing in my kitchen, making something in a pan?

He seems to notice me in the doorway because he turns his head into my direction. "Good morning." Max greets me with a friendly grin. Still confused I walk closer to him. "You are still here." I say and sound as confused as I feel. "Of course, why not?" Max shrugs his shoulders and does not seem to see something strange with him still being here.

I walk even closer and look over his shoulder. "And you make pancakes?" now I am even more surprised. Why is he standing here after our one-nightstand in my kitchen and makes pancakes?

"Yes, I though you might be hungry when you wake up. Or don't you like pancakes?" Max asked, now with a bit of fear in his voice.

"Smiling I open one of the cabinets to get two plates for us. "I do like pancakes, and I am hungry. Thank you for preparing breakfast." I thank him and maybe it isn't that strange that he is still here instead of sneaking away in the morning.

A relieved breath leaves Max lips, and he pulls me close by my waist. Satisfied he places his chin on my head and pulls me even closer. For a second, I tense up but manage to relax in his arms. What could I wish more for than being cuddled against a tall man who is making me pancakes for breakfast?

Where is my Max who makes me breakfast?

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