Chapter 3

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   It was finally dinner time, which meant it also time to get Audrina up. During the time Tohru was preparing the meal, Yuki and Kyo were off in their rooms. Hatori returned to the estate and as much as he tried to keep Audrina's return a secret........ word got out.

  Haru returned as well, not without stepping into the room and saying goodbye to Audri. Being the person she is, she didn't fail to say Goodnight and to be careful on the walk home. To that Haru left the house with a soft smile on his face and a warm feeling.

   Everyone, despite her knowing, had already planned how she was going to spend her return. Audrina was oblivious to the fact that Yuki wanted to have a conversation with her revolving around her visiting him when he was locked in Akito's room. He was desperate to figure out why she wasn't the one to take him in after hearing that Haru asked her first before Shigure. That's what made it hard to approach her. Why did she refuse to live with him despite knowing how he was treated.

   Kyo had his questions he figured he never would find the answer to. Why was she the only one that treated him kindly other than his master? Especially considering that she was a member of the Zodiac. Although Akito never talked about her, she was still a keen member that everyone adored. However, when she visited his Master's dojo, she looked different....... And extremely fragile. That was the time that changed her behavior. She didn't even bother to spare him a glance. Instead, she only talked to Kazuma and stayed in the guest room.

   Haru simply wanted her back. He knew the impact her presence not only had on him, but everyone else. With Rin being extremely sick he believed Audrina could be there for her or provide a older female comfort that didn't look down or abuse her. He wanted everyone to get that warm feeling he felt when she said her goodbye. It was something he missed entirely and that's what he set out for.

  Hatori, once he looked at the date, didn't know what to do. He left and said his Goodbyes to her, but he saw the longing and depression that overcame her. It's like Audri had such an impact on his life that he was unsure that being there for her was enough. While Shigure had been planning for this day for a while. He needed Audri to compete his goal and with her help, he could break the curse.

  And of course Tohru wanted nothing more to have a conversation with Audri. She found her extremely beautiful and it was as if no matter what she did, she had a sort of elegance to it. The colorful personalities of all the other Zodiacs made her want to find out more.

  "Audri! Dinner time", Shigure hummed as he got up from his desk in the same room. He was writing at his desk when he smelt the food. She had slept all day, and was feeling better after letting her body unwind for more than 2 hours. So it's not that his voice gave her a headache because of his tone. It was because he has been talking non -stop.

  "I said I'm not hungry", she spoke. Her voice was clear this time. It was like hunny and unintentionally had a sultry tone to it. Her voice alone was what had anyone falling for her.

  "Still not in a mood huh", he eyes her as she got up. "This wouldn't have anything to do with Amrin would it?".

  She froze and sighed. The hair tie already holding her hair back, she took out and shook it to put it back into a low ponytail. "What do you want from me Shigure", she turned around and walked up to tower over him.

  "I can't just want you to be around. Meet Tohru and have a lovely dinner.", he put his hand over his heart, speaking with indifference.

  "No", she flatly stated, "But I'll stay and then I'm leaving." Before she turned around and walked out of the room, she squatted down and made direct eye contact. Shigure stared back with a menacing grin. "2 things....... I'm not going to be apart of whatever sick game you doing. And DON'T mention that name again ."

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