Chapter 17

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   For the next week, Audri had been staying at Shigure's place. He's been taking her to work, and she refused to have her pick her up, given the times varies in which she left, so she walked.

One morning, Shigure thought it was best to explore her work place. Secretly he just wanted to gain more information on who her boss was. There was something Audrina wasn't telling anyone. And he had to get to the bottom of it.

"What do you think you're doing", Audrina spoke. Her voice had been the same since the day she started staying with Shigure. It was tired-like.

Shigure closed the car door, and walked up to her, grabbing her briefcase from her hand, "Why I would like to explore your workplace. See what my Audri does for work."

Audrina didn't bother to continue arguing with him. She just groaned and turned to walk in. Her office was at the end of the hall on the fourth floor. She typically took the stairs, which was some part of the reason Shigure was huffing as he reached the final level.

"Audri...... why... must you take such rigorous path."

Audrina stopped and turned. She wore a formal burgundy paint suit, as her hair was now styled in two braids, situating back into a bun. She crossed her arms and waited till the man out of breath reached her and stood before her. Looking up, her lips turned up slightly from the look of his discomfort. But instead of answering back, she leaned in to get her case.

"Oh a kiss goodbye!", Shigure exclaimed.

Audrina rolled her eyes, but when she was close enough for his mouth  to be right next to her ears he whispered this time.

"Is he the infamous Kieran I've heard about."

Audrina's eyes widened as she whipped her head around to see Kieran standing outside his office. He leaned up against the border of his door, arms folded and Audrina couldn't explain what was going on in her mind upon seeing him. Especially in their situation.

He wore his own set of formal clothing. A fitting black button up shirt that hugged his skin and a similar color color pants as her outfit. Audrina noticed immediately that he wasn't looking at her. But instead, his eyes were locked on Shigure. In fact they were burning holes. She'd seen him serious but only in manners dealing with clients. Never outside of meetings, but there he was.

"Sure", she sternly spoke, snatching her brief case from him, "Now leave...."

"Why don't I introduce myself", he smirked and walked around Audrina. Ignoring her whispers of protest. He was already standing right outside Kieran's door when Audrina gave up. "Hello"

Kieran just blankly stared at him and looked over him once, "Hi", he spoke his voice and face unimpressed.

"Ummm", Audrina stepped beside Shigure. Kieran's eyes looked to her and they turned soft. A cue that Shigure only caught. "This is Shigure, my........ friend. Shigure.... Kieran."

"Nice to meet you", Kieran turned back to Shigure, his eyes back to unamused.

Shigure smiled his known one that urks people. Audrina knew he was up to something so not letting it go in any further, she grabbed both of his shoulders and turned him around, "Leave.".

"Alright alright", Shigure chuckled and of course he couldn't leave without starting something he couldn't finish himself so, before heading around the corner to the elevator, he called out, "See you at home Audri!"

Audrina turned around immediately and was already apologizing, "I'm so sorry about him..... I'll bring a leash next ti..."

"I didn't know you were........with someone", Kieran strained. He sounded hurt saying that sentence alone.

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