Chapter 8

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    Once finding the will power to return, Audrina opened the door to the back entrance of the annex. Not surprised to see Hatori and Shigure facing each other phone in hand. When she caught their gaze, relief seemed to swarm both of them.

      "Audri! how nice of you to return.", Shigure smiled. Hatori on the other hand walked up and stood directly in front of her pressing the back of his hand against her forehead. Once feeling no fever ,  he sighed.

"Where did you sleep?"

   She didn't answer instead she walked around him not forgetting her "excuse me", and made it to the room in which the closet he's she forgot to take were. She change out of the blue romper and put on a long pants black one. The pair waited for her to return and when she did, Hatori handed her a cup of tea.

   "Thank you", her voice was sort of horse. She didn't speak at all that morning until then. So the warm beverage soothed her sore throat. "Doesn't matter. Where are the kids?."

    "They are still here, but if you don't mind. Akito request Kyo finally. I was just about to go inform him. Care to be company?", Shigure stepped forward. Audrina's eyed him from behind her cup of tea. After drinking it fully she shook her head.

    "Akito doesn't wish to see Kyo. She wishes to see   how Tohru is having an impact on him. Don't play me as a fool.", she rolled her eyes. "Where is she, I'll go but let me talk to her."

  Hatori eyes widened slightly, "Do you believe that is a good idea."

    "Not at all, but I couldn't care less what she does to me. I only concerned for a select few.", she handed Hatori her now empty cup and headed in the direction Shigure pointed. He was elated to say the least. His plan was not only falling into place perfectly, but it was doing so without him meddling. Talking to Akito was something Audri decided to do on her own. And as she approached the room, she knocked. Confidence in the way she made her presence known.

     "What do you want", Akito didn't have to know it was Audrina to act as such. So Audrina acted on what she did best. With instinct. She didn't tell Akito it was her for she knew she would send her away. Instead, she opened the door, and witnessed her sitting at a table. Leaned over it. Sick and tired. Her head was wedged between her elbow and forearm, but soon as Audri entered, she peeked with one eye from the corner. Akito simply chuckled when she saw Audri. On the other hand Audri didn't find anything humorous.

  "You must have gone insane to walk in here without permission."

   She walked up to the opposite wall and leaned her back against it while crossing her arms. "Why is it you decide now of all times it is best to talk with Kyo. Last time I checked you've never voluntarily wanted to speak with him."

    Akito lifted herself up to prop her chin on her elbow. She looked at Audrina's as if she wasn't more than a bug on the wall. Disgusted. "Not like it's any of your business but I'd wish to talk to him. Remind him of his place....... Don't tell me you're attached to the Honda girl too."

    Audrina shook her head, "My concern is Kyo", her voice steady and calm.

  "Why? He's a disgusting creature."

   "He's a young man who happened to be born into a curse. Nothing less.", she responded. More with a sharpness in her tone. Akito's eyes widened from the response. "I am in no position to ask you to leave him alone but are roles are very similar Akito- "

    "Don't dare compare yourself to me!I am your God!", she lifted herself up and stood. Audrina stared half-lid at the woman. Not flinching even the slightest.

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