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Amrin's Perspective

I woke up to beeping. Obnoxious beeping. When it came to a point that after 5 minutesit wouldn't simmer, my eyes grudgingly opened to see my phone vibrating along with the noise.

For others reasons that the fact it was actually beeping, I was awake. Reaching my hand over to inspect what was the reason.

I never set alarms. Why the he-

"Amrin!? Are you visiting?", my mothers voice echoed from down stairs. I checked the back of my phone. Seeing the school logo of my college I got my answer to her question.

Apparently so. I don't recall planning it.

She didn't come up to see exactly if it was me. But she never did. Nothing out of the ordinary about that. I see the time that my alarm was set to. The date; finding further confusion.

It's Saturday. Why was my alarm set for 10 on a Saturday. I don't have classes nor plans at-least for this day.

Shaking it off I got up brushed my teeth and headed down stairs. My dad must of had work today instead of the usual weekends off. My mom stood in the kitchen, back to me fixing breakfast.

"Good morning."

She turned a smile on her face as she came around to hug me. "Morning", and like she was expecting someone else she looked behind me. Where I just came from the flight of stairs. She scrunched her eyebrows but it was only for a second before turning and finishing up breakfast.

I sat on the other side of the counter on my phone. We talked about classes and grades until she finished and that's when she asked me a weird question.

"Go tell Audrina she should eat. She must be tired if she didn't come down with you."

I tilted my head and looked back up the stairs. An involuntary 'huh' came from me as I tried to understand. Had they adopted a child? A dog with a human name.

"Oh come on", my mother carried on. I noticed she was fixing three plates. Dad wasn't home at the moment. But if they adopted someone how the hell would they even know who is was. Had I'd forgotten? "You two are adults now, if you share the room that's not my-."

"Woah what?", I interrupt her. "There's no one up there with me."

She turned around, a slight frown, "Is she okay?"

Ok I don't really enjoy being confused. So it was pure passive frustration that held the tone when I spoke. "Who are you talking about?"


"Amrin without his other half?", my roommate tilted his head as I entered. "I've come to look forward to her."

"The hell you going on about", I settled my bag down and started unpacking. That is until I zipped it open and saw all the clothes and utilities. Just the thought had me resentful. Instead I just hopped onto the bed and started on my phone.

"Audrina. Thought it was pretty clear. Or are we waiting for me to call her your wife again? You two honestly make me sick. And by you two.... I mean you."

Fed up i lower my phone, "Ok who is Audrina. My mom brought her up too. It's a really weird joke if that's what's going on."

"Wait", he sat up now serious. "Did y'all break up?"


It was a while before that name came up again. I started to play it off as some kind of sick joke that was running way too seriously from people around me. Because no where have I heard that name before other than from them.

That is until early morning, walking into one of the main buildings, it sounded again.

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