Chapter 30

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"Audrina", he spoke again. She shook her head.

"I know. I'm sorry for leading you on..... that wasn't fair to you at all.", she shifted in place.

"What's the curse?", he opted out. She squeezed her arm at that. It wasn't something that he needed to know. And Rin was......

Audrina hadn't seen Rin. She looked back her mind now overrided with that spare thought. She assumed that she was at Kazuma's and was to call him after this conversation.

"It's nothing you need you be concerned about", she spoke softly. "And that's not what this is about."

Kieran was more confused than anything. She could tell. And it killed her because he had every right to be confused. She shouldn't have dragged it on. This was her fault and she had to deal with the consequences.

She  opened her mouth to say another apology but Kieran beat her to it.  "Is this suppose to be some kind of sick joke."

Her eyes bulged, " No. I-."

"You didn't have to come to my place on New Years. You didn't have to answer that phone call. And you didn't have to leave."

"Y-yes I did.", she mumbled.

"Because of the curse."

"Forget about the damn curse!", she broke. "Why are you having trouble understanding what I'm trying to say."

He stepped inside, him inches away. Despite the arguement m. Despite everything. She didn't feel intimidated. She didn't feel small. Simone how, even when they were both starting to get riled up, she still felt.... Ok.

"You haven't given me a reason", his voice oddly calm. "Saying I'd be better off with someone else, is a bullshit reason, because truthfully Audrina......I wouldn't . So try again."

She swallowed the lump in her throat as he admitted. He wasn't going anywhere and she'd have to find something else to drive him away. But looking up at him, matching the energy, she went at a blank. She rubbed her arm and sighed, "Thank you for tonight.... I'll see you tomorrow."

And like that she turned and walked off to her kitchen. She'd hope he would get the hint. Leave. Because she was running out of excuses. Running out of her cold exterior. She was on empty and yet it wasn't enough. Because she heard footsteps coming up behind her.

"What were you going to tell me on New Years?"

"Doesn't matter", she mumbled and went to her fridge to grab the bottle of wine that was calling her name since she told him about her trip to America. It was on her mind since.

She felt the silence. The air grew heavy all of a sudden. She turned not bothering to pour a glass and took a swing. She was going to need a lot.

Kieran squinted his eyes at her. She was confused as to what he was doing but her eye's flicked to the front entrance. He needed to leave.

"I'll see you-."

"You know 5 years ago, I didn't know what I was doing starting my own law firm."

She kept a neutral face as she took another swig. This time taking in more of the alcohol. Kieran watched her carefully, he was mostly reading her behavior. She didn't have the patience or right mental frame to notice.

"I wanted to grow, be able to have so many clients that I needed to hire someone who would assist me in coordinating and assessing who would be the next priority.", he took as seat and casually as if they weren't just arguing a few seconds ago. Audrina eyed him. Her own mauve eyes droopy. He propped hjs elbow up and rested his head against it. "When it got to that point, I was so excited to find someone to be my partner. But I wasn't just looking for someone who could organize clients. I wanted someone smart beyond their job, someone I could build a level of trust with that it didn't matter what the next task was."

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