The Beginning

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An: So I'll be posting these as a "spin off", to showcase the escalation of Amrins and Audrina's relationship and her entire backstory in general. You'll know they are special with the "non-numbered" chapter.

Audrina, wore her school uniform. She sat towards of the front of the classroom. Shigure to her right and Ayame to her left. She was face down writing down the procedure for the end of the year project that was announced, as the teacher explained.

"I've noticed that choosing your partner has been mostly a disaster."

Audrina scoffed. She knew the teacher only said that because of the two idiots on each side of her. They have ruined self-partnered projects since they were in middle school. And now was the only time, the teacher was willing to break from their ways.

"So I will be picking your partners for you."

The whole classroom went abrupt. Sighing, groaning, anything to demonstrate their frustration. Audrina was slightly disappointed herself but didn't show it. She usually picked her friend Paris, who sat infront of her to be her partner. Only because they both knew how to get their work done efficiently. Not caring about hurting feelings, because in the end, it was a grade.

Paris had turned around, making Audrina lift her head. She smiled as she saw the sarcastic pout on her face.

"Cry all you want but, do it after I call who your partner is so you don't miss it."

On top of her paper, Audrina had put her own name, and lifted her head as the teacher starting calling partners. Ready to write whoever was to be her working pair. She knew she could work with anyone, it wasn't the matter of who her partner is, it was how much of a workload would be put on her to get it done on time and efficiently.

"Shigure, your partner is Paris"

Immediately Audrina starting laughing. She couldn't hold it in. Paris dramatically, flopped her head down onto the desk groaning.

"Have fun", Audrina spoke through her laugh. She had glanced over to Shigure who wore a face of offense but none the less, that would change the fact that no one wished to be partnered with him.

Names were continued to be called and it was getting to the point Audrina thought that she would be working alone . Which she didn't mind one bit. Working by herself meant going at her own pace. But just as the idea went to her head, her name was called.

"Audrina your partner will be", the teacher looked up and scanned the classroom. Noticing the person on her sheet was not in class. Saving the suspense she walst over to her desk to check her laptop. Just to see that he hadn't shown up that day at all.

"Your partner decided today would be the day to miss class", she sighed. Audrina had placed her pencil down on the space to write her partners name. She quirked an eyebrow up and looked around the classroom too. Seeing no one was missing which had he confused. , "But nonethe less, your partner will be Amrin."

"Damn", it was Paris's turn to laugh. She looked back at Audrina who wrote down Amrins name with no hesitation. "You have fun with no-show."

"Better than dumbbell", Audrina pointed her thumb to Shigure.

"Hey!", he shouted. But Audrina just rolled her eyes. She had searched the classroom again after hearing his name and found his desk. At the very back of the classroom, she saw that the chair was indeed empty. Amrin rarely showed up to class, and when he did , he always sat in the back, hoodie on and laid his head down the entire time. People said he was just lazy, other people said he worked after school and was always tired in the morning.

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