Chapter 32

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   The ambulance came to immediately take Rin to the hospital. She was in too much of a terrible stage to try and disapprove. Hatori was with Audrina when they were taking her off and despite her desperate to try and ride back to the hospital with Rin, he insisted that he should after she told him Kieran was still outside.

Or she thought, because while they were assessing Rin, Audrina not to far behind with Kureno and Hatori on either side of her, she heard her name from a distance.

"Audrina!", she turned, her eyes wide form hearing his voice. Kieran had approached the scene. Him frantically looking around as he searched for her. His eyes landing on her and his body moved before she could stop him. Hatori watched as Kieran approached and immediately grasped each side of her shoulders.

"I thought I told you to not come.", she whispered looking back as they placed Rin on a stretcher. Kieran followed her gaze and he wasn't expecting the scene or the state in which she'd be in.

"I saw an ambulance and you weren't back yet so I had to check on you. What happened?", that's when he saw Hatori.

"I should of came here earlier", Audrina spoke to herself. Kieran looked back down at her. She was in her head conjuring up possibilities if she was just more aware. Seeing they had finally placed Rin in the back of the ambulance, her feet moved on their own.

Kieran watched with a confused expression.

"We can take only one person, to ride with her. Everyone else will have to meet her at the hospital.", the EMT stated.

"I'll go...", she stepped up.

"Audrina.", she felt a hand on her shoulder accompanied with Hatori's voice. "You should probably talk to-."

"No", she shook her head, "This is probably the first time I don't want to talk to her. If she's not going to listen to me.. it's best I spend my time on anything else that wasting it with her."

  Kureno and Hatori simataneously rose their eyebrows out of shock. They looked to each other and then back at the woman as for the first time, she regetted the idea of talking to Akito. Kieran noticed the surprised glance before calmly walking up to face Audrina.

"I'll drive you to the hospital; We'll be on their tail.", he tried to reason.

"I have to go.", Hatori stepped up. "They need to know about her previous medical history."

Audrina took a minute before answering. The EMT's were starting to get antsy  for an answer. She was just in time to speak up before they were going to rush an answer from her. With utter strain she spoke, "Go." She didn't look up at any of them as she turned around. Kieran watched as she continued to to walk away, he turned to the only persons he knows out of the trio. Quickly before Hatori got into the ambulance, he nodded his head towards the woman walking away.

Taking it as a silent que, Kieran broke away from his confused state and started after her. Kureno had also started walking, contrary to Audrina, he was on his way to talk with Akito.

As the lights to the ambulance faded in the distance, the sound of Kieran calling her name became dominant in the now silent surrounding.

"Hey", he caught up walking alongside her.  "What happened to her?"

"Nothing", she spat. Only because the thought of the truth made her disgusted.

"Uh-uh", he rounded to stop he in her tracks. Audrina merely gave in , she looked up as he finished, "Fine don't tell me what happened to her, but just take a minute. She is now in good hands getting help. I will take you to the hospital, but it'd do neither of y'all good if you go in mad."

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