Chapter 25

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   And they won..... more times than the rest would like to count. By the time they were all finished it was a couple of hour before midnight. That when a inversion moment of 20 questions came into play. And of course Audrina was the target.

"So Audrina..... I heard you're not a sweet tooth."

Audrina shook her head. Kieran had leaned back on the couch they were sitting out. His form relaxed. She glanced back him, and rose an eyebrow. In order for them to know such fact, he had to have told them. "You told on me."

He smirked,  "I did"

She scoffed, rolling her eyes to turn back to Ethan, "No, I'm not."

He nodded, and next to him, Lucius mimicked Kieran, and leaned back against the couch. He had finished his glass and looked to the ceiling when he spoke, "Trust me he has told on you more than a few times sweetheart."

Audrina once again turned back to him. Kieran sighed and dragged a hand down his face. She could only make out the hint of embarrassment on his features. That was before he changed his expression as quickly as it came.

She could only think of the fact that clearly he's been talking about her. Her heart fluttered at the simple thought. But instead of showing it she, turned back to Ethan. "It's only fair that I know more about him.", she quirked an eyebrow, "Give me something valuable."

"Hell yeah", Ethan perked up, "You know he's afraid of bunnies."

She was caught off guard as, she receievd that information while taking a drink from her glass. She almost chock and had to quickly swallow. And once again her gaze went behind her to the male. Kieran this time didn't try to hide his embarrassment. He threw his forearm over his face to cover his eyes.

However he felt her looking at him and smiling, "I'm not going to explain myself", he mumbled. Audrina chuckled and turned back to Ethan for more information.

"How long?"

"Since we were kids", Lucius chimed in. "We had a class bunny too in high school. Our boy here sat on the other side of the classroom all year."

  Audrina laughed at this. Kieran groaned and she felt the couch shift. He rose to his feet and looked back to hold out a hand. Audrina had the glass of wine in one hand as she was ready to ask for more. All of his friends easily got on her good side. She stopped her conversation as soon as she saw the hand and looked up.

"How about we not talk my completely rational fear, and get some fresh air?"

   "Yea that's sounds nice thank-.", Ethan patted his hands on his lap about to stand to but Kieran turned to him immediately turning him down.

"Not you... sit down", he said annoyed.

Ethan chuckled and fell back into the chair, he kicked one leg on top of the other and cheered his drink to no one in particular before downing the rest. Lucius beside him flicked his hand.

"Just be back by this year", he too drunk the rest of his drink.

  "No extended curfew?", Audrina smiled. Her energy matched with them both facing her. While the two to the other side of her were relatively quiet. She didn't notice but it only was due to the silent exchange of conversation they were holding with each other.

Lucius only smirked and shook his head. So Audrina took her opposite hand and grabbed onto Kieran's. They made their way outside where the warm temperature hit her skin. It soothed her senses and soon enough, they were walking side by side.

She noticed that his house was right beside a huge lake. The moonlight gleamed against the surface. It too reflecting the sparkle of the stars the coated the night sky. She was on the side closest to the lake, and again her distraction was enough to have her blank out. But there was someone who was willing to reel her back in.

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