Chapter 10

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Audrina slept in the next day. More than she usually would have. Hatori was on the verge of waking her up, until she woke up herself around noon. Still she refused to get out of bed. She kept in his room until she felt it wasn't appropriate to lay down anymore.

When she opened her eyes, she wasn't surprised to see that Hatori had already left his side of the bed; The covers drawn back. She also noticed on the bed side table their was a glass of water. There was no note, nothing that she expected so she gratefully took the water and downed some of it before officially leaving the bed and the room. Her hair continued to remain in a low puff, away from any trouble and her night clothes stayed the same: shorts and a hoodie.

The halls were quiet, even as she passed Akito's room. Though her eagerness to talk with her God still stirred in her body, she put it off to take the moment of silence in. The halls were chilled, goosebumps rose on her skin, and just beyond the hallway was the kitchen that was lit. She prepared for anyone to be there, expecting it to be one that she didn't have the energy to talk to, but a soon as she stepped into the room and turned the table and loft under the window, occupying one of the chairs was the missing man from the bedroom.

Hatori was facing the window, a steaming cup of tea in front of him when Audrina spoke.

"Good morning", she fought the yawn that crept her way to her throat. There was some more tea left in the kettle upon further notice which had her focus.

"Good morning", he replied, not turning around, he had his glasses on and was looking down at a stack of papers she assumed to be doctor work. Which reminded her of her job she was soon to return to. Ready to turn too. Loving your occupation on top of searching for the perfect distraction came hand and hand. She counted the days till she returned.  "Help your yourself", he sensed it before she was going to ask.

Audrina didn't hesitate as she thanked him and poured herself a cup. Not forgetting to add her amount full of honey. Finishing up, she quietly walked over to the loft under the window and stretched herself on top of it, looking out the window. It showed a clear view of the ocean. The waves crashed against each other, rough compared to yesterday when she spent the day with Tohru. The sky was clear however, so the rough nature didn't have anything to do with the weather. Or indication that something was to come.

Either way she continue appreciating the view, until the doctor was finished sorting his work. Hearing his straighten the stack of papers by tapping them on the desk drew her focus to the male. He had his suit on, black and white, and those eyes were on her; peering from behind his glasses. When they made eye contact she knew what conversation was ahead of them. So she didn't bother to make him say the first word.

"I meant every word I said last night. I'll only apologize for my tone.", she turned back to the ocean view, feeling what she said was enough to sum everything. She took another sip from her cup, enjoying the feel of the warm liquid soothing her throat. Hatori sighed and laid back against his chair. "I understand your concern but—."

"Do you?", Audrina interrupted calmly. She didn't turn to him this time. He shut his mouth at that question. She continued, "Do you really understand my concern or is that just a gateway to make it about my safety. Because I don't know if you've forgotten but I don't care about my safety. That's the beauty of this entire thing. Why I never came back. Never answered your calls. That's why you have me sleeping in your room. Because you know too how far my concern goes. So please rephrase that; because you don't.", she said that last words softly. Her tone was even as if she was talking to one of her clients, not wanting to let her emotions take over even as they raged beneath her skin.

Hatori's eyes flashed shocked. But she wasn't able to see it. Not a moment during her statement did she even move an inch. He watched, letting the silence sink in. Truly listening to what she had to say, taking every word out of her mouth with thought. When he first got the call from Shigure that she was back, he was up in an instant, but when he got to the house, seeing the state she was in, all the excitement and hopefulness died down. She was no better than when she left. And as much as she believed she changed, he knew that the only thing that changed was how open she was to confronting people. Before she did it in silence. Behind closed doors, now Hatori notice she has no problem telling Akito straight up; getting under her skin.

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