New Way Of Belief

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Two days later, Jimin and Jungkook found themselves waking up peacefully together again. The omega practically lived with Jungkook since a while now, and it felt all too good to be true. Jungkook's fingers trailed against the curve of the boy's face sweetly as said boy's eyes fluttered open softly. A smile stretched itself onto his soft pink lips as he took in the look of pure adoration onto his lover's face. Their legs were tangled together in a beautiful mess and the omega could feel his alpha's body heat abnormally high. A simple twitch of his thigh was enough for him to feel the hardness that was already laying on it. Jimin's eyes widened a bit as a playful smile took over his lips. Jungkook wasn't really embarrassed but a shy blush still decorated his cheeks. "So excited in this early morning...was I too beautiful for your poor heart?" The boy teased as he rut his thigh softly onto Jungkook's hardness. The sharp intake of breath from his alpha followed by his tightening grip on his waist had Jimin giggling softly. "I'm always excited when with you. Your simple presence is enough to have me all over the place. And yes, you're way too beautiful for this world." The alpha's gaze was soft and in love as his lips touched Jimin's forehead. "You should see yourself alpha. You look just as phenomenal if not more." Jimin brought his chin down to kiss him sweetly. Jungkook brought his hips impossibly closer to his omega's, feeling his beautiful boyfriend's blooming excitement. They took all the time they needed to love each other with passion. Satisfying each other in a way only they knew how to, before finally getting up to eat breakfast. "Taehyung wanted to hang out today. He invited you as well. would you like to come to the village?" Jimin spoke softly between two bites of meat. "What are we going to do?" "Usually, we like to walk around in the village and go see what our people are selling. It always differs with the weeks. Sometimes we find really fun stuff, like handmade jewelry and goodies. " Jungkook smiled as Jimin spoke, finding sweet that the boy seemed to be trying to convince him of coming. "Well then, I'll come for sure. Discovering new things is always on my to do list." Jimin made a sound of victory that had the alpha chuckling softly. "aren't you so adorable?" he almost whispered as his hand came to cup the boy's cheek. Jimin grimaced at him playfully to prove him wrong but it only reenforced the alpha's point. After their breakfast was finished, they went to the lake together to wash themselves before Jimin lead his handsome alpha to his village. After a while, they emerged from the forest and into the small village. Jungkook took his omega's hand in his as he felt a small excitement build up in himself at the thought of discovering new things again today. Jimin smiled to himself and continued to lead him until they were nose to nose with Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi's front door. Jimin knocked one time and just as he was about to knock a second time, the door opened to a disheveled Hoseok who looked very much half asleep. "Jiminie, please knock a bit softer next time you come so early okay? Yoongi's still sleeping and he had a rough night" Hoseok asked with a kind smile after greeting the two wolves. Taehyung appeared behind Hoseok and kissed his cheek sweetly before joining the two other boys outside with a wide smile. "Let's go explore now!" Taehyung, unlike Hoseok, looked fresh as a rose. Hoseok kissed Taehyung one last time with a soft warning to not come back too late or to come tell them if he was to stay out later and then closed the door with a wave to the two other boys. Jungkook found himself chatting happily with Taehyung while they walked around the village. He was so happy that they got along well and that they had similar interests. Jimin took part in the conversation and held the brightest smile until they arrived to their first favorite little boutique. They walked into the big hut and Jungkook let out a gasp at the bright colors around them. The shop's walls were covered in a wide variety of fabrics on one side, and on the other, an even wider range of colorful jewelry. "Oh god!" They heard a gasp followed by a multitude of following exclamations. The three friends turned their head to the four other customers that were previously just as calm as them. It only took about five seconds for them all to understand the situation. Their eyes were all set on Jungkook in shock and fear. "He's the one Jeong-Hoon talked about right? It's totally him, I've never seen him around and that's Jimin right?" The tall woman spoke in rush and fear, almost hiding behind an even taller alpha that Jimin knows to be one of his fathers hunting partners. "Yep that's him...What the hell are you doing in our village? Fucking monster! How dare you step even a foot out of your fucking hole?!" Jungkook's eyes widened in fear and his breathing picked up. This was exactly what he was fearing would happen. "Can't even speak now? You were quite good at showing us your teeth the other day though weren't you" Another Alpha spoke as he got considerably closer to Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes flashed red but Jimin and Taehyung were quicker. They ran out of the hut, bringing Jungkook with them and rushing back to where they knew they would be safer. "Go get the others!" They heard one of the Alphas shout and the sound of running footsteps behind them. They were so lucky that their respective huts were almost neighbor. They arrived to Taehyung's hut first. Knocking loudly on the door so that they would know something was up. They then went by Jimin and then Namjoon and Jin's huts before finally, the other wolf had catched up enough to them to grab onto Jimin's shirt and pull him back, making him fall on the ground with a painful groan. Jungkook's eyes turned completely golden. He turned himself to face the disgusting alpha who had dared to try to hurt his lover, his teeth baring in the most terrifying growl he'd ever heard himself let out. Having heard the commotion, Hoseok and Yoongi almost ran out of their hut, followed by Jimin's father and mother from their own, and soon enough Namjoon and Jin as well. They all looked at each other in confusion before taking in the scene before them. Jimin was on the ground, stained with mud and kept under control by an Alpha Jimin's father knew to be his hunting partner, While Jungkook was seconds away from pouncing on said Alpha, having turned into his wolf form immediately at the sound of his lovers fall. Taehyung was in his wolf form as well, teeth bared at the alpha who was holding his best friend hostage. Jimin's father saw red. Who in their right mind would hurt his precious son without thinking about the consequences? The now way more numerous wolves gathered around the scene in a hurry and as Jungkook let out his final howl and started running towards his pray, Jimin's father intervened. He ran between the two as fast as he could and snatched Jimin away from the alpha that was holding him hostage because he knew that in this state, Jungkook could have hurt him without realizing his actions. As soon as Jimin was out of his compromising position, He yelled as loud as he could, not even howled, just yelled as loud as he could in a successful attempt at distracting Jungkook. The confused Alpha immediately turned to his lover in fear and as their golden eyes met, Jimin let their bond take over, ordering his Alpha to calm himself down. Jungkook turned back to his human form, falling on his knees softly and Jimin walked to him, hugging him. The aggressive Aplha that was targeting Jungkook was still very unhappy and let out a chuckle when the other Alpha's they had called earlier came running to his side. "It's him! You can get whatever you want, I'm out." The Alpha gave no more details and left the scene as if nothing had just happened. The Alphas took a moment to look at each other and then at the scene in front of them. Yoongi was the first to take action and walked with assurance only to stop in front of Jungkook and Jimin, who were still on the ground. His movement was followed by Taehyung, Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon, and Jimin's mother. Jimin's father finally decided to join them with a look in his eyes that could only be described as convinced. The scene had attracted many other wolves from the village and they could hear gasps and whispers everywhere around them. The Alphas in front of them bared their teeth at them in a vicious way, hissing aggressively and getting ready to run towards them.


Jimin's father shouted, letting his alpha amplifie his voice's length. The other Alpha's stopped in shock at the sudden loud voice.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Trying to attack this boy you don't even fucking know just because you decide to believe in fake rumors that people like to throw out about him?! Yes I admit that I did believe in these rumors up until some time ago! And thus I was blinded by rage when I discovered that Jungkook was my son's true mate, and acted selfishly by trying to attack him! I now realize, Just like you all should, from today on, that this boy right here, was targeted for trying to protect himself from people like us! People who believed too easily and tried to kill him for it. This boy! This boy lived in our forest without anyone to look over him for this amount of fucking years, and was attacked for no reason, had to learn to fend for himself at such a young age, survived through a horrible life, and yet, he's still the most fucking well mannered Alpha I know! Even after I tried to kill him, he came to my home with my beautiful son and bowed down to me. He BOWED down to a man who tried to kill him! He never asked for pity of any sort and tried his best to impress the asshole that wanted his death a day ago. And this man that I until recently completely hated for who he wasn't, is the most respectful person I've seen in this village. He treats his loved ones like royalty and has been the best mate I could ever ask for my son! I am not ashamed of saying this now. My son has never been more happy than now with him in all his years of being in this village. Now we all need to grow up and see what's really happening here. We believed the words of people in the wrong for so long and now I ask of you all to stop. This man has never even ended one person's life. May it be hard to believe for some of you, but he's just a normal person like you and me. A man in love and trying to live his life peacefully!"

Jimin's father stopped speaking. His eyes had tears of frustration peeking up. The crowd around them was completely silent and Jimin and Jungkook, who were still on the ground together, were looking at each other in complete shock. Jimin had never heard his father speak like that before, and in this moment he knew that his father had finally completely acknowledged his feelings for Jungkook, Happy tears brimmed at their eyes and they rested their foreheads together. The silence was soon broken by the sound of someone clapping. The sound was soon followed by more and more clapping sounds and everyone that was in front of Jimin and Jungkook smiled at the sight. People had believed in lies for so long, it was so easy for them now to believe the truth...

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