Iceburgh and the Gang Episode 3: Bracket Challenge

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One day at Fleury's house in Pittsburgh, Fleury is sitting on his sofa in his living room with Iceburgh.
"Wow, I can't believe that the playoffs are coming up..." Fleury looks up at Iceburgh. "Aren't you excited? We're in it!"
Iceburgh claps happily.
"Yes, yes, we always make it because I'm the goalie!" Fleury smirks. " should we prepare for the playoffs? Any suggestions, Iceburgh?"
Iceburgh scratches his head, thinking hard. Then he got up and exits the living room.
"Hey, Iceburgh!" Fleury turns around, looking at the way his Penguin friend exited. "Come back! That's not cool leaving me just like that! Come back here!!!" He narrows his brown eyes at the doorway.
A few seconds later, Iceburgh walks back in, carrying two iPads.
"Oh could've just told me that you were gonna get iPads... You almost got me thinkin' that we were done being friends." Fleury turns back around as Iceburgh sits down.
Iceburgh smacks Fleury's head softly and hands him an iPad. Then with his own, he goes to the NHL Game Center app and taps on the 'Bracket Challenge' section.
" we're gonna do the Bracket Challenge...okay!" Fleury unlocks his iPad and goes over to the bracket challenge. "So...let's see..." He sees the empty brackets. "Bruins versus Red Wings. Who do you think's gonna win that series?"
Iceburgh shakes his head.
"Non? C'mon, someone's gotta win!"
Iceburgh does some motions, communicating with Fleury.
"Iceburgh, the Penguins cannot win this series! They're not even in the series! But we can win this one..." Fleury taps on the Penguins' icon that was next to the Blue Jackets'. "There. Now who's gonna win: Bruins or Red Wings?"
Iceburgh just continues shaking his head.
"Aiy, alright: Bruins got this one; Red Wings have no chance." Fleury touches the Bruin's icon. "And how many games is it gonna take? I say...four." Fleury taps on the '4' next to the box the two icons are in. "Okay, now for the Canadians and Lightning... Oh man, good bye, Lightning!" Fleury taps the Canadians' icon. "And that'll also be four games!" He clicks on the '4'. "Iceburgh, do you know how the Lightning got into the playoffs?"
Iceburgh shakes his head.
"Same here, dude. I have no idea. Okay, now of course the Pens are gonna win this game four because we are awesome. Sweeeep!" Fleury taps on the '4'. "Last one for the Eastern Conference is are the Rangers versus Flyers... Ew, good bye, Flyers!" He taps on the the Rangers' icon and on the '4'. "Okay, now let's go to the Western Conference! Ooo...Avalanche versus Wild! Say bye, Wild! The Avas somehow got really good!" Fleury taps on the Avalanche's icon and the '4'. "Okay, and now Blues and Blackhawks. Oh this is hard! I mean, they're both good! But the Blackhawks did beat us in the Stadium Series and we're good! So I'll give it to the Blackhawks...but this is gonna go to game seven." He taps on the Blackhawk's icon and on the number '7'. "Do you think the Blackhawks are good?" He turns to Iceburgh.
Icebugh shakes his head while looking at his iPad.
"Haha, of course you'll say no!" Fleury looks back at his iPad. "Next up: Ducks versus Stars! Whew, good luck, Stars!" He taps the Ducks' icon and the '4'. "The last one are the Sharks versus Kings. Oh man, they're both good... Hm..." Fleury rubs his goatee while thinking hard. "...and this time the Sharks have home advantage, so that'll help 'em out since last time they lost because the Kings had the advantage... Game seven, Sharks!" He taps on the Sharks' icon and on the '7'. "Okay, Iceburgh, ready to go to Round 2?"
Iceburgh shakes his head, looking at his iPad.
"Alright, that's fine, but I'm gonna continue." Fleury looks back at his iPad. "Round two, Eastern Conference: Bruins versus Canadians... Bruins." He taps on the Bruins' icon. "Penguins versus Rangers. Oh man, this is way too easy: Penguins because we are that awesome!" He taps on the Penguins' icon. "Now that that's over with, let's go to the Western Conference where the Blackhawks battle against the Avalanche... Byeeeee, Avs!" He taps on the Blackhawks' icon. "And now we have the Ducks and Sharks...and Ducks have home advantage, so bye, Sharks!" Fleury taps on the Ducks' icon. "Now for Round 3! Ready, Iceburgh?"
Iceburgh shakes his head without looking at Fleury.
"Okay then, I'll continue!" Fleury turns away from the Penguin. "Okay, Bruins versus Penguins...Penguins! Revenge from what happened last year!!!" He chuckles evilly while tapping on the Penguins' icon. "And then there are the Ducks versus Blackhawks... Oh man, they're both good... I'll have to say...Ducks, because it says so in the standings." He taps on the Ducks' icon. "Wow, look at that! The Stanley Cup Final: Ducks versus Penguins! Who's gonna win? Penguins, of course! Duuuuuh!" Fleury taps on the Penguins' icon; another Penguins' icon appears in the middle of the bracket, big and glowing. "Oh yes...and how many goals in total for the series? Hm, twenty-nine, because that is my number!" Fleury types in '29' in the red box below the icons. "There. Now Iceburgh, did you complete your bracket or are you having a hard time with it?" Fleury turns to Iceburgh.
Iceburgh holds up his iPad to show the Penguins' goalie his bracket. He somehow was able to replace all the teams' icons with Penguins icons, making the Penguins play against the Penguins in each series.
"What the... Is that what you were doing? How did you do that?"
Iceburgh makes some small movements with his head.
"Right...well there's one thing for sure: you're not gonna get first place!"
Iceburgh smacks Fleury's head with his iPad softly and gets up, walking into the kitchen.
"Okay, okay, go ahead and eat all the ice in my freezer!" Fleury chuckles. "What a Penguin!"

The End.

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