Chapter 15

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Antti is in his living room the next morning, pacing back and forth behind his sofa. He is thinking how to get the Cup back from Jimmy so that he could get his powers back; with his powers, he can defeat Jonathan much more easier than just running away from him.
"Okay, so I need to go to Detroit... Yes, yes...but when I meet up with him, of course he's gonna want to put up a fight with me... Ooo, I can't fight against him--I'm helpless! I need someone else...I know, I can get the NHL Police! Yes, they can come with me to get the Cup--we can't wait 'till the Finals are over! Jimmy'll have the NHL by then..."
Antti hears someone chuckling evilly behind him. He turns to his left, seeing Jimmy himself leaning against the corner where the wall the door is on and the wall of the living room join; he has his arms crossed.
"Oh, Niemi, don't you know how funny that was seeing you all stressed out about how to get the Cup away from me and all that time, I was just listening to you‽" Jimmy lets out a burst of laughter.
"How did you get in here?" Antti snaps.
"Easy: teleportation." Jimmy rolls his eyes.
Antti lets out a short sigh. "And what are you planning to do here?"
"What do you think, Niemi?"
Antti doesn't say anything.
"Well, time's up--you're comin' with me!" Jimmy lets out a bust of electricity out from his hands, knocking Antti out.

Antti opens his eyes. He tries to make out where he is at, but is having a hard time to. Where am I, where am I, where am I? He places his hands in front of him; his hands hit a glass surface that is in front of him. What? I'm trapped! No!!! He begins pounding on the firm, smooth surface. "Jimmy!!! Let me out!!!"
Jimmy strolls into view, holding back an evil chuckle. "You finally decided to wake up?"
"Jimmy, why do you have me like this‽" Antti slams his fists on the glass.
"So that I can hold you hostage, that's why. It's what enemies do to each other."
"What do you want with me?"
"I want you to stop chasing after me! I got all the powers of the NHL, so you can end your pursuit of trying to protect the NHL. Face it, Niemi, you lost."
"But you're causing harm to other people!"
"Causing harm?" Jimmy makes a shocked look. "How do you know that I'm causing harm?"
"Do you have a TV here?"
"Three, actually."
"Turn 'em all on the news. Go."
"Alright." Jimmy walks out of sight.
Three flat screen TVs come down from the ceiling, facing Antti. They turn onto the news, which is showing disastrous weather reports.
Jimmy walks back into sight with his arms crossed. "Are you wanting to show me how the weather's like?"
"Look at the weather--just look at it!" Antti pointed to the TV screen to his left. "In the west, the weather's hot with winds and there are fires!" He points to the screen in the middle. "In the central area, it's freezing with snow and blizzards!" He points to the screen on the right. "In the east, it's practically flooded!"
"So you're blaming all this bad weather on me?"
"Yes! Don't you know all the powers of the NHL‽ There's weather manipulation, fire powers, water powers, snow powers, and wind powers! You never knew that‽"
"Hey, I'm tryin' to figure out what powers I got right now--y'know, it's not easy keeping track of thirty powers--"
"So give 'em up! You're gonna hurt people like this!"
"You just want your powers back! Well guess what? You're never gonna get 'em back! I'm gonna keep them because I want the NHL! And I'm gonna get due time." Jimmy smirks.
"Jimmy, you're not gonna have all those powers forever."
"Hah, you'd wish!"
"No, it's true!"
Antti thinks for a moment. "The winner of the Stanley Cup is gonna get their powers back, including the rest of the players in the group the winner's in. The rest that used to have powers'll never get them back. Ever."
"How do you know that?"
"Gorman told me."
"That dude‽" Jimmy scoffs. "Ha! I don't believe that! I have the Cup and no one can take that away from me!"
"The Cup'll go back by itself!"
"Lies, lies! All lies! That's it, I'm through with you, Niemi! Prepare to meet your doom!" Jimmy walks away, crackling evilly.
"What?" Antti makes a confused look, trying to see where Jimmy is going. Suddenly, he feels his shoes getting wet. "What the?" He looks down, seeing water seeping through the edges of the metal floor of the tube he is in. "Oh, it's water!" Antti chuckles a bit. "That's not bad... Oh wait, oh no..." He begins to panic. "I don't have my powers. Ohhhhh my goodness, this is not good!" He places his hands and feet on the glass, no longer standing on the ground. He looks down, seeing the water growing bigger. "Help!!!"

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