Chapter 12

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A few minutes later, Tommy calls everyone's attention and asks them to sit down in the rows of chairs he had set up for the guests. So they sit where they are assigned to in the order of their team's city's name in alphabetical order (Anaheim first, Winnipeg last) and listen to Tommy talking. Tommy explained how they lost their powers, how they got their powers back, and more...
"So, you guys might be experiencing some weakness without your powers and might be having a little cold--"
Antoine lets out a big sneeze. "AH-CHOO!!!"
"--like that. Bless you, Antoine."
"Thank you. If I had my powers, that would've been a different reply." Antoine chuckles and sniffs.
"The reason why some of you guys have small colds is because your bodies are weaker without powers and can catch the cold easier. This might sound weird, but it's a good idea for your cold not to go away because if your cold leaves, then that's a sign that your body is strong without powers. And if you're strong without your powers and you get your powers back, then there will be some difficulties adjusting to them, which can be highly dangerous--even fatal."
"Would this affect the way we play?" John asks.
"No, it won't you'll play fine wether you feel fine without your powers or if you have a little cold. Any more questions." Tommy smiles.
Everyone looks around, seeing if anyone has any more questions.
Suddenly, Jonathan jumps out of his seat, almost knocking Nathan, who was sitting in front of him, out of his seat. He gets out of his row, almost smacking Josh in the face by his flailing arms and tripping over Roberto. He runs into the elevator, escaping the basement.
Everyone's quiet for a moment, only hearing the sound of Bernier munching on maple leaf cookies behind Sidney, who is getting some crumbs on Kelser.
"Okay then..." Tommy says, breaking the silence. "You guys are dismissed! Go and socialize and enjoy this lovely night! Thank you for coming over to party and I am always free for questions!"
Most of the players get up from their chairs, continuing doing what they were doing before they had to listen to Tommy's speech.
Tommy walks over to Antti, who is walking out of his row. "Antti, I think you should go check on Jonathan."
Antti sighs. "I keep on forgetting to tell you this, but he's out of the GHP. He's no longer part of the group."
Tommy makes a confused look. "You kicked him out?"
"Yes. It's a long story, but--"
"Please, just check on him. I'll go put in account that he's out of the group." Tommy walks away before Antti could protest.
Antti lets out a heavy sigh and begrudgingly walking over to the elevator, pressing the 'up' button. The elevator makes a dinging sound and the doors slide open, letting him go inside and close the doors.

"Jonathan, are you okay?"
Antti walks over to the back of the NHL HQs, where there are two grassy hills. On one of them is a lonely tree, where Jonathan is sitting next to.
"I'm fine, you can leave," Jonathan tells Antti as nicely as possible.
"No, you're not fine." Antti stops walking about seven feet away from the tree. "Tell me what's wrong."
"Why should I tell you what's wrong with me? You won't care, 'cause you don't!"
Antti blinks for a moment. "Th-that's not true. I care about you--"
"Well, it doesn't seem like it!" Jonathan stands up, spinning around, seeing Antti. "The way you looked at me last time we met, the way you kicked me out of the group..." He begins to make his way up to Antti. "You could care a whole lot less of me."
"The reason why I threw you out was not because I don't care about you! I did it because you weren't respecting me and my authority!"
"You could've talked it out with me instead of kickin' me out--"
"How could I do that when you were about to beat me up--?"
"Just leave me alone, Niemi, I know you don't want to talk to me--"
"If I didn't want to talk to you, then I wouldn't even be here!"
"Just admit: YOU HATE MEEEEE!!!" And like that, Jonathan's eyes begins to glow and he throws a punch out towards Antti.
Luckily, Antti ducked on time, missing the blow. He begins to flee back into the building, with Jonathan hot on his heels. He skids over to the elevator, pressing the down button multiple times; it was like Antti is being chased by a monster!
The elevator opens just as Jonathan enters the building; Antti slips in and the doors begin sliding closed. Jonathan extends his arm into the elevator, trying to grab Antti, who is at the back on the elevator. The doors close, squeezing Jonathan's arm stuck between them.
"Ohhh gosh..." Antti cringes at what the elevator caught.
"No!" Jonathan tries to pull his arm out between the door. "Ack, come on--" The elevator starts to malfunction again, plummeting down, pulling Jonathan down between the doors and smack on top of the elevator. "AHHHHH!!! MY ARM!!!"
The elevator crashes onto the hard ground, knocking Antti off of his feet. The doors slide open and he stumbles into the party. "Gorman! Gorman!!!" He runs over next to Tommy, who is talking to Martin.
"What is it?" Tommy asks.
"Jonathan's gone evil! His eyes are glowing and he's chasing after me!"
"Chasing after you? Evil?"
"Yes!" Antti is out of breath. "This is the reason why he's not in the GHP!"
Jonathan finally gets out of the elevator, having his eyes on Antti. He finds a big, wooden box and a teleportation bracelet laying around by the elevator and picks both of them up. He begins to slowly sneak up behind Antti, whose back is facing him.
Patrick sees what Jonathan is going to do. "Nemooooo! NOOOO!!!" he yells.
"What?" Antti turns around, seeing Jonathan about to bring the box down on him.
"Watch out!" Tommy pushes Antti out of the way, taking his place.
Jonathan slams the box down on Tommy and quickly places the teleportation bracelet on it, pressing a random button on it; the box suddenly disappears with Tommy in it.
Jonathan smiles evilly at what he has done and looks up at Antti. "What? I thought that...but..." He spins around, trying to find Tommy in the crowd of shocked players. He then faces Antti, his eyes no longer glowing. "What just happened?" And then he takes off, leaving the party.
"Gorman! He's gone!" Antti exclaims.
"Well, I guess this party's over," Martin points out.
"Let's clean it up!" Sidney shouts.
"Noooo!" Nathan shakes his head.
"It'll be a good idea to do that since Gorman's not here," Antti says.
So the powerless players clean up the party and left the NHL basement.

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