Chapter 4

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"What time is it?"
Jonna Niemi, Antti's wife, looks at the clock that is hanging on the living room wall while vacuuming the floor. The clock had its hour hand on the two and its minute hand of the three.
"Two fifteen?!" She whips her head around eyeing the hallway, where the bedrooms are located. "Antti!"
No response.
"Ohmygosh, he has not been out here all day! This is not normal!!!" Jonna turns off the vacuum cleaner and leans it agains the wall. "Antti!"
"That's it, I'm gonna have to do this..." She storms down the hallway, entering their bedroom, which was very dark, since the huge window is covered with two curtains.
Jonna looms over her husband, who was sleeping with his face in his pillow. "Antti!" she hisses. "Antti, wake up! It's two in the afternoon! Why are you still asleep?!" She shakes his shoulder harshly. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!"
"Jonna, leave me alone," Antti groans, flipping over to his side, looking at her with sleepy eyes. "It's early."
Jonna makes her way to the window. "You call this early?" She pulls the curtains away, letting the sunlight deluge the room.
"AACK!!!" Antti flips over onto his other side, facing away from the sunlight.
"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Jonna places her hands on her hips.
"Seven!" Antti croaks.
"It's two o' clock in the afternoon!!!!"
"Whaaa?" Antti turns back over and grabs his alarm clock. "Ohmygosh, I've never been up so late... Couldn't you have waken me up early?" He places the alarm clock back in its place.
"If you weren't a heavy sleeper, then yea. But why are you still in bed?"
"I dunno..." Antti sits up. "I don't feel too good to be honest..."
"Like what?" Jonna sits on the edge of the bed.
"My throat feels weird and my head hurts."
"Uh oh, you're coming down with a cold."
"Noooo..." Antti places his face in his hands. "I have a game to play today..."
"And you're still in bed?"
"Practice isn't until five..."
"But are you still gonna be able to play?"
Antti looks up at his wife. "Oh yea, of course, that won't stop me--these are the playoffs!"
"Okay, good." Jonna smiles.
"I want some water." Antti sniffs while he grabs an empty glass cup that is next to his alarm clock. His free hand hovers above it while he tries to serve himself some water with his powers....
"What are you doing?" Jonna has an odd look.
"I...I..." Antti shakes his hand, trying for his powers to work. "Oh no...oh no..."
"Oh no, oh no, what?"
"My powers..."
"What about them?" Jonna's brown eyes begin to grow wide.
"Th-they're not working."
"Wait, hold up a moment." Jonna got up and walks out of the room.
With a sigh, Antti places his cup back on the night table. "First, I wake up late, then I have a small cold, and now my powers are failing on me! Ugh..."
Jonna comes back with a glass of water. "Here, try to manipulate this." She sits back down and holds out the glass towards Antti.
Antti extends his hand towards the glass, trying to make the water swirl around inside. He couldn't feel the connect with the water he usually feels when he tries to manipulate it. "I-I can't." In dismay, Antti drops his hand. "I don't have my powers anymore."
"Are you sure?"
"Yea...they're...they're gone."
"Well, you can still drink it." Jonna raises the glass in the air with a smile.
"That is true." Antti takes the glass and drinks some water. "I should dress up."
"That'd be a good idea." Jonna gets up and walks out of the room.

About thirty minutes later, Antti is in his living room, drinking water while watching a movie in Finnish. He keeps thinking about his powers, why they just all of a sudden disappeared. Then he gets an idea to call up his sidekicks. Antti pauses his movie and contacts Jonathan through his intercom.
"Hello?" Jonathan answers.
"Hello, Jonathan, uh, how are you?"
"Good... Is this about the game tonight?"
"No, no, no, I'm just wondering about...your powers."
"What about my powers?"
"Do you have them?"
"What do you mean 'do you have 'em'? Of course I still have them!"
Antti feels a sick feeling in his stomach. " use 'em at all today?"
"Can you use 'em...for me? Please?" Antti grits his teeth with an anxious look.
"Uhhh sure..." Jonathan walks around the counter top, which divides the kitchen from the living room. "I'm gonna carry the sofa now."
Jonathan kneels behind the sofa and places both hands beneath it. Then he beings to stands up, but then kneels back down. "Ohmygosh, I never knew my sofa was this heavy!" Jonathan takes a sharp breath in and tries as hard as he can to lift up the sofa. He finally gives up. "Niemi, this is weird--I can't even lift up my sofa!"
"Can you make a force field?" Antti asks.
There is silence for a moment on Jonathan's end.
"No," Jonathan says, breaking the silence.
"Don't worry, Jonathan, I also don't have my powers as well."
"WHAT?" Jonathan's brown eyes widen. "You don't have your powers anymore?! What gonna happen now?"
"Well, we gotta check on the others to see if they still have their powers or not."
"I'll call Sidney and Pekka, you can call Patrick and Jonas."
"Alright, contact me when you're done."
"Okay, bye." Jonathan hangs up.

About an hour later, all the GHP are having a meeting via intercoms, since non of them can fly to a meeting place.
"I don't have my powers anymore! I don't have my powers anymore!!!" Sidney cries.
"Calm down, Sidney, you're not the only one," Jonathan snaps.
"Now I made myself a total loser in front of Tazer man in a game of archery, dude. My aiming stinks, man!" Patrick grumbles.
"It's weird when you're not able to turn into a duck," Jonas says.
"It's weird when you're not able to grow big!" Pekka corrects.
They all begin to complain about not having their powers.
"Okay, okay, guys quiet now!" Antti tells them as calmly as possible.
Everyone quiets down.
"Bubby...," Sidney squeaks.
"Okay, so all of us don't have powers, so..." Antti's voice fades.
"What about the EHP? What are we gonna do with 'em?" Pekka asks.
"Well, we just gotta hope that they also lost their powers."
"What if they got our powers? Then they'll be double-powerful and we'll lose!" Jonas shouts.
"No, I don't think that''s true. Look, just try to forget about your guys' loss of powers and play the playoffs."
"What about me?" Pekka asks.
"Oh yea, well, you can figure out what happened to our powers."
"Hello?" Martin's voice calls out random.
"Brodeur?" Jonathan asks. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, do I have all the GHP here?" Martin asks, ignoring Jonathan's rude welcoming.
"Yes, yes, we're all having a meeting!" Antti says. "What is it, Martin?"
"Well, I got word that all the players with powers of the NHL lost their powers."
"Like as if we didn't know that already...," Jonathan grumbles.
"I was not done, Quick!" Martin snaps. "All twenty-nine players lost their powers due to the robbery of the real Stanley Cup. Jimmy Howard stole the Cup last night and took advantage of it, taking away everyone's powers and using them for himself."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, what?" Antti asks in bewilderment. "What does the Cup have to do with our powers?"
"Oh yea, that's right! The real Stanley Cup is where all the powers of the NHL are held in. Gorman uses it to control the powers and trade powers to other players and to take away powers from players. Whoever has their hands on the Cup has their hands on all the powers of the NHL. So Jimmy somehow found out about that information about the Stanley Cup holding the powers and stole it and took advantage of 'em. He took our powers away from us!"
"So does that mean that Jimmy has all the thirty powers of the NHL?" Sidney asks, sniffling a bit.
"Yes, that is right. I can't see why he would take away our powers and not give 'em to himself."
"So whoever has the Cup had control over all the powers of the NHL. So if I had the Cup right now, I could get my powers back, right?" Antti asks.
"That's correct. So now that that's all cleared up and explained, I shall now--I got a Howard to catch. Oh man, this is gonna be easy! Gotta go, bye." Martin leaves the conversation.
"So now Jimmy dude has my awesome invisibility and aiming skills and fast reflexes man?" Patrick grumbles.
"Yup," Antti replies quickly.
"When I see 'im, dude, I'm gonna whack him with the Cup and get my powers back, man."
"Sorry, dude, I'm just so pissed off that I don't have my powers, man."
"Aren't we all?" Jonathan asks.
"Yup-a-doo-da!" Jonas says.
"Okay guys, we should just all go. We got games to go to. I'll talk to you guys all later! Bye!" Antti says.
Everyone else says bye and hangs up.

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