Chapter 23

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So the Stanley Cup Final begins with the Kings versus Rangers; the Kings having home advantage. Jonathan's team win the first three games, but then Henrik's team win the forth game, preventing the Kings from sweeping them. But in Game Five in overtime, the Kings pop in the game winning goal and the Cup is theirs!
Gloves, stick, and helmets fly out with black and white confetti coming down as the Kings are named the 2014 Stanley Cup Champions.
Jonathan has done it! He won the championship, he saved the GHP from being powerless... But that doesn't mean he's no longer evil...

Antti turns off the TV after watching the Kings skate around with the huge, silver Cup. "Congratulations, Jonathan... I knew you would win." He is finally relieved that the GHP are going to keep their powers. Then he sits in the dark room, thinking of how the GHP's powers are going to come back.
"Well, this is the first time I see a player happy at the fact that their rival won."
Antti turned around, spotting Jonathan standing in the dark corner with his arms crossed. "Wh-wh-- Jonathan, what are you doing here?"
"What else do you think I'm doing here?" Jonathan walks out of the shadows with big steps, revealing his glowing eyes. "It's my turn to become Master...of the GHP."
"Why do you think it's your turn?" Antti rises to his feet.
"Because I won the Cup. Without me, you would've been left powerless for life."
"You said that you'll never turn evil again!"
"Ah, ah, ah, I said that I promise to try not to turn evil again, not actually turning evil again. Now, Niemi, you've been on the throne for too long. Why don't you been so kind and give me a turn?"
"No! Never! I'm not doing this because I'm selfish and I'm hogging the authority, doing this because you'll not be a good Master! You earn it, not request it!"
"What do you know about being Master?"
"More than you. Now get outta here. I'm your Master, so obey me."
"What if I'm rebelling?"
"Well then, that's your choice. But out. Now."
"No. Not until you make me Master--"
"Why do you want to be Master‽ Why? Tell me!" Antti blurted out.
"Because I can be a better Master than you!!!" Jonathan threw his fist at Antti, but once again, he missed.
"That's it, that's it, you're done, outta here--!" Antti shoves Jonathan towards the door, but suddenly, Jonathan disappears.
"I got your teleportation bracelet! Remember?" Jonathan says behind Antti. Antti turns around, and Jonathan shoves him onto the ground. Jonathan looms over his Master. "Now who's the best? Hm?"
"Not you!" Antti locks his legs between Jonathan's right leg and twists them, making Jonathan stumble to the ground. Antti gets up and dives for his teleportation bracelet.
Jonathan grabs Antti's hand and makes him push down on a button.
A wooden box suddenly appears behind both of the men.
"Haha, thanks, Niemi!" Jonathan gets up, holding onto both of Antti's wrist and thrusts him into the box.
"Achk!" Antti tries to escape from the box, but Jonathan slams the lid on top of it, locking it with a lock. Antti slams on the sides of the box, trying to break free. "Jonathan! Let me out!"
"In your dreams!" Jonathan chuckled evilly as he placed his teleportation bracelet on the box and presses a button on it.
The box disappears with Antti in it; the bracelet is left behind, clattering onto the wooden floor.
Jonathan picks up the bracelet, putting it back on. "Now I'm Master of the GHP since I finally got rid of Niemi." He chuckles villainously. "Nothing can stop me now. NHL, here I come. The GHP is gonna be sooo messed up!" He crackles loudly, celebrating over what he just accomplished. "Take me to Ottawa." Jonathan disappears.

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