Chapter 22

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Tuukka!" Brad gasps as he rushes across the street to Tuukka's house. He flies up the staircase and leaps onto the window panel, getting into the house. "Tuukka! I'm back! Where are you?" He looks around the empty living room. There is no reply. "Tuukka? Look, I'm sorry for what I did--"
"El Choowe? I mean, Pony? Where are you?"
"It's seems like she's outside in the backyard!" Brad zips across the living room and into the left side of the kitchen, going outside through the back door, which is left ajar.
There, he spots Tuukka on his right side, sitting on a bench in the shadow of the house.
"Oh Tuukka, there you are!" Brad leaps onto a table that is next to the bench.
"Brad?" Tuukka turns around, facing the honey badger. "Why you here?"
Brad sighs. "I'm here to apologize...about everything that I told you. I'm sorry for getting mad at you and running away from you and telling you that the pony is nothing compared to the Cup and that you let the whole team down... Believe or not, but I talked to Patrice and he explained the reason why you gave up the Cup. And I just want to say that what you did was right...and I was wrong this whole time. This might sound interesting, but thank you for not listening to me."
Tuukka's gray eyes light up. "Really?"
"Yes. What I am telling you is the complete truth." Brad raises his right paw in the air with his left paw over his heart. "I swear that I'm telling the truth, and only the truth, and the whole truth..." He puts his paws down. "It's goes something like that... But yea, you get what I mean, right?"
"Brad back!!!" Tuukka grabs the honey badger and pulls him into a tight hug. "Jee! Tuukka happy!" (Yay!)
"Ack! Stop hugging me, stop hugging me, that's enough now!" Brad grunts, trying to escape from Tuukka's bear hug (Or should I say Bruin hug?). "I have claws and I'll use 'em--!!!"
El Choowe lets out a groaning: "M-oooooowww..."
"Pony!" Tuukka puts down Brad onto the table and turns to his right, looking down at his pony.
El Choowe is in a cardboard box, similar to the cardboard box Brad sleeps in, laying on blankets. "You okay, Pony?"
"'Oooooowwwww..." El Choowe sticks out its tongue.
"What up with your pony?" Brad looks at El Choowe oddly.
"Pony gonna have ponies! Tuukka excited!" Tuukka claps his hands happily.
"What‽ Now‽ I think I should leave..." Brad starts turning around slowly.
"Go grab towels. Lots."
"Okay, I'll do that!" Brad jumps down from the table and rushes back into the house, finding towels in the closet that is in the end of the hallway.
It takes a while for him to grab the towels and bring them back down to Tuukka. The towels would keep falling out of his mouth and off of his back. But finally, Brad delivered most of the towels in the house to Tuukka.
By then, all the newborn ponies were born.
"Awww! Look at ponies!" Tuukka gingerly holds up a newborn pony in a towel. "Ponies different colors!" He looks down at the other ponies who are by El Choowe's side. "Here is Pony's pony." He puts down the pony with the other litter of ponies.
"M-ow!" El Choowe smiles and licks some of its new offspring.
"Tuukka!" Brad gasps as he rushes across the street to Tuukka's house. He flies up the staircase and leaps onto the window panel, getting into the house. "Tuukka! I'm back! Where are you?" He looks around the empty living room. There is no reply. "Tuukka? Look, I'm sorry for what I did--"
"El Choowe? I mean, Pony? Where are you?"
"It's seems like she's outside in the backyard!" Brad zips across the living room and into the left side of the kitchen, going outside through the back door, which is left ajar.
There, he spots Tuukka on his right side, sitting on a bench in the shadow of the house.
"Oh Tuukka, there you are!" Brad leaps onto a table that is next to the bench.
"Brad?" Tuukka turns around, facing the honey badger. "Why you here?"
Brad sighs. "I'm here to apologize...about everything that I told you. I'm sorry for getting mad at you and running away from you and telling you that the pony is nothing compared to the Cup and that you let the whole team down... Believe or not, but I talked to Patrice and he explained the reason why you gave up the Cup. And I just want to say that what you did was right...and I was wrong this whole time. This might sound interesting, but thank you for not listening to me."
Tuukka's gray eyes light up. "Really?"
"Yes. What I am telling you is the complete truth." Brad raises his right paw in the air with his left paw over his heart. "I swear that I'm telling the truth, and only the truth, and the whole truth..." He puts his paws down. "It's goes something like that... But yea, you get what I mean, right?"
"Brad back!!!" Tuukka grabs the honey badger and pulls him into a tight hug. "Jee! Tuukka happy!" (Yay!)
"Ack! Stop hugging me, stop hugging me, that's enough now!" Brad grunts, trying to escape from Tuukka's bear hug (Or should I say Bruin hug?). "I have claws and I'll use 'em--!!!"
El Choowe lets out a groaning: "M-oooooowww..."
"Pony!" Tuukka puts down Brad onto the table and turns to his right, looking down at his pony.
El Choowe is in a cardboard box, similar to the cardboard box Brad sleeps in, laying on blankets. "You okay, Pony?"
"'Oooooowwwww..." El Choowe sticks out its tongue.
"What up with your pony?" Brad looks at El Choowe oddly.
"Pony gonna have ponies! Tuukka excited!" Tuukka claps his hands happily.
"What‽ Now‽ I think I should leave..." Brad starts turning around slowly.
"Go grab towels. Lots."
"Okay, I'll do that!" Brad jumps down from the table and rushes back into the house, finding towels in the closet that is in the end of the hallway.
It takes a while for him to grab the towels and bring them back down to Tuukka. The towels would keep falling out of his mouth and off of his back. But finally, Brad delivered most of the towels in the house to Tuukka.
By then, all the newborn ponies were born.
"Awww! Look at ponies!" Tuukka gingerly holds up a newborn pony in a towel. "Ponies different colors!" He looks down at the other ponies who are by El Choowe's side. "Here is Pony's pony." He puts down the pony with the other litter of ponies.
"M-ow!" El Choowe smiles and licks some of its new offspring.
"So pretty!" Tuukka looks at the scene with big eyes.
"I don't know what to say..." Brad has a cloudy look.
"Ponies pretty! Pony makes cute ponies! Right?" Tuukka smiles at his pony.
"M-ow!" El Choowe smiles with an open mouth back at its owner.
Brad jumps down the table and climbs up onto the bench, next to El Choowe. "Well, Pony, you did a good job! Congratulations on your new children!" He pats its back, since it was laying on it's side. "And if you need parenting help...well, don't come to me."
"'Ow!" El Choowe turns to Brad and licks his cheek.
"Ack, no!" Brad makes a disgusted look and wipes his cheek.
"Pony loves you!" Tuukka exclaims.
"Thank you for that explanation, there!" Brad looks over El Choowe and at the ponies. "How many ponies are there, exactly?"
"Uhhh... Tuukka count." Tuukka starts pointing at the ponies while counting in Finnish. "Yksi, kaksi, kolme, neljä, viisi, kuusi..." Then finally: "...kahdeksantoista!"
"What does that mean? I lost count at one," Brad says.
"Kahdeksantoista! Eighteen! Eighteen ponies!"
Brad eyes widen. "That pony was carrying eighteen ponies‽"
"Kyllä! Pony strong pony! Good job!" Tuukka scruffs the ponies mane. (Yes!)
"But what on earth are you gonna do with eighteen ponies‽" Brad looks completely horrified.
"Ohhh..." Tuukka cocks his head, thinking. "Keep them?"
"Good luck keeping track of eighteen ponies!" Brad crosses his arms.
"You can keep yhdeksäntoista ponies."
"How much is that?"
"Uhhh...nine, yea, nine ponies."
"I am NOT gonna keep nine ponies! Why don't you sell them to people who actually wants a pony?"
"Sell ponies?" Tuukka looks at Brad with a terrified look.
"Yea...I mean, you can keep some of the ponies, but give the rest away to people to want 'em. But not right now, just later on when they're able to live on their own."
"Uhhh..." Tuukka looks at El Choowe anxiously. "Is that fine, Pony?"
"Ooo..." El Choowe makes some squeaky noises. "M-ow, 'ow, 'ow." It looks away from its owner.
"Okay, Tuukka do. But Pony keep kolme ponies."
"How much is that?"
"Three! You learn Finnish with Pony?" Tuukka shoots Brad a serious look.
"Heh, heh, not really..." Brad makes an embarrassed look with his paws behind his back and his tail curled around him.
"Bad honey badger. You learn Finnish with Pony."
"I'll do it tomorrow, okay?"
"Okei!" (Okay!)
"But, Tuukka, when am I gonna turn back to myself?" Brad looks down at himself.
Tuukka shrugs. "Tuukka don't know. But you be Brad soon. Don't worry."
"I'm not worrying, I'm just wondering. But it's fun being with you. Thank you for letting me stay with you and putting up with me." Brad looks up at Tuukka with a smile.
"Ei kestä." (You're welcome.)
"What does that...mean?"
"You welcome." Tuukka stands up and carries the cardboard box the ponies are in. "You learn Finnish now." He starts making his way into the house.
"Hey, one day, I'm gonna teach you French! Okay?" Brad jumps down, following Tuukka inside.
"D'accord." Tuukka walks into the living room. (Okay.)
"Wha? How do you know that?" Brad gawks at Tuukka, seeing him from the kitchen.
"You teach Tuukka already. Haha." Tuukka lets out a deep chuckle and puts down the box on the sofa.
Brad trots into the living room. "Aiy, that's right. I always teach you in the locker room!" He jumps on the sofa, across from Tuukka.
"You teach Tuukka, so Tuukka teach you. Let's count, okei?" (...okay?)
"Alright, if you say so..."
"Yksi, kaksi, kolme, neljä, viisi, kuusi, seitsemän, kahdeksan, yhdeksän, kymmenen..." (One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten...)
"Wait, wait, can you slow down?"
"Hieno, aion mennä hitaasti. Yksi." (Fine, I'll go slowly. One.)
"Kaksi." (Two.)
"Kolme." (Three.)
So Tuukka teaches Brad one through ten in Finnish while El Choowe takes care of its ponies.

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