Chapter 18

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A few days later, Sidney and Nathan are at a ice cream parlor shop on Pittsburgh, eating ice cream together.
"What ice cream flavor did you get?" Sidney asks his new friend while giving a spoonful of ice cream into Bubby.
"I got piña colada. You?" Nathan licks his ice cream cone.
"I got my favorite blue ice cream!"
"And what does your gorillas have?" Nathan nods to Bubby, who is sitting on the chair next to Sidney and Bubby Jr., who is on the table, next to Bubby and Sidney.
"They have their favorite banana ice cream!" Sidney smiles.
"Because they're gorillas and gorillas like bananas!"
"That's right! But Nathan, thank you for having ice cream for me... I always get sad when I lose the playoffs..." Sidney frowns.
"No problem. But don't be sad, Sid--I lost the playoffs in the first round!"
"I know, but I lost to those mean ol' Rangers!" Sidney makes a pouty look. "Henrik sprayed his water at me! That was mean!"
"I saw that on TV. No one sprays their water at Sid the Kid!" Nathan shakes his pointer finger in the air.
"That's right. Because I am the captain of the Penguins." Sidney takes a spoonful of his blue ice cream. "But I still can't believe they beat us. Now they're in the conference round!"
"Hey, at least you get to spend more time with me, right?"
"Yea! And more time with Bubby and Bubby Jr.!" Sidney wraps his arms around them both. "They miss me every time I'm away."
"Do you carry them all over the place then?" Nathan take a bite out of his white ice cream.
"Oh yea! I can't leave them behind! That'll be mean!"
"Wow, who knew that THE Sidney Crosby has friends as gorillas?"
"Yup, they're my friends! Like you!" Sidney grins happily.
"Yay!" Nathan claps his hands a little bit. "I'm so glad that I'm your friend! It's awesome to hang out with you, 'cause you're like so famous!"
"You're famous as well!"
"But not as famous as you!"
"You will be soon! I know it!"
"Thanks!" Nathan flashes a big smile. "So you have ice powers?"
"What is like your favorite thing about 'em?"
"That I can fly!"
"You can fly‽" Nathan's eyes grow wide with awe.
"Yea! I make a plate for my feet and a path of ice in front of me that take me up high!" Sidney looks up at the ceiling.
"That's so cool! I'd love to fly! But I can only levitate."
"Hey, that's kinda close to flying. At least you can get off the ground."
"Yea... But can you make any type of storms? I can make blizzards! One time, I snowed in my whole city because I was mad! I forgot why I was mad though, it was a long time ago."
"That's awesome! I can't make any storms...I can just freeze things and fly... You have cool powers!"
"Not as cool as your's though!"
"You can make storms!"
"You can fly!"
"You can control snow!"
"You can control ice!"
"You can make a snowman!"
"You can trap people in ice cubes!"
"Y'know what? Both of our powers are as equally as awesome!"
"Yea!" They high-five each other and laugh.
Meanwhile, Jonathan is outside of the parlor shop, forlornly watching Sidney having a great time with his new friend--a friend that replaced him. He lets out a heavy sigh and walks away. If I can just get rid of my evilness and get myself back into the GHP...

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