Chapter 20

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So the playoffs continue which the conference finals: Ranger versus Canadians and Kings versus Blackhawks. With winning and winning and sometimes losing, the teams who will compete in the Stanley Cup Finals are determined: New York Rangers versus Los Angeles Kings.
"I' the Finals... I'm in the Finals..." Jonny is pacing around his room, trying to process the fact that he still has a chance to get the Stanley Cup. "I can get the Cup..." He stops in front of his mirror that is hanging on the wall. "...again." He looks at his reflection, which was the evil version of him. "Oh man, how do I get rid of this‽ Why do I have to turn so evil?"
His evil self in the reflection just smirks at him insidiously, showing pointy teeth.
"No, no, no, no." Jonathan turns his back with his arms crossed, hoping that his evil reflection would go away. He turns back around and sees that the reflection is still there. "ARUGH! When can I be good‽ I hate this!" He leans towards the mirror with narrowed eyes, staring at the reflection's glowing eyes. "I am done. I'm gonna be good and you're not gonna get in the way. Understand?" He straightens up, seeing the reaction of the reflection.
His evil self just starts busting up.
Jonathan makes an bored look, feeling very annoyed. "I'm gonna get back into the GHP and do my best to keep you out."
The reflection just crossed his arms and shakes his head slowly with a you-gotta-be-kidding-me look.
"Fine, be that way. You're no use to me, you're not gonna do any good for me either."
Jonathan's evil self wags his pointer finger in the air.
"Why am I even still talking to you? I mean, why the heck am I talking to myself? I'm turning insane!" He places his hands onto his spiky brown hair. "Do I look like an insane dude?"
The reflection nods his head.
"I should've known your answer. Well, this is all your fault! Go make someone else suffer in your control! I'm done with you!"
The evil self shakes his head.
"You just have to--"
Jonathan's sentence is cut off by his doorbell ringing.
"Someone's here! But who...?" He walks out of his room, but then runs back in quickly, checking to see if his evil self is still in the mirror. Instead of seeing him, he sees himself. "Gosh, it looks like I hadn't slept in years." He lets out a deep sigh and walks out of the room.
Jonathan rushes to the front door, opening the door.
Antti is on the other side, waiting patiently.
"Niemi?" Jonathan makes a confused look.
"Oh, hello there, Jonathan." Antti smiles.
"Wh-what are you doing here? I thought you were trying to avoid me."
"Well, I see that you're in the Finals, so congratulations on that. And I just want to give you a second chance."
"A second chance in what?"
"To be part of the GHP. I mean, we need our powers back and no one from out society is in the Finals..."
"So you want me to join you again so that you guys can get your powers back?" Jonathan leans on the doorjamb.
"You're also gonna get your powers back."
"What if I lose?"
Antti shrugs. "So be it. If you lose, it'll be for a what Gorman says..."
"So you'll let me in?"
"Yes. But one thing: do you know how to control your evil self?"
Jonathan's growing smile drops. "You won't understand what I'm going through, Niemi. It's something I just can't control--it comes at the most random times. But I promise to do my best to not turn evil."
"You actually promise?"
"Yes. I'll do anything to get back into the GHP and I'll try to keep my evilness out."
"Okay...I trust you. Well, welcome back into the club." Antti holds out his hand.
"Thank you so much, Niemi. I really appreciate this." He shakes hands with him.
Antti lets go of his hand. "I'll go now... I'll contact you through the intercom if something's happening." Antti starts heading back onto the street.
"Okay. Thanks again!" Jonathan shouts happily, seeing Antti walk back into his car. "Yes! I thought this day would never happen! Stanley Cup, here I come!" He closes the door.

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