Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Antti storms into Jonathan's house, which is left unopened again.
Jonathan is in the backyard with glowing eyes. He turns around, facing Antti, seeing him from the living room. "What do you want, Niemi?"
"Gorman." Antti walks into the backyard, facing him. "Where did you put him?"
"Gorman, Gorman, Gorman..." Jonathan scratches his head. "Oh yes, I teleported him somewhere else--"
"Where did you teleport him?"
Jonathan thinks for a moment. "I hate this say this, but...I don't remember." He smirks.
"What‽" Antti's eyes grow wide. "You don't know where he is‽"
Jonathan shrugs. "Good luck finding him, Niemi. He can be anywhere--even in outer space."
Panic begins rising in Antti. "Jonathan...what did you do with him...?"
"I don't remember every little thing I do."
"Please tell me where you put 'im!!! I need him!"
Jonathan just gives Antti an indifferent look for a moment; his expression then changes. "Oh wait, I think my memory is coming back to me... Wait...oh... Oh yes, I remember where he's at!"
"Really?" A wave of relief washes of Antti. "Where is he?"
"I teleported him to... Oh yes, to the top of the Eiffel Tower." He smiles evilly.
Antti gawks at Jonathan. "What‽ You mean he's in Paris‽"
Jonathan nods. "That's right. Good luck getting up to the tippy top. Oh yes, and also good luck explaining to the French police when they ask you in French why you're at the top."
"Oh my gosh..." Antti looks around the backyard like as if it'll give him the answer of how to get Gorman. "Jonathan, please be easy with me--I need Gorman."
"Okay then, if you're so desperate to get that hologram dude, I'll propose to you a deal." Jonathan crosses his arms.
Oh no, not another deal... "What is it this time: you kill me?"
"Hm, no." He shakes his head. "Don't assume now, Niemi. Here's the deal, which is way better than the other deal I gave you before: I'll bring Gorman back to the NHL headquarters safe and sound if only, and only if you hand me your lovely teleportation bracelet. How does that sound?"
"I like the fact that it doesn't relate to harming people. It's a deal." Antti takes off his bracelet. "How are you gonna get Gorman back?"
"By the bracelet. Duh." Jonathan swipes the bracelet from Antti. "Now head back over to Ottawa, he'll be there." He swaggers pasts him into the house, leaving Antti in the backyard alone.
"I hope he isn't lying!" Antti mutters to himself. "Take me to Ottawa!"
Nothing happens.
"Oh no, I can't teleport! Darn it!"

"Patrick, are you dead?" Sidney looks over at Patrick with big eyes.
He is at the NHL basement, sitting on the arm rest of the orange sofa, next to Patrick, who is laying unconsciously on the sofa.
"Please, wake up, Patrick. I'm sorry that I didn't play hockey with you right when you got to my house. I promise when you wake up, we'll practice together!"
A loud THUMP! startles Sidney.
Sidney turns around, seeing a familiar box in front of the elevator, shaking and shuffling like as if something's trying to get out of it.
"Oh my Bubbys, the box is alive!" He cautiously walks over to the box. "Hello?"
"Sidney? Is that you?" a familiar, muffled voice calls out from the box.
"The box talks!!!" Sidney places his hands over his mouth in horror.
"Sidney, it's me: Tommy! Can you open this box up?"
"Oh! Tommy! Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh! I didn't know you were in there! I forgot you were locked up in a box! How do I getcha out?"
"There's a latch on top of the box."
"Okay." Sidney flips the latch and opens the top wooden lid of the box.
Tommy appears from the box, climbing out of it. "My, thank you, Sidney! It was quiet stuffy in there! But the view from the Eiffel Tower is quite beautiful!"
"You were on the Eiffel Tower?"
"Yup." Tommy smiles. "So, is everything fine while I was gone?"
"No!" Sidney shakes his head vigorously. "There's something wrong with Patrick!"
"Uh-oh, where is he?"
"On the sofa!" Sidney runs over to the sofa, pointing to Patrick.
Tommy walks over to Patrick, looking down at him with inquiring eyes. "Hmmm..." He touches his forehead, then his hands that were clasped on his stomach.
Sidney's intercom starts beeping.
"Ooo! Someone's calling me!" He presses on a button. "Hello?"
"Oh, thank goodness you answered, Sidney!" Antti's voice calls from the intercom.
"Nemo? Why are you calling me?"
"Because I need you to come to Los Angeles and bring me back to Ottawa."
" what I tell you to do. Is Gorman there?"
"Yea!" Sidney looks at Tommy, who is next to him. "He's checking on Patrick."
"Alright, just come over here, then."
"Okay! I'll be there!" Sidney hangs up. "Tommy, I'm gonna go pick up Antti--he's in LA."
"Okay, that's fine." Tommy continues examining Patrick.
"Take me to Los Angeles!" Sidney teleports to Jonathan's backyard, where he finds Antti. "Antti, what are you doing here?"
"I was talking to Jonathan, trying to get Gorman back. Now let's go back," Antti explains.
"Alright!" Sidney holds Antti's hand. "Take us to Ottawa!" They teleport back to the NHL basement, ending up in front of the elevator.
"Gorman!" Antti walks up to Tommy with big steps. "How's Patrick?" He looks down at Patrick with a worried look.
"Do you know how Patrick ended up like this?" Tommy asks.
"Well, Jimmy was gonna strike me with water powers when Patrick took the blast instead and he fell. Then Jimmy couldn't strike me with water powers since they were oddly gone, so he decided to use different powers to do that job, But then Patrick randomly got back up and blasted a whole lot of water at Jimmy, causing him to fly out of the room and then he just...Patrick just collapsed on me." Antti purses his lips. "And he felt cold. That's how he was ever since then."
"I know what Patrick's experiencing."
"You know?" Antti looks up at Tommy with hope.
"Yes, he's going through the Power Shock Syndrome: PSS."
Antti makes a shocked look. "What is that suppose to be?"
"Well, you see, the reason why Jimmy couldn't use the water powers when Patrick took the blast was because they escaped from his system completely, going into Patrick. So practically for a moment, Patrick had water powers.
"But with Patrick's body, that was a shock to it since he all of a sudden had powers without having any in a while and to top it off, they were different powers. His body couldn't handle so powers, so it rejected it, which was the reason why water blasted out of him.
"And in order to get rid of those powers, it took lots of energy, which made him shut down due to shock. Let's just say that he messed up his power system, which can be very fatal."
"So when is he gonna wake up?"
"Now, that's something I don't know. I don't even know if he's ever gonna wake up."
"What do you mean that you don't know 'if he's ever gonna wake up'?"
"Well, Patrick is in a life or death situation right now... The only way he can wake up is with energy. We can't put in energy ourselves to wake him because that's how he got in that state in the first place; it has to come either by himself or when his powers return."
"What happens if he doesn't wake up on his own or he doesn't get his powers back?"
"Then...he doesn't make it." Tommy frowns. "I'm sorry, but that's the truth."
"But why isn't Jimmy have what Patrick has since he has other powers other than his own?" Antti points to Patrick.
"Because Jimmy got them the safe way, which is through the Cup. Patrick got them the dangerous, wrong way, which one of those way are from straight from another person. In order for powers to go from one person to another without any harm, they have to go through the Cup. Understand?"
Antti nods his head. "So there's nothing we can do about this?"
"Nope. I'm sorry. But Patrick is a strong warrior; he sacrificed himself for you. If he didn't block that blast, you could've been the one on the sofa." Tommy nods at Patrick.
"That's right..." Antti looks at Patrick with big eyes. "Thank you, Patrick. I know you're gonna make it." He scruffs Patrick's dirty blond hair a bit.
"I'll take care of him and make sure that he's doing fine," Tommy tells Antti with a smile.
"You sure?"
"Yes, yes, of course! Go home and try to not get into any battles with Jimmy."
"Okay, thank you, Gorman." Antti walks up to Sidney, who was sitting on the floor, criss-crossed. "Come on, Sidney, let's go back home."
"But why couldn't you teleport back here by yourself?"
"Because in order to get Gorman back, I had to give Jonathan my teleportation bracelet."
Sidney gasps, standing up. "You gave Jonathan your--"
Antti covers Sidney's mouth. "Just take us to San Jose." He puts his hand down.
"I can't believe you gave Jonathan--"
"Take us to San Jose!"
Antti and Sidney disappear.

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