Chapter 6

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The next day, Antti is sitting on his sofa, thinking how to get his powers... He had to get the Cup away from Jimmy...but how can he do that if he can't fly? And if he got to Detroit, how can he defeat a person with thirty powers‽ That's crazy! He needed his powers back--he finally appreciates them! And without them, the GHP and he can't protect the NHL! And Jimmy...will finally win.
He close his eyes, trying to calm himself down. "Ei, ei, ei...Se ei voi tapahtua," Antti muttered. "Kaikki menee hyvin, eivät vain ajattele sitä. Kunhan et." Antti opens his eyes and was startled for a moment. He was no longer in his living room, but in an awfully familiar room... (No, no, no, that cannot happen. Everything will be fine, just don't think about it. Just don't.)
"Hello, there!"
Antti turns to his left, seeing a blue hologram-like man. "Gorman?"
T.P. Gorman smiles. "Long time, no see!"
"Eh, about a year or so. But...why am I here?"
"Well, let's just say like what they say in Star Wars: 'I felt a hint of disturbance in the Force...' There's something going on--"
"Yes! Yes! Our powers are gone!" Antti blurts out. "All because of Jimmy!"
"Yes, yes, I did get the message from Brodeur." Tommy sighs. "I can't believe that he found out about the Cup. I should've never had put up an article based on the Cup's secrets."
"But how are we gonna get our powers back‽ We can't fight powerless against Jimmy who has all thirty powers! That's insane!"
"No, no, no, that won't be necessary to get your powers back." Tommy waves his hand in the air. "In order to get your powers back, someone from the GHP must win the Cup."
"But Jimmy has the Cup."
"The Cup has a mind of its own. Well, the real one does, the one Howard has. The Cup knows when a team truly wins the Stanley Cup Finals, so it goes over to them, from wherever its from!"
"So it flies?"
"Mmm, yea. But someone has to be the Cup's side just in case someone wants to steal Howard for an instance; the Cup cannot escape on its own."
"So we gotta wait until the Stanley Cup Finals are over until we get our powers back?"
"Practically, yes."
Antti makes a worried look. "But we can't wait that long!"
Tommy shrugs. "I can't do anything to help. But not everything will go back to normal once the Finals are over."
"What do you mean?"
Tommy begins walking around the sofa Antti is sitting on. "Well, you know that the players with powers are on either three groups: the GHP, EHP, or Neutral, right?"
"Yes..." Antti nods his head.
"Well, when the Cup is won, only the player that won the Cup and the group the player's in will get their powers back."
"For an example: Let's say that you win the Cup... Well, you'll get your powers back, of course, and so will the rest of the GHP."
"What about the rest? What the EHP and Neutral?"
"They will never get their powers back." Tommy stops walking, facing Antti. "New players will get the powers instead."
"So if the Bruins win for an example, we'll never get our powers back?"
Tommy nods his heads. "Only the EHP'll get their powers back, since Tuukka's in the EHP."
"And what will happen to the GHP?"
"I'll have to select new members...and hope that that'll not be a slow process before the EHP take over the NHL."
"No, Gorman, this can't happen!" Antti cries, standing up. "Isn't there another way instead of this? We can't afford to not have our powers forever!"
"Don't worry, Antti, everything'll be fine--"
"How can everything be fine right now? The EHP has a huge chance to make the NHL theirs! Gorman, you gotta change this!"
"I can't! I would...but there's no way to do that. I'm sorry..."
Antti sighs. "So what should the GHP do? I mean, we can't really protect without powers..."
"Don't worry about the EHP because they are just as powerless as you guys--"
"But Jimmy has all the powers!!!" Antti extends his hands.
"But does Jimmy know how to control all thirty powers? Hm?" Tommy crosses his arms.
"He can't control all of them?"
"The more powers you have, the harder it is to control 'em. Just because he as all the powers of the NHL doesn't mean he's unstoppable. He's only unstoppable if he knows how to control and fight with all thirty powers, which I greatly doubt."
"Hm, that makes the situation a bit better. Thanks."
"No problem, Antti." Tommy pats Antti's shoulder. "Don't stress out on all this. Just play the playoffs and do your best."
"Okay, thank you...again." Antti smiles and begins to walk towards the elevator; he stops and turns around. "I'm in Ottawa, am I?"
"How do I get back to San Jose?"
"Oh yes, right! I was meaning to give you and the other guys these!" Tommy walks over to his computer and grabs a box that was on top of the huge keyboard. He goes over to Antti, opening the lid of the box. "These will come in handy." He pulls out an intercom look alike without the screen. "These are called 'teleportation bracelets.' Say where you want to go and BAM! there you are!" He hands the black bracelet to Antti.
"Oh, thank you very much!" Antti wraps the bracelet around his wrist, next to his intercom. "Wow, my wrist's getting full!"
"Haha! I don't think you'll need your intercom if you can just teleport there!" Tommy closes the box and gives it to Antti. "Give these to the rest of the guys, okay?"
"Alright, I will." Antti looks down at the box then back up. "So I just say what city I want to go to?"
"Yea, say like: 'Take me to San Jose.'"
Antti disappears in a flash of light.
"Oh, see! I did it for you!" Tommy chuckles a bit. "I didn't mean to do that..." He walks back to his computer.

"Spiderman is right! Great power does take great responsibility!" Jimmy exclaims as he tries to contain the water that is forming beneath his feet; he's in his living room. "Stop, water, stop!!! You're gonna flood my house!!!"
The water suddenly freezes.
"Oh great, now I'm stuck!" Jimmy tries to pull his feet off from the frozen puddle he was in; it begins to snow in his house lightly. "Snow‽ What is this‽‽‽" Then electricity starts crackling around him. "GAHHHHH!!! I'm gonna dieeeeee!!" He shakes himself, getting rid of the electricity.
There's a knock on the door. "Honey, if everything okay?" Jimmy's wife's voice calls out.
"Yes, Rachel, everything's fine. Just don't come in..." His voice fades as he feels a random breeze swirling around him with the snow, getting more and more intense, kind of like a blizzard. "Great, now I have a blizzard in the house!" Rain starts coming out of nowhere, adding on to the storm. "Rain‽ What is this???"
"Did you just say that it's raining?" Rachel asks.
"Yes, no, just hold up! Don't come in!!!" Jimmy tries to calm down, but instead the weather outside starts to grow dark and gloomy, like a thunderstorm coming its way.
"Whoa, it just turned really terrible outside!" Rachel exclaims while thunder rolls.
"Yes, yes, see, it is gonna rain."
It starts raining.
"I think you should be the weather man," Rachel says.
"Maybe after I retire, I'll consider it..." Jimmy covers his eyes a bit, not wanting to get snow and rain in his eyes.
"When can I come in? I want to check on the chicken--I don't want it to burn."
"Don't worry, sweetie, the chicken's far from burning!" Jimmy shouts over the howling wind. "And I mean it," he adds on quietly. Suddenly, he feels some relieve, like as if a little bit of pressure was lifted off his shoulders. The stormy weather inside and outside subsides spontaneously. "Hmmm... What just happened?"
Rachel comes in with a shocked look. "What. Happened. HERE‽"
The living room and kitchen is soaked with rain and covered with snow.
"I'll...clean it up." Jimmy pauses for a moment. "After I unstuck myself from the ground."

In Los Angeles, Jonathan is watching TV when he feels a sharp sensation in his head.
What was that? he thinks; he just shakes it off, not knowing what trouble it'll bring to him...

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