Chapter 5

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When Game 5 rolls around, Jimmy is back at the TD Garden, in the parking lot; he is in his car, examining his newly stolen prize: the Stanley Cup.
"Look at this beautifulness that gave me what I've always wanted: power! And now with this power--" Jimmy looks down at his hands, which were tense. "--I can rule the NHL!" Flames explode from his hands. "GAAAAHHHH!!!" He shakes his hands in the air, extinguishing it. "Oh man, I've gotta get used to this powers, though!" Ice begins to form beneath his feet. "Nooo!!" He stomps on the ice, cracking it into tiny pieces. "This is crazy! I gotta control them!" Vines begin to grow on his ceiling, curling around the windows. "Bahhhh!!!" He grabs the vines and pulls them down. "At least I don't have to play tonight 'cause I got the 'cold'." Jimmy chuckles evilly and flickers for a moment. "Gah, stupid invisible powers!"
Meanwhile a few yards away, Brad Marchand is walking down the parking lot to the arena for practice, carrying his hockey bag and stick. He spots Jimmy going wild in his car, but something caught his eye: the Stanley Cup next to Jimmy.
"What the? Is that the Cup?" Brad mutters in a light French accent. He walks confidently to Jimmy's car and knocks on the passenger's window, which is now rolled up.
Jimmy looks up at Brad with a scared look while trying to contain light that was trying to burst from his hands. He shakes his hands, making the light disappear and rolls down the window. "What is it, Marchand?"
"Is that the Stanley Cup?" Brad points to the Cup, which is glinting in the sunlight.
"'s my sink, of course it's the Cup!" Jimmy snaps.
Brad blinks for a moment at Jimmy's rudeness. "Why do you have it, though? No one's suppose to have it yet!"
"Because I'm that awesome." Jimmy smirks, placing his hand on his chest in pride.
"You're not suppose to have it! Give it to me!" Brad sternly extends his hand out towards Jimmy.
"No! Why would I give it to you?! You're only gonna use it for yourself!" Jimmy hugs the Cup like a kid hugging his teddy bear.
"Well, I bet you're already using it for yourself."
"Go away, Marchand! You're not suppose to see this!" Jimmy gives Brad a dark look.
"No, I am not leaving until I get that Cup so that I can put it in its proper place!!!" Brad reaches in and tries to grab the Cup from Jimmy's possession, but Jimmy just shoves him out of his car with ease.
Brad falls onto the asphalt, but doesn't hesitate to get back up. "Alright, Howard, if you want to play the game that way, that's fine!" he snaps. "I'm gonna tell the NHL authorities that you have that Cup! Let's see how awesome that's gonna be!"
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Jimmy extends his hand at Brad and green energy hit him square in the chest.
With a grunt, Brad collapses onto the asphalt, out of Jimmy's sight.
"What did I just do?" Jimmy looks at his hand. He lends out of the window, seeing only a pile of Brad's clothes next to his car along with his hockey bag and stick. "Ack! I made him disappear! Forget this, I'm going to practice!!!" Jimmy places the Cup behind his and the passenger's seat on the carpet; he finds a black blanket, covering the Cup. "There! That should do the trick! I'll be back!"

Later on during the day when the Bruins' practice is about to begin, Coach Claude Julien is taking roll call to see if all of his players are here.
"Krejčí?" Coach Claude calls out, looking around the locker room.
"Here! But remember, my name's now Dreadji." David Krejčí, I mean Dreadji, winks while curling one of his dreads around his finger.
"Oh right." Claude nods and looks down at his clipboard. "Krug?"
"Here, Coach." Torey Krug waves his hand in the air.
"Alright..." Claude looks down at this clipboard again. "Lucic?"
"Present!" Milan Lucic raises his stick in the air.
"Okay, good." Claude looks down at his clipboard again. "Marchand?"
Everyone looks around, looking for their smallest player of the teammate.
"I think we lost him," Johnny Boychuck says.
"Yea, he's so small that we're able to lose him," Milan tells Johnny.
"No, that's not what I meant!"
"Yea..." Milan chuckles a bit.
"Okay, does anyone know where Marchand's at?" Claude asks his team.
"Zdeno might be sitting on him!" Milan tells Claude.
"Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. He. He. He. He. Milan's the Bruin that is very mean!" Zdeno Chára gives Milan the death stare.
"Has anyone seen Marchand at all today?"
"Ooo! Ooo!" Tuukka raises his hand in the air like an excited student at school. "Tuukka has! Tuukka has!"
"Really?" Claude raises his eyebrows.
"Yea, Tuukka saw Brad's car going in parking lot!"
"Okay, would like to look for him then, Rask?"
"Yea, yea, yea!!!" Tuukka nods his head vigorously.
"Alright go ahead!"
"Yay!" Tuukka gets up and lumbers out of the locker room, since he has his goalie equipment on. "Ohhhh, Brad! Where are you??? Brad?" Tuukka wonders around the backstage of the arena, looking in equipment rooms, bathrooms, and even where the room the zamboni is in. "Braaaaad! Where are you!!!??? Hmmmm..." Tuukka rubs his chin with narrow eyes. "Where can Brad be... Ooo, I know: parking lot! Brad!!!" Tuukka walks out of the Garden and into the big parking lot. "Brad, where are you???!! Hmmm...Tuukka doesn't want to be heard by fans. Tuukka can call Brad!" Tuukka pulls out his phone from his leg padding and dials Brad's number. He waits for Brad to pick up, but instead he hears faint Mexican music. "What that?" Tuukka puts his phone down and begins following the music. He finally stumbles across a pile of clothes in the parking lot, which the music is coming from. "What this?" Tuukka picks up the clothes and pulls what was making the Mexican music: Brad's phone. "Brad?" Tuukka looks down at the clothes he was carrying with a huge eyes, then back at the Brad's phone. "Oh no, Brad, you left your clothes here!!! Uh oh..." Tuukka looks down at the hockey bag and stick that was next to him. "Brad, you also left bag and stick here!" Tuukka grabs the bag and swings it around his shoulder, then carries the stick. "This is not good. Brad left clothes, bag, and stick! But clothes are dirty: Tuukka should wash them while thinking about where Brad is." Tuukka lumbers back into the Garden and dumps all of Brad's stuff by the bathroom sinks when he entered the bathroom. "Okay, so shirt is dirty..." He turns on the sink and begins scrubbing the shirt with soap. "There--" Tuukka raises up the soaked shirt, seeing it and himself in the mirror. "-- now shirt should hang to dry..." His voice fades when he feels something crawling up his back. Tuukka slowly turns to the right, facing a pair of big brown eyes surround by furry blackness. "GGGAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" He jumps, dropping the shirt.
"AHHHHH!!!" a familiar voice yelps.
"What that, what that, what that???!!!" Tuukka gasps, jumping onto the sink in fear. He turns to his left, seeing those same pair of eyes.
"Boo," that same voice says.
"AHHHHHH!!!" Tuukka jumps back down and scoops up Brad's stick in defense, pointing it straight at... "What are you?" Tuukka has his stick pointed to a small, slim, black furry animal, that looks like an otter combined with a skunk; it has a long, white line stretching from its tail to the top if its head, with a diamond shaped ending on its forehead.
"Tuukka, put the stick down!" the animal says in Brad's voice, grabbing the end of the stick and pushing it down gently.
"Thing can talk!! AHHH--" Tuukka places his hands over his mouth, trying to not freak out again.
"Shh, shh, shh, Tuukka, calm down! It's me, Brad! You don't recognize me?" Brad extends his short arms out.
" Brad?" Tuukka is shaking in fear.
"What happen? You don't look like Brad."
"Well, about that..." Brad scratches his fuzzy neck. "'s all Jimmy's fault. Y'know, Jimmy Howard?"
"Yea..." Tuukka begins to walk closer to Brad.
"Yea, he turned me into a..." Brad turns around, looking at himself in the mirror. "...I don't know. A furry animal with a huge white spot on the tummy!" He rubs the stomach, which was covered by a huge white spot.
" look Wait..." Tuukka takes out his phone and types in something, then stares at the screen for a moment. "This." He holds his phone out for Brad to see what he looked up.
"What the?" Brad takes the phone, staring at it with big eyes. "I look like that thing?" He points to the picture of a scary looking honey badger.
"Yea, you like honey badger!" Tuukka takes his phone back.
Brad looks like himself again. "Now to come to think of it, I do look like a honey badger! Hey, I turned into a honey badger!" He begins to laugh a bit. "I turned into a honey badger because my nickname's 'The Honey Badger'! Well, look at that!" Brad turns to look at Tuukka, who has a worried look. "What's wrong, Tuukka?"
"You can't play as honey badger."
"I can't play as..." Brad looks at himself in the mirror again. "...a honey badger. Uh oh, this is not good..." He turns back to Tuukka. "I need to turn back to myself! Oh my goodness, how am I gonna buy stuff, how am I gonna drive, how am I gonna play?! What about the meet and greets?! I'm gonna scare my fans with my teeth!" He bares his teeth, which were pointy. "Aiy, aiy, aiy! I'm dead!" He sat on the edge of the counter in dismay. "How am I ever gonna live my normal life again? Now I have to out into Africa and began a savage honey badger. Awww..." He places his face on his paws.
"Tuukka'll keep you," Tuukka says.
Brad looks up. "Really?"
"Yea, you stay at Tuukka's house."
Brad gasps. "Thank you, Tuukka!" Brad jumps on top of Tuukka's shoulder. "So this is how it's like being over six foot."
"Haha, let's go."

About ten minutes later, Tuukka and Brad arrives at Tuukka's house.
"I didn't know you live in such a cute house!" Brad says, looking at the house a smile.
Tuukka's house looks like a dollhouse with a beautiful garden and a pathway to the stairs, which lead up to the porch and entrance. The house is white with a light yellow outline.
Tuukka gets off the car and grabs Brad, carrying him like a cat. "You so soft and cuddly."
Brad squirms in Tuukka's arms. "I don't like being soft and cuddly--let me go or I'll use these!" He raises a paw at Tuukka, extending his claws.
Tuukka yelps, dropping Brad.
Brad lands on his four paws. "Thank you." He speeds up the stairs and stops in front of the front screen door. "Can you open the door, please?"
Tuukka walks up the stair and opens the door with a bored look. "Gracias." Brad jumps into Tuukka's house. (Thank you.)
He stumbles into the living room, which was small. The sofa is on the left and the TV was on the right side. Next to the TV is a hallway, which leads to more rooms. Next to the hallway is a staircase, which leads to the bedrooms. Next to the living room is the kitchen which had a counter top island and a dining table, which is closest to the living room. Cabinets line the right wall of the kitchen with the stove and fridge lining the wall that is straight across from the entrance.
"This is nice," Brad comments, walking around the living room.
"Pony!!" Tuukka shouts happily.
"Pony?" Brad makes a confused look.
A little white pony runs into view with its orange mane and tail flying behind it and its blue hooves making thumping noises on the wooden floor.
"Wow!!!" the pony exclaims happily, sounding like a cat meowing. It jumps in front of Tuukka; Tuukka catches it. "Ello, pony!"
"M-ow!" The pony nuzzles its snout against Tuukka's neck.
"Oh, Pony, that tickles!!" Tuukka chuckles.
"You own a pony?" Brad asks, looking at him weirdly.
"Yea! Pony!" Tuukka holds out the pony towards Brad; the pony looks at Brad cross-eyed. "Say 'hi', Pony!"
"M-ow!" the pony greets.
"Are you sure that's a pony or a cat in disguise?" Brad looks at the pony with an odd look.
"It's pony."
"So...what's the pony's name?"
"Pony." Tuukka cradles the pony in his arms.
"Couldn't you have made the name more creative?"
"No. Pony."
"Okay, okay." Brad throws his paws in the air.
The pony makes some squeaky sounds.
"What's that, Pony?" Tuukka leans closer to the pony. "Oh yea, go, go!" He kneels down, letting the pony run off into the hallway. "Pony has Suomen lesson now." (Finnish)
"Suomen? What's that?" (Finnish)
"Finnish. Pony has Finnish lesson now."
"What the--that thing's learning Finnish?" Brad points to the hallway where the pony just ran into.
"Kyllä. And you learn Finnish too while Tuukka goes to practice." Tuukka begins walking with big steps closer to Brad, forcing him to walk backwards into the hallway. (Yes.)
"What? Me learn Finnish?! But--" Brad stumbles into a bright, white room. There is a computer on the other side of the room and bookshelves line the two walls that the door is on and next to.
Sitting in front of the computer on a chair is the pony meowing crazily.
"What up with you?" Brad jumps on to the arm rest on the chair, then onto the table the computer is on.
"Moooow..." The pony nods towards the computer.
Brad looks at the computer; it is on the Finnish lesson.
"Say 'Mitä'," the computers says in a female voice.
"Meh!" the pony says.
"Mitä," Brad says flatly.
"Good job! Mitä means 'what' in Finnish! Next question!" The question appears on the screen.
"M-ow!" The pony bounces up and down happily in its chair.
"How did you even get pass the first question?" Brad asks.
The pony presses on the keys on the keyboard with its hooves, answering the question.
"I see. And I have to live with you for maybe the rest of my life. Okay..."

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