Weather Top

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Chapter Five:

The next day, the group woke early to get a head start on the trail. It was grey out with a slight drizzle, but that made no difference to them.

Aragorn said that they were going to see the elves in Rivendell and find Gandalf. It would take about four days to reach. The five hobbits soon grew tired and hungry.

"Can we please stop for second breakfast or luncheon?" asked a very tired Pippin.

Penny chuckled, "You're always hungry Pippin."

The hobbits exchanged looks and began clattering about with their packs and pots.

"Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall," Aragorn said glancing back at the curious hobbits.

"What about breakfast?" Pippin demanded.

"Already had it."

"I've had one yes, but what about second breakfast? Elevensies? Tea? Luncheon? Dinner? Supper?" The hobbit asked.

"I don't think he knows about them, Pip," Merry chided.

Aragorn shook his head and began walking on. Penny shrugged and started to follow. Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin re-packed and began following. Before they caught up, two apples fell from above into Pippin and Merry's hands. Pippin jumped and examined the apple. Food.

There seemed to be know end to the hills, forests, and meadows until yet came across an old and run-down tower.

"Weather Top," Aragorn muttered as the hobbits gathered behind him. "We will rest here tonight, go on and look around, I have a few things to look at first."

Aragorn went off and they all went in.

It was cold and damp but everyone welcomed a spot to sit and rest. Frodo dozed off while Sam and Merry helped Penny start a fire. Pippin sat watching Penny's quick fingers spark a fire with two stones and a few sticks. They soon had a nice fire going and were cooking tomatoes, bacon, and potatoes.

They were just about to sit down with the meal when Frodo ran over calling,

"Put it out! Put it out you fools!" Frodo cried.

He then proceeded to stomp it out while looking at everyone like they were crazy for making fire.

"Oh that's nice, ash on my tomatoes," Pippin grumbled.

"Do you not recall this is a watch tower and the people who used it last probably used fire as a signal?!"

"Point being?" said Sam.

"I don't want it to draw those black riders again!" Frodo was almost hysterical with fear.

"To late," called Penny from the edge of the tower.

Pippin ran over and looked too. Sure enough, in the distance and closing in were nine unmistakable Nazgül.

Aragorn came running out of where ever he had been and ushered them all inside. To each, he gave a small sword.

"Stay here and don't leave," he said urgently.

So naturally, all five of them left and went to the very top where they drew swords and waited.

They heard the Nazgül scream as they ascended the tower.

Aragorn couldn't keep them all away because three of them came up to the top.

Merry and Pippin screamed and ran to the corner to hide.

Sam and Frodo ran to attack.

Penny stood there, oddly calm as if the presence of three black riders didn't faze her.

Sam was easily thrown aside.

Then all three cornered Frodo and robbed him of his sword.

The lead Nazgül raised its sword and swung.

And once again, Frodo screamed.

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