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Chapter Twelve:

After hiking for a long while, Pippin noticed the trees were growing taller, wider, and smoother in texture.

He pointed this out to Aragorn who said it was because they had past into the elvish forest of Lothlórien.

"They say there is an elven queen who walks through the trees and bewitches everything and everyone she lays eyes on." Gimli said, "But she won't catch this dwarf, I have ears like a fox and eyes like a hawk!"

That remark was met with the sound of bow strings being pulled taught from up in the tall trees.

Aragorn and Boromir drew swords, Legolas an arrow, and Gimli his axe.

The five hobbits stood back to back staring upward as ten elves gracefully descended the tree trunks and landed softly in a ring about them on the ground.

"Who are you?" said the elf that looked like their leader.

"We are travelers of on our own quest. We wish you no harm." Aragorn said calmly.

"Are you seeking the Lady Galadriel perhaps?" he questioned.

"What business is it of you?" said Boromir.

The elf paid no mind to this remark. Instead, he led them off to see Galadriel.

Pippin took Penny's hand for reassurence. She seemed grateful for that.

The Fellowship arrived at the bottom of a set of wide stone steps. A glow could be seen coming from the top and seemed to glide down the stairs. It was Lady Galadriel. She had long, golden hair that reached her feet with a silver crown atop her head. The blindingly bright white dress she wore was flowing silk. Her crystal blue stared down at them as if she were expecting to find something.

"Where is Gandalf the Grey?" she said in a crisp voice.

Aragorn stepped forward and bowed to her. "He fell, your Grace, in Moria at the mercy of a Balrog."

"Fell, or passed on?" she asked with an icy smile upon her face. As she continued to speak to Aragorn, Pippin saw Frodo break out into a sweat and look around him.

"Come," Galadriel said, "You have traveled far and are very tired I presume? We have accommodations for all of you, follow me."

With that, the Felloship walked up the stone steps into a world entirely supported by those huge trees. Within the branches, bridges and homes were spread about. It was really marvelous.

The area they got, was secluded and perfect for nine to rest. The moon light and stars were beautiful up here.

Pippin looked up at them, remembering his night with Penny in Rivendell. It was hard to think that had only been five days ago, when Gandalf was still with them.

Penny walked over and looked up with him.

"It's so peaceful here," she said.

"Yes, but I don't like this quiet, it feels wrong," Pippin remarked.

"That's because you are used to the endless noise of the Shire, do you miss it, Pippin?" Penny smiled at him.

"Very much, the trees, the steam, the meadows, and the pub."

She smiled and nodded looking off into the elf settlement.

"Come along now Penny, it's getting cold standing here." Pippin led Penny back to the small fire pit where Merry, Sam, and Frodo sat watching the flames.

Once they sat down, Penny leaned her head on Pippin's shoulder and fell asleep. All he could do was smile.


The next day, the Fellowship was packing to leave when Lady Galadriel paid them a visit. She brought gifts.

Legolas received a bow crafted by the finest wood. Gimli was given three hairs from her head. Sam got elven rope. Merry, Pippin, and Penny got a small, invincible dagger each. Boromir a strong shield and Aragorn a sword sheath. But Frodo's was the most special. He was given light of the elves most precious star captured in a diamond. It was absolutely stunning!

And everyone got a cloak and a good supply of lembàs bread.

After many thanks and goodbyes, they went off.


A/N: If you made it this far, I outta give you a medal cause why not...

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