The Capture

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Chapter Thirteen:

Sailing from Lothloréin down the river was perhaps the most amazing thing Pippin had ever done. Not to mention, he was holding Penny's hand. Neither of them spoke for they were captivated by the beauty of the forests, trees, and the blue, cloudless sky.

The journey was calm and peaceful.

After a long while of gliding atop the clear water, Aragorn signaled to the rest of the Fellowship that he could see a suitable place up ahead to camp. As they approached, two mountainous statues rose through the tree tops as if guarding the woods. The one on the right was a knight while the one in the left appeared to be a King. The hobbits stared in amazement.

A few miles from the statues, was the ideal place that Aragorn had found. It was a very run down and old fortress. The first two boats' occupants climbed out with ease and helped drag the canoe and camp supplies on land.

Pippin was a different story.

The boat gently beached itself against the sand and he hopped out, only to fall straight on his face. Laughter from behind made him blush with embarrassment. Pippin stood up and brushed leafs and sand from his cloak and walked away.

Merry and Penny were laughing at Pippin's clumsiness.

"It's not that funny," mumbled Pippin.

"Oh but it is!" Merry smiled withholding his laughter.

"Well, you're still perfect to me," said Penny. She then walked over and kisses his cheek. He turned a deep shade of red and looked at her. All she did was smile in return.

Just then, Sam shouted, "Where's Mr. Frodo?! He's gone!"

"And Boromir has conveniently disappears as well," said Merry worriedly.

"Legolas, Gimli, come with me and we will search for them. You four stay here." Aragorn ordered before sprinting away with the elf and dwarf. Minutes after they left, Sam ran off to look by himself.

"They've all been gone for an awfully long time," said Merry, "Come on, Pippin, we are going to find them."

"And where do I stand with this?" asked Penny.

"Stay here, we won't be long," said Pippin reassuringly. He squeezed her hand and hugged her quickly before leaving with Merry.


Merry and Pippin searched for about fifteen minutes until they heard crashing and yelling. Going to investigate, they saw that Aragorn and Boromir were fighting what looked like giant orcs. Most seemed to be dead or dying. But the leader seemed invincible. No matter how hard Aragorn swung his sword, it would just get up and strike out again. It didn't help that the tall Orc had a bow and arrow and he seemed to know how to use it well.

Boromir was on the ground clutching his chest in agony. Two arrows protruded from his armor. Aragorn was doing his best to stop the Orc leader, but it wasn't enough. It shot Boromir for the third time. He looked down in surprise just as Aragorn beheaded the Orc. Three arrows, no more, no less. Aragorn ran to his side and laid him down against the ground. A few muffled words that Pippin couldn't decipher were spoken and Boromir was no more.

Merry and Pippin sat in shock. That was the second member of this Fellowship taken from them right in front of their own eyes. It just wasn't fair.

Just then, a bush near the hobbits rustled. Pippin jumped but it turned out to be Frodo. He was safe.

Merry tried to tell him to come over and hide by them, but Frodo wouldn't listen. He shook his head and pointed off into the distance.

"What's that mean Merry?"

"What it means Pippin," Merry said quietly, "Is that he's going to have to continue this quest by himself."

Pippin understood that out of all the things about this quest the most. He knew Frodo bore a heavy burden and couldn't have others suffer for him.

At that precise moment, orcs flooded the hillside. Frodo pressed himself against the tree he was hiding under and looked pleadingly at Merry and Pippin.

Merry nudged Pippin and the two ran from their hiding place at the attackers. The only weapon they each had, were a few rocks. These were good enough to distract the Orc pack from searching for Frodo. Instead of the Ring-Bearer, they ran at Merry and Pippin. They weren't prepared for what happened next. The orcs grabbed Pippin, then Merry by their cloaks and dragged them away.

The last thing Pippin remembered, was thinking he would never see Penny again, ever.



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