The Balrog

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Chapter Ten:

The drums sounded outside the chamber much louder now.

"Stand your ground," Aragorn said to the group.

A slight banging began on the door. Boromir and Aragorn rushed forward to bar it further with extra shields lying around.

A roar that was defiantly non-human rattled the wooden frames of the door.

"They have a cave troll!" cried Boromir.

Merry and Pippin shrank back into the corner at those words.

"What's out there?" asked Sam shakily.

"Orcs," said Frodo, "Look at my sword, it's blue!'

Indeed it was.

The door crashed in revealing hideous, tiny monsters.

Each carried many weapons and charged straight at the Fellowship!

Merry grabbed Pippin and Sam and pulled them to safety.

Frodo had ran off to a distant corner and Penny to the opposite.

The troll that barged in was huge! (And very ugly...)

Legolas skillfully used his bow and Gimli his axe. Gandalf was casting spells with his staff while Aragorn and

Boromir fended off the orcs with swords.

But the troll had other ideas. It went straight for Frodo, knocking orcs out of it's way. It cornered him with a huge spear pointed at him.

The next few moments seemed to be in slow motion as the troll raised it's weapon and locked on the target. The spear-head landed right in Frodo's chest. He fell aside just as Legolas finished off the troll with five arrows to the brain.

Everyone rushed to Frodo's side and turned him in his back. No breath escaped his lips, that they could see anyway.

"He's not bleeding! With that kind of a wound, he ought to be losing blood by the minute!" Penny pointed out.

It was true, no blood came from the 'wound'.

Sam reached over and touched it. The moment he did, Frodo sat up gasping and screaming.

"He's alive!" cried Merry in relief.

"How does one survive a cut so deep without blood loss. You should be dead," said Aragorn.

"Mithril, Bilbo gave it to me at Rivendell," gasped Frodo.

Pippin hadn't seen Bilbo, but it seemed the only logical reason to own a shirt that was basically invincible.

"Come along young hobbits," said Gandalf, "We have quite the adventure ahead of us."

No one was gravely injured, so they left the chamber and farther into Moria.


They traveled for about an hour until they came across a bridge. A stone bridge with no railing and you could only go single file to get to the other side.

Gandalf paused before anyone set foot on the pathway.

From behind, came a low rumble. It steadily grew until Pippin saw a fire growing in the distance.

He tugged on Merry's cloak and said, "Merry, what is that?"

"I don't know Pippin," he said quietly.

He was very nervous as well.

"Gandalf, what is that?" questioned Frodo.

"That my dear hobbit, is a creature no one wishes to meet. A Balrog," was Gandalf's grave reply.

Across the bridge everyone went as fast as they dared.

The Balrog got closer and Pippin saw it was made of flames, devil horns, and shadows. It's red eyes pierced through the gloom right at Gandalf.

He was busy ushering the entirety of the group to the other side.

When everyone was safely on the other side, Gandalf stood in the middle of the bridge with sword and staff pointed at the beast.

"You shall not pass!" he yelled, and when he did, light emanated from the end of the staff hitting the Balrog.

It roared and spit fire at him.

"You shall not pass!!" and this time, he slammed the bottom of the staff into the bridge and caused it to collapse the part holding up the demon.

It fell fast, taking considerable amounts of rock with it.

Gandalf turned to walk away, but the Balrog wasn't quite finished with it's attack. It lashed out with a flaming whip and caught his ankle.

He stumbled, and fell. He barely caught hold of the ledge to hang on.

"Gandalf! No!" screamed Frodo. He tried to run and save him but Aragorn held him back.

"Fly you fools." were the last words Gandalf said before letting go to join the Balrog in it's fall.


A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @scottishninja because she has never given up on this story and me writing it.

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