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Chapter Six:

The blade pierced his chest and Frodo went still. His skin was very pale, and he didn't seem to be breathing.

Aragorn was there in a split second. His sword was on fire and it had already struck the other two down. He raised it high and set the leader on fire.

It screamed and fled with what remained of itself and the other eight for Aragorn had only wounded the others.

Sam was by Frodo's side in an instant.

"Mr. Frodo! Frodo!" he yelled, "He's gone cold."

"He is beyond the help of us, he needs the elves and fast for he is fading," said Aragorn.

Merry and Pippin stood there in shock.

Penny was examining the blades left behind. They were etched with symbols that she thought looked like the Black Speech of Mordor.

"Servant's of Sauron," she muttered.

Pippin walked over and knelt down next to her.

"Find anything interesting?" he asked.

"Just that the swords carry the same words the Ring Frodo has, but they don't need fire to show it," she replied.

"That's odd indeed," said Pippin.

Penny looked at him and smiled.

He blushed profusely and looked away.

"No need to be shy, Pippin," she said, "I know how you feel, and that's nothing to be ashamed of."

And with that, she leaned over and kissed his cheek before getting up to help the others carry Frodo out.

He felt overjoyed, but soon lost the feeling looking at Frodo who was chalk white.


They walked for what seemed hours until Aragorn had them stop for camp.

Frodo was lain next to the fire and the others made dinner. Every few minutes, he would cry out with his blue eyes searching for something in the black nothingness of night.

"Frodo...he's fading!" Sam called out to Aragorn.

"Do you know the plant KingsFoil?" Aragorn asked him quickly.

"KingsFoil? Aye, it's a weed."

"It may help to slow the poisoning."

"Is he going to die?" Pippin asked.

Aragon said nothing as he and Sam went looking for the plant.

Penny, Pippin, and Merry sat by the fire until sleep overtook the three hobbits and they slept. Frodo thrashed and moaned in the dead of night. While they slept, Aragorn kept watch.

In the early hours of the morning, a rider came to the camp.

As they got closer, Aragorn saw it was an elf, not just any elf, Arwen, Elrond's daughter.

She exchanged a few words with Aragorn in old elvish, and then took Frodo away on her white horse.

"Why did you do that?!" Sam asked in alarm.

"She can travel much faster than us, and Frodo doesn't have much time left, do not worry Samwise, you will see him soon in Rivendell," Aragorn reassured him.

And after a light breakfast, they set off.

For three days, the group traveled until on the fourth day, reached their destination.

Rivendell was magnificent and much bigger than Pippin expected.

Even Penny was in awe at the great statues and waterfalls.

Elrond greeted them with open arms and most welcomely.

The journey had been tiring and everyone was given a room to stay in with plenty of food. (Pippin was very pleased by this!)

'Now time to sleep in a real bed,' thought Pippin dreamily.

But he couldn't sleep, no matter what he did. It had to be 3:30 in the morning, but Pippin got up to take a walk and clear his mind.

Down the hall from his room was a small courtyard. It seemed to be a practical place to go relax.

He wasn't the only one who thought that either because when he arrived, Penny was sitting by the fountain looking up at the moon and stars.

"Hello Pippin," she said.

"Hi there, Penny, what are you doing here?"

"Couldn't sleep, you?" she asked quietly.

"Same," he replied.

"Come and sit by me..."

Pippin went over to her and sat down.

The stars were all out it seemed, it was beautiful.

He looked at her. She was absolutely stunning in the moonlight.

Penny pointed to the sky and said,

"Look, a shooting star! Make a wish."

Pippin watched the star fall until he could see it no more.

And as if his wish was answered, Penny kissed him, right on the lips.

It only lasted a few seconds, but to Pippin, it was perfect.

And they fell asleep together, right next to the fountain in each other's arms and under the stars.

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