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Chapter Nine:

The monster lashed out with it's tentacle-like arms and grabbed Frodo!

It dragged him towards the pond and towards it's open mouth.

Legolas, the elf with a bow and arrow, shot at the creature a few arrows at a time.

Boromir, the man with the short, dirty blonde hair and a shorter temper, drew his sword and slashed along with Aragon.

The cuts and scraps the squid received were to much for it dropped Frodo and retreated back into it's murky water.

Frodo seemed shaken, but no worse for wear.

The Fellowship walked through the doors to Moria. Inside, they found the entrance hall strewn with dusty, old, and broken down skeletons.

"It's the work of goblins!" cried Gimli.

Everyone was careful to walk around the dead because the bodies still contained the poisoned arrows.

After the entrance hall, a long tunnel greeted them that led to a tall staircase.

Pippin was careful, but he ended up slipping twice. Merry caught him both times.

"Watch it Pippin, some of us would like to get to the top without falling all the way back down!" he grumbled at Pippin.

"Sorry," was Pippin's small reply.

When the members of the Fellowship made it safely to the top, Gandalf had them rest while he figured the next way through this maze.

Pippin and Penny gazed around. It was a large plateau that they had climbed on top off, and it was carved from solid, marble-rock. Many different paths and stairs led away from the top. Which one?

Frodo said something to Gandalf about someone down under the stairs following them. Apparently, it was a creature called Gollum.

Pippin looked out and saw shadow moving around.

"Penny, look, it's that Gollum thing," he whispered.

"Indeed it is," she said. She looked brave on the outside, but she moved a little closer to Pippin after seeing it.

He smiled and took her hand, "It's okay Penny." Pippin then, gently kissed her forehead.

Penny smiled at him and leaned against his shoulder.


Gandalf figured out the correct path, and off the group went.

As they walked, Gimli found an off chamber with what looked like a coffin in it. He rushed in and sank to his knees, crying.

Legolas walked over and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Who is it?" asked Sam.

"A relative, leave him to his thoughts now," Gandalf told the hobbits.

The hobbits searched about the room and Gandalf picked up an old book. As he scanned the pages, he came across these words: 'We cannot get out, they are coming.'

While he was reading, Pippin found a well. On the well, sat an old skeleton. He touched the ancient armor and it fell into the well. Crash! Clang! Bang!

"Fool of a Took!" said Gandalf, "Cast yourself in next time to rid us of your stupidity!"

Pippin was ashamed and embarrassed at this. He would've sat down on the well's side if not for the drum roll heard in the distance.

They got louder and louder.

Once again, they were under attack.

A Mischievous And Loving Adventure (A Lord Of The Rings Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now