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Ok, sorry for the late publish. Boom.

Platonic (Can be seen as romantic)

Bbh p.o.v

I've been searching for that muffinhead for an hour now. 'Where is he?' I went back to his room and circled the area once again but couldn't find  Skeppy. I then turned to the one place I haven't checked yet...the closet.

I walked to the closet and took a peek inside, only to find...wait.... "SKEPPY?!" I have been looking for him everywhere and he was here all along?! 'Hold on,' I opened the doors fully to
see he was fast asleep, but what shocked me the most was, 'he had ears and a tail!'

I thought he was a diamond golem. 'Huh?' I suddenly felt Skeppy moving as tho he is waking up.

Skeppy p.o.v

'Purrrrr...' That was a nice nap, I am still so confused at why I am a cat of some sort, but its all right, I'm sure I will be back to normal soon. If not then it is time to panic. My tail swished side to side as I yawned and streched my arm and legs in the small space. 'Purrrrrrrr....rrr.' I open my eyes to see that the closet door is open?
Oh no.

Bbh p.o.v

*Squeal* 'Oh my gosh!!! That is the most adorable yawn everrrrrrrr!!! He was purring! Ahhhhhh! I wish I caught that on camera!' Its just like a kitten waking up!

I grabbed him by his shirt and he was curled up into a ball with his tail between his legs but didn't seem in pain. Just like a kitten. I brought him to his bed and layed him down. I observed him and found that he was bright red from embaressment. Awwww....I couldn't help myself and pet him. "Why were you in the closet you muffin head? I was looking for you everywhere!" I said.

He was purring(?) "I-I was sleepy, and I didn't know why but the cl-closet was so c-comfy from a distance that when I got in I immediatly fell a-asleep..." he whispered.

He said it so softly, his tail kept swishing left to right and he was bright red. I would have died from the overload of cuteness if it were possible.

I wanted to try something and pet him on the head. He seemed to melt in my arms and snuggled closer to me. "Awww...geppy your so cute," I said. "Its alright, why don't we both take an early, cat nap?" He seemed to agree from the increase of purring.

He curled up next to me and I continued petting him until he fell asleep, I figured I also needed sleep and went to bed.

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