〹⫘Through Thick and Thin⫘〹

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Okay so I feel quite motivated despite being sick lol so um I finished the request and I do apologize dearly if I didn't set it perfect or just like you imagined. I hope it is alright but this is my submission for your wonderful request Reader5p0into!

For my other little ducklings, do enjoy your snack!

VERY BIG WARNING: Umm...soo I felt rlly fluffy so half of the story was in my on the verge of another mental breakdown stage and half of it was me being high on motivation and er- medicine. If you can obviously tell by the quick change in setting and perk up.

All of you deserve the sudden burst of fluff anyway. I gave ya'll quite alot of angst from my last updated story, sorry again btw. Anyway! Further more, there are plenty smooches here? So uh, have fun I suppose!


Ever since that day, Skeppy wasn’t the same. He was…different. Everything about him was different. And Bad...? Bad hated it. Well- he didn’t hate Skeppy…he could never hate his Skeppy.

But this wasn’t his Skeppy anymore…He isn’t blue anymore, he didn’t smile, he didn’t laugh or- joke around and cling onto Bad.

He spends most of his time on the egg, it’s infuriating! Bad has tried EVERYTHING to bring him back…but nothings worked.

Well…I suppose not everything…there was one thing he hasn’t done…and he was desperate! He made his decision, if this didn’t work, he didn’t know what would.

-Time skip :3-

“Why are we here Bad?” Badboyhalo nervously turned back to see Skeppy staring at him blankly, eyes devoid of emotion. It was unsettling…another reason he didn’t like this version of Skeppy.

Skeppy had gorgeous brown eyes that sparkled under the night sky and outshines every star. It was clear as day when he was cheerful, upset, aggravated and excited.

Bad used to be able to read him like a book, but now- he has absolutely no idea how Skeppy felt, if he could feel at all…

“I’m sorry Skeppy…were you busy?” Badboyhalo asked fiddling with his coat. Bad knew of course, that Skeppy was indeed never busy. That was one thing that never changed about his…well, just Skeppy at the moment.

Skeppy grumbled and kicked a pebble looking annoyed but ignored Badboyhalo’s question.

Bad hummed his heart raced and his cheeks flushed, he knew what had to be done…but he couldn’t help but wonder about the ‘what ifs’ of this situation.

‘What if Skeppy doesn’t return back to normal? What if Skeppy gets annoyed again or even disgusted and runs away from him never to be seen again?! What if…he comes back…?

But- if he did would he even want to be with Bad after finding out what had to be done in order to  bring him back?’

Badboyhalo’s thoughts ran as he tried to calm himself in order to go through with his plan. He took a deep breath and brought his hands up to pull down his hood.

Skeppy watched Badboyhalo nervously pull down his hood, his eyes flickered for a short moment, a glimmer of light could be spotted but just as soon as it was there, it disappeared.

He had no idea what was going on, but he had to admit that he felt a strange sense of anticipation building inside him.

Badboyhalo's sudden shift in behaviour was unexpected and curious, and Skeppy felt almost eager to find out what will happen next, but also felt a pool of anxiety start to build up in his stomach.

‘He is so weird,’ he thought. "Bad, what are we doing here?" Skeppy asked again still confused and growing annoyed again, breaking the tense silence.

He was completely unaware that this supposed weirdo is his bestfriend and literal soulmate.

Badboyhalo turned to face him, his expression grim and serious. "I need to do something, Skeppy," Badboyhalo mumbled, his voice low and hesitant.

"And I need your help." Skeppy raised an eyebrow in confusion. He had no idea what Badboyhalo was talking about, but he felt odd. Different.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding more eager to hear what Badboyhalo had in mind. He stopped kicking pebbles and just stood waiting in anticipation for anything and everything.

"I nee-“ he hesitated then sighed, “I need to kiss you," Badboyhalo reluctantly responded, his eyes now  locked with Skeppy's.

Skeppy's breath caught in his throat, and he just stared into those green, emerald eyes frozen in shock and confusion, but he was listening intently.

"But why?" he asked, feeling too many emotions at once. It was overwhelming! This was not what the egg had promised him. He inhaled a sharp breath and just held it trying to gather his thoughts.

He had no idea why Badboyhalo would want to kiss him, but the thought of those soft lips on his own had him feeling things he hasn’t felt in what felt like awhile.

"Because it's the only way to break the egg's influence," Badboyhalo said, his voice firm and decisive. "I need to bring you back, Skeppy. I can't stand to see you like this any longer." His tone turned into something more desperate and heartbroken.

Skeppy's heart swelled with emotion at the words, and without thinking he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Badboyhalo's.

The kiss was soft and gentle, and Skeppy felt himself melting into it, a sense of peace and respite washing over him.

Bad's heart pounded in his chest as he pulled Skeppy into his arms, pressing his lips against his.

The two of them just held onto each other for what felt like an eternity, locked in a passionate embrace as the wind blew past them.

As they parted, Badboyhalo smiled at him, his eyes bright with joy unlike the hopelessness and despair he felt these past few weeks.

"Skeppy," he simply breathed and went back in for a second kiss, shorter and filled with joy, "You're back."

For the first time in weeks, Skeppy smiled back at him, his heart filled with gratitude and love. For the first time in what seemed like forever, he felt truly happy.

Not a numbing affect to numb the pain of Bad leaving but a true happiness same as before all these shenanigans happened.

As soon as the kiss ended, Badboyhalo pulled Skeppy into a tight embrace, his hands running through his hair and his lips pressed against his face, showering him in kisses. It was as if he couldn't get enough of him now that he was back.

The two of them stood there, arms wrapped around each other, for what seemed like an eternity.

Finally, they pulled back and pressed their foreheads together, they both gave each other fond looks and it’s safe to say Bad got his little diamond back.

"I love you," they both whispered at the same time, their voices breaking with emotion. Badboyhalo grabbed Skeppy’s hands and brought them up to his racing heart.

He then kissed his forehead, his lips so softly planted over his skin. "I love you too," he whispered, his eyes sparkling with tears.

They stayed like that for a while, lost in a world of their own, until Skeppy finally spoke. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice breaking and tears finally leaking from his eyes. "I never meant to hurt you."

Badboyhalo shook his head. "It's okay," he sighed. "I understand. And I’m sorry as well. I-I was being selfish and in the process I almost lost you forever. But now that you are back where you should be, in my arms, I will never make the same mistake ever again.”

They kissed again, their lips lingering on each other's for a moment longer than necessary, until they finally pulled apart.

"So, what now?" Skeppy asked, trying to keep the fear out of his voice.

Badboyhalo grinned and reassured, "now, we go back to before everything turned messy, and start over! Together."

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