#🗝️ Escape from reality 🗝️#

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Feeling useless again ya'll. So sorry but this one is quite angsty. Like- 65% angst. But the ending is hopeful to say the least. I may or may not have projected my feelings into a fic for the first time and it didn't rlly end well. Anyway, thank you everyone and enjoy. I'm sorry again for all the angst dearies. </3

Tw : Slightly dark, hinted suicide attempt, people who have somniphobia are adviced not to read.

" I never wanted to wake up. It felt better asleep. It's like a reverse nightmare. My dreams are my new reality, because everytime I wake up into a nightmare.."

Every single night, Skeppy would think back to the days everything was better. He would dream about what could've been instead of what happened.

Every single night turned to every day and night. He would pull the covers over himself and sleep. He would just sleep and sleep and sleep the day and night away.

And when he awakes? He starts all over again. He doesn't bother eating or leaving his bed. He would just sleep again and again and again.

Sleep gives him an escape from reality. An escape from everything. As time passes by, Skeppy's "friends" had visited him.

He would wake up because of them. They forced him to leave the comfort of his bed. They forced him to be stuck in reality.

But it's already become a part of his life. He doesn't want to leave ever. He wants to go back to bed and never wake up. But they were there.

And they were getting annoying. In order to return to his humble abode he needs to get rid of them. So he did. He shut everyone out.

Locked all the doors and chained himself to the bed. But not before he took several pills. Now, he can sleep forever. And no one can wake him up anymore.

Weeks has passed and he still slept peacefully. His room, without his notice, became significantly more dusty. Breathing became a bit difficult but it's okay.

Weeks became months. He still didn't move an inch. His dreams became his new reality. He wouldn't have it any other way.

In his dreams, the egg didn't happen, Bad was normal, HE was normal. Everything was okay because it was the same. It is everything he's ever wanted.

That is- until four months had passed. At first, he couldn't tell if anything had changed. His dreams do warp occasionally...but then he saw Bad. His best friend blinked wearilly at him.

His lips were moving, he was speaking to him but he heard no words. Then, a blasted headache came and his head hurt so much and the next thing he knew, he fell unconcious once more.

This time he had an urge to wake up. To see Bad again and ask him why he was upset. The next time he awoke was only a few hours later, this time he awoke in a...hospital bed?

Everything looks blurry but then he felt something or someone hold his hand. He looked to his right to see Bad once again looking at him worriedly.

He huffed, Bad is always so worried about him. He shakily raised his hand to cup his bestfriend's face and wiped a tear from his face.

The demon only cried harder at the supporting gesture and kissed the palm that cupped his cheek. "Oh Skeppy...what happened?"

Huh, Skeppy could hear now. He could hear beeping and soft reassurances from his best friend. He doesn't like seeing Bad cry.

He didn't know why Bad was crying but it seems this time he had been the one to make him cry.

Although his throat hurt, he hoarsely spoke quietly, " D-don't cry Bad... I don't like seeing you cry, i'm sorry. "

The tears stopped flowing and he seemed relieved. His shoulders were less tense and he gave Skeppy a sad smile.

Skeppy thought back to his question, ' What happened..? ' Badboyhalo then pat his head and leaned in to kiss his cheek. Skeppy could feel blood rush to his face as his heart beat faster.

' What..? '

He must have looked shocked since Bad just chuckled wetly, " It's okay Skeppy, don't be sorry, everything will get better, i'm sorry, please don't close your eyes, stay with me...I-I love you." Well...I suppose questions could wait. For now, Skeppy just wanted to stay in this dream.

Or, he thought it was a dream, it was too good to be true after all.


I'm sorry if this fic serves an issue! If it does, pls comment and I will delete or make a new one. Sorry if i'm rambling. Thank you all for your support. All is appreciated. ^^ See you all next time ducklings! <3

Also! Reader5p0into i'm sorry but I am still only halfway your request. Please do wait. Thank you. 😮‍💨🥲

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