Ch 2 : Blossoming Love in Zombie Apocalypse(1)

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[Transmigration process is over, Beatrice. Welcome to the new world : Blossoming Love in Zombie Apocalypse]

"The heck! I am in a Zombie Apocalyptic world?! No no no no! I surrender. Send me back! Send me back! Quickly!", Beatrice shouted scared already.


She looked to her right to see that zombies were already near her and were even coming towards her although at a very slow pace.

She looked around herself frantically, looking for any escape. 

She was sitting on the lower bed of a bunk bed with the door to her room open from where several zombies had already started entering the room.

 She saw the window on the other end of the room. She ran towards it and saw that she was in the 2nd floor of the building.

If she jumped off then she would probably break some bones but even then it wasn't likely that she would escape, there were zombies lurking about down there too.

Beatrice turned back and looked at the zombies, some of their eyes were falling apart, with rotten flesh which had somehow turned greenish, their clothes were torn here and there. Some of them had id cards on their neck. Students probably.

The scene broke her and the terrifying feeling of fear crept into her. She was scared. She wanted to go home.

Home? I don't even know where that is... No, I need to calm down. The are extremely slow, I can still find an escape.

An idea crossed her mind, she saw rubik's cube on a table nearby. She threw it over the zombies towards the wall on the opposite direction to her room.

The Zombies near the door went towards the sound but the three zombies already inside only turned for a moment before continuing their movement towards her.

"Looks like they don't only use their sense of sound...maybe smell too?" She thought out loud.

[Yes, they sense sound and smell both.]


Beatrice almost screamed but managed to control herself.

Then replied in a whisper, "Can't you send me back to system space?!"

[I can hear your voice through your head, Beatrice. You don't need to whisper or speak out loud while trying to converse with me and I can't send you back just yet. You need to complete the tasks of this world first. If you die before then your revival points will be cut by 1000 and you will be thrown back to this world again from the beginning but if your revival points become negative, your reincarnation wish won't be ful-]

'Ari! Stop with that! Tell me how to escape from this situation. HELP. ME.' Beatrice interrupted her system's long speech in between.

The zombies were already quite near her.

[You need to kill them. Attack their head till the green fluid comes out.]

'K-k-kill them?' She tried to calm herself.

'Ugh stop it brain. Yes. I need to do it. I can do it.' She chanted to herself.

Beatrice grabbed the nearest thing she could use as weapon... A hairdryer... She also found a pair of scissors.

She took a deep breath in. I can do it.

She swung the scissors with full force and hit the neck of the nearest zombie. Then banged the hair dryer on its head and then landed the final blow to it with scissors again on its head.

The green liquid flowing from the zombie was all over her.

'It won't infect me right?'

[No. You can only be infected if you are bitten by it.]

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