Ch 13 : Struggle for What's Mine(5)

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Right now, Beatrice was sitting on the same quiz room with all of the main characters and Marie, after school hours. They decided to study together for 3 hours, 3 to 6 p.m., on school days.

Apart from Nicholas, Marie and Beatrice; the rest were either idling around or being lovey-dovey.

Nicholas broke into his usual tantrums as soon as I completed my work.

What the heck is this? Ugh! I want to leave so bad! But looking at her watch she realized 2 more hours were left. Guess, I will stay for the sake of my stomach.

Sighing, she tried to think up something to set Nicholas and Marie together to get closer.

And an idea did come up!

"Let's go karaoke!" Beatrice declared out of blue.

"Why so suddenly?" Nicholas asked confused.

"So many members have been added to are group. We should celebrate their entrance!"

"Do we really need to?" He whispered the next part, "Half of them are not even studying."

"That's why we need to make them lively! We need to help them realize the power of knowledge!" She said with such determined and serious look that he could not refute her.


"Why are we doing at a karaoke again?" James asked, weirded out.

"To celebrate the entrance of all of you into our study group!" Beatrice answered excitedly.

"Is there a need to? Most of us weren't even studying." 

Beatrice ignored that and led the group inside to their assigned room. She ordered food for everyone as soon as they settled. 

All were awkward and were just sitting without knowing what to do while Beatrice eyes were skimming only over the menu.

When their order arrived and the hungry monster ate something, she finally noticed the awkward atmosphere.

"What are you all doing? Goooo siiing!" She prodded. Everyone just shared glances between themselves.

"Do I need to even tell who would go first, now?" And all nodded their head in response. What's wrong with these people?

"Alright. Mason and Kiara would go first! Our new couple!" She announced with claps while the two rejected vehemently. Beatrice had to drag the two out of their seats to perform.

The shy duo surprisingly became quite casual and extroverted as soon as they began singing. The mood was lit by them.

Beatrice gestured Harry to go up next with Jenna with her gaze. 

They sang horribly, there was absolutely no sync between them but they still enjoyed their time while the others smiled forcefully thinking the same thing. Never let them sing again. EVER.

"Selina should go next." Kiara said as Harry and Jenna sat down.

I should go solo. Then Marie and Nicholas can go. 

"Okay! I am singing alone though."

Beatrice chose a pop song and even danced along while singing. She was enjoying it more than she had thought. 

"Next, Nicholas and Marie should go!" She declared as soon as she finished her performance.

"I can't really sing. James can go with Nicholas." Marie responded with a polite smile.

No! What are you doing? I need you both to spend time together!

The boys agreed and there was no room for Beatrice to butt in.

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