Ch 15 : It's rest time... Sike! Yet again

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Beatrice body felt light but she did not feel nervous like the last time. She was used to it now.

[Welcome Back, Beatrice!] The cute little robot said excitedly.

'You too, Ari!' She replied with the same enthusiasm but collapsed to the floor just after.

'Don't you dare send me to the next world till I tell you, 'I am ready to go to the next world', do you understand?'

Before Ari could reply, she continued.

'And I don't mean it now. I want to rest now.'

[Ok, Beatrice...]

'Did something noticeable happen after I left?'

[Everything was mostly fine but the original Selina somehow came to know that you, a foreign person was in her body in these few days an had even left you a message.]

"What?!" Beatrice sat up straight in shock. "How did she know?! What message? How did she leave it to me?"

[She did not do something. It is just that she spoke to herself in front of a mirror and said everything she wanted to say. it would be clear after you see this.]

All of a sudden, a huge monitor displayed in front of Beatrice.

[Hi. I don't know what or who you were but I know you were within me. 

All the things you did wasn't like me at all and actually, I could have never even dared to do that even in my dreams. I am pretty sure I would not even have the courage to say and accept what I am saying now. It had all been possible because of you. 

Whatever... Whatever I am doing now is because of you.... I am so thankful... I will definitely make sure I make the factory you opened prosper. Because you were the first person who held an expectation on me. 

Thank you very much.]

She ended up crying miserably. Beatrice could not help but feel emotional as well.

"I am so happy someone knows me. It feels so good to be remembered Ari..." Beatrice became teary as well.

[Beatrice... I have a bad news.]

'Huh? What happened?'

[Actually, people in the world should not be able to determine that someone else was in the body. They could think that they were acting weird but straight up knowing that you were there is forbidden... So, 1000 Revival points have been substracted from you as penalty.] I am going to be scolded /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

"What?! That's absolutely wrong!"

[I-I know right...! But this in the set of rules, you see...] Spare me, please!

"Who the heck set up such stupid rules! They are an idiot! What is wrong with their brain?!"


"This so not fair! If there are such rules, I should have been informe- Wait a minute! Ari!!!!!!! You @#$%!#$ ! Why did you not inform me about this before?!" Beatrice literally roared at Ari in anger.

[I am sorry Beatrice! I am so sorry! It is all my fault! I will not repeat it again! I am sorry! This was my mistake! They say that accepting mistakes is a good practice. I accepted! Forgive me please!]

"Accepting mistake is just a good practice, it doesn't mean that you are forgiven! And let me remind you that you did not admit it from the beginning! Only confessed when I pointed out!"

[I am sorry... I am so sorry!!!] (;'д`)ゞ

Beatrice sighed in annoyance. "You shouldn't apologize so much too. It makes it look like you are selling yourself short. Of course, you should say 'sorry' when you did wrong but there is still a limit to how much you say that, you know?"

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