Ch 19 : Unseen Who Becomes the Emperor(4)

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The Alarm blared. It was the end of their 15 minutes discussion time. Everyone had already put on the oil on their hands and legs. It was extremely uncomfortable and hot. This was no short to torture for them.

The garden area of the house was totally altered. 

The first time they entered this house, they had briefly glanced here. Then, it contained of natural garden like things, flowers, plants, trees with even swings and see-saws. Looking like any other garden but at this moment, the swings and see-saws were removed, the potted plants were moved towards the periphery of the large garden area and monitors, cameras and other shooting related equipment were placed. The monitor alike to the one in the common house, showed the instructions.

[The Task : Mutant Tug of War will begin soon.

The participants of Group 1, take your positions on the left side of the main line while Group 2 participants will take their positions on the right side. DO NOT TOUCH THE ROPE UNTIL THE ALARM BLARES INDICATING THE GAME HAS BEGUN.

Wait for the alarm to to sound and then begin the match.

Team, UWBE]

Group 2 members nodded to each other and took their positions. They were scrambled disorderly on their right side of the ground while Group 1 members had taken their position in a well planned manner. 5 people were standing near the rope, ready to pull on the sound of alarm while 2 members (Qin Lang and Cheng Xuan) were standing away from the rope, guarding the front on both sides of the rope, preventing the entry of the other teams participants.

Beatrice looked towards them and nodded when they met eyes. It was their code to follow what they discussed earlier.


Jia Xinya, Shi Qibai, Xiao Mei(Beatrice) and Ji Jiuran of  Group 2 held the rope and pulled it towards them as hard as they could while Li Zhao had launched himself faster than a cannonball toward one of the defenders and took the strong, bulky looking man down in one go, creating and opening for Ming Shiji to trip the first two members of Group 1 down. Su Yuna had in turn kept the other defender, Cheng Xuan busy and unable to help his team members.

It seemed the Group 1 members had planned to change places as soon as the game began to not let the other team had a heads up. It was a good technique but the totally offensive move of the other team had caught them off guard and created difficulty for them.

The rope had moved towards Group 2. The red cloth tied on the rope coming towards their vicinity from the very beginning. Shi Qibai helped to tied the rope tightly around the torso of Ji Jiuran while the other two continued to pull the rope towards them.

However, Group 2 lost it's complete advantage when Huo Chen rushed towards Ming Shiji from his previous position in the back holding the rope and toppled him towards the ground without hesitation. The move stunned Li Zhao and he got easily over taken by his opponent, Qin Lang. Su Yuna was also not able to stop her opponent for long and lied on the ground while the other party went on towards his team mates to help them.

"Go and help Su Yuna up! Send her here and help the other two instead!" Beatrice shouted while she kept pulling the rope towards their vicinity. It was becoming hard now that the other team had regained their momentum.

Soon, Su Yuna returned and started pulling the rope while Jia Xinya who helped her started taking down the other team's members with her sweater pull technique and continuous tripping technique. Li Zhao guarded her and prevented other team's participants from messing up their advance. Ming Shiji also helped him from the other side.

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