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We are searching for her everywhere. 

Where is she? She didn't get dragged by those creatures right? I can't loose her... I- I promised to protect her and to never let her suffer when I met her again. What am I going to do? What should I do? Where is she?

I could see my eyesight becoming blurry. 

No this isn't the time to cry. 

I controlled my raging emotions and continued to find her.

"Zhan! She is not anywhere in the convenience store! I will wait here in case she comes back. The rest of you search around the area!" Zhaoyan shouted.

"Ok! Haoyan, you stay here too. Muhan, Zhan and I will go off in different directions. Let's all meet here in 30 minutes... Whether we find her or no-" Before Zhezhi could continue, I grabbed him by the collar.

"I. Will. Find. My. Sister. No. Matter. What. Do you understand?" I looked at him with anger in my eyes.

Muhan separated me from him forcefully. 

"Zhan, think clearly. He meant that we will try some other way to find her if we couldn't find her with that. We will definitely find her. Don't worry."

I knew that but I feeling so pathetic and frustrated that I could not stop myself. I was about to explain but when I looked at their determined eyes, I just nodded.

"We will find her." I responded resolutely and assured myself at the same time.


I could not find her... Please please I hope they would have found her...

I returned to our decided spot and they happened to come at the same time too. Without Bei.

Just as I was about to go berserk again, I saw her figure. Bei was coming!

I ran as soon as I saw her. She smiled brightly when we met eyes. 

This girl! She dares to smile when she made all of us worry? I won't let her get away with just a small lecture this time. 

 Her eyes suddenly rolled back and she collapsed on ground with a thud. I shouted in surprise followed by others. 

A girl was standing close to her and had saved her head from directly hitting the ground.

I shook her. "Bei! What happened?! Bei! Jang Bei! JANG BEI OPEN YOUR EYES!" I kept shouting.

Muhan and Zhezhi held me back. They were saying something but I could not hear them. Zhaoyan was checking her pulse or something. Seeing, that I tried to calm down.

Yeah, I need to calm down.

While Zhaoyan was still checking her pulse, she opened her eyes just like that.

"Bei.. Are you alright?" I asked in a worry laced voice. 

"Hmm? Ah.. Of course silly-- I-I mean I am fine. I.... um... f- felt- felt dizzy..." She became nervous when she saw Zhezhi looking at her too.

Somehow... I felt she was different. Her gaze, it wasn't like before. I mean it's like my sister but it's like how she talked before this whole apocalypse... I knew she had a crush on Zhezhi so her personality always took a 180 degree turn whenever he was there but since a while ago, didn't she treat him as a friend? 

And to such a degree that I don't really think anyone could like her as a female partner, more like a female brother.... What am I thinking about really?

I sighed. "At least you look fine now. Zhaoyan, what do you think happened to her?" 

"Her pulse was normal. Maybe she has not been able to sleep properly or used her powers too much or it might be low sugar."

"What are you giving options for? Tell us what happened to her!" I asked annoyed

"Zhan, calm down." Muhan slapped my head as he said that in carefree manner. This led to a mini fight.

"Umm... Please do-don't fight..." A small voice said that I barely heard it.

I glanced towards the source of sound. It was the strange girl that had appeared with Bei. We had forgotten about her presence completely.

(A/N : The female lead does not have a PRESENCE?! What? Where's the halo thingy? WHo the heck wrote this- Oops...me)

"Who are you? Did you do something to her?" Before I could say something, Zhezhi started interrogating her.

She replied meekly, "N-no! I...was saved by her. She saved me from a group of zombies. If you.. don't want me to be here I will leav-"

Bei cut her speech off while shouting 'No!'

"I have saved her and I want her to join our team." She said in a determined voice.

"Um... that's ok and all.. but why have you turned your back to me?" Zhezhi asked unsure.

"H-huh? W-w-what? N-no-no I just turned towards the fresh air because I did not want to get dizzy again."

"But Muhan is standing right infront of you? How will you get in fresh air? Did I do something wrong? You have started avoiding me like before..."

This dumbass! Why is he so clueless?

"She is no mad at you, idiot! She likes you!" Muhan said out loud annoyed to which Bei vehemently rejected.

"I thought you were over this fool, didn't you? Did your fall damage your brain again?"

"Hey! Don't talk about my sister like that!" I grabbed him by the collar and he returned the gesture.

Zhaoyan and Haoyan came to break our fight.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Zhezhi and Bei talking with their faces blushing.

"Hey! Get away from my sister!"

And this was how he got dragged in our fight and the rest three tried to break our trio fight.

"Uh...What am I supposed to do?" We heard someone say in a small voice but we couldn't care less who it was.


                    - Blossoming love in Zombie Apocalypse (Arc 1)

                         - Jang Zhan POV


So, this was the SPECIAL POV chapter. 

Did you like it?

Should I write another one?

Tell me whose Point of View you want next. It might not be just the after transmigration events like this one. You can even ask for a particular part of story. Your writer soldier will do it's best! (The plan was to do it then immediately but it might take some time. Do tell though. I will still do my best!)


Bye! I hope you have an amazing.. no, fabulous weekend ahead!

(I am still changing things... Am I really lazy now? 

Inner self : At least in school related things you are.

Shut up!)

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