<Getting To Know Each Other> Chpt. 2

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!A/N Doesn't everyone just love the photo I put :D! Anyways there's gonna be some talking of the past in this part! Enjoy! A/N!

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!A/N Doesn't everyone just love the photo I put :D! Anyways there's gonna be some talking of the past in this part! Enjoy! A/N!

Muichiro's pov

It was the next morning. The sun shined in through the window at 6 am. I stuffed my head under my pillow to get away from it's rays.

Genya had gotten up an hour prior. I heard him showering at 5 in the damn morning.

Genya layed on his bed probably watching YouTube or something.

I looked up at him. "Why are you up so early?" I groaned, looking over to him rubbing my eye.

"Ah, sorry did I wake you? But I'm up because a text woke me up." He said pausing what he was watching.

He continued, "Anyways me and my friends were heading to this new breakfast place this morning, do you wanna come too?" Genya looked genuinely happy, he looked kinda pretty when he smiled too.

Gah, what am I thinking? Maybe going with Genya will bring us closer? It would be nice to be close to my roommate.

"If I go will you stop bothering me?" I sat up in my bed and looked towards him.

"It sure would!" Genya gave me a large grin. How couldn't I say no to that?

"Fine." I'd get out of bed and headed into the bathroom with clothes. I showered and brushed my teeth. But while in the shower I noticed Genya uses kids shampoo. I had a good laugh about that.

I got changed into a oversized gray t-shirt that had my favorite band on it, mother mother, I was also wearing tan sweatpants, and slip on vans.

"What time are we leaving?" I'd say, coming out of the bathroom.

"We can leave now. They told us to wait in the lobby anyways." He explained, slipping on and tying his shoes.

I'd nod unlocking the door and leaving the room. "Hey, wait up!" He'd yell at me, as he closed and locked our dorm door.

We waited in the lobby on our phones for a good 15 minutes before a red headed boy and a guy with a boar mask showed up. I think I knew the boy with red hair. Tanjuro Kamado? No, Tanjiro Kamado.

"HEY, MENEYA" The guy with the boar head shouted as he ran over to Genya.

"Hello, Genya!" Tanjiro said, slightly hugging Genya. "Zenitsu should be here soon, he had to talk to his roommate about something." Tanjiro said, while looking sorry.

Genya nodded and said his hellos. I just sat there. "Oh, this is my roommate! Muichiro Tokito!"

"Wassup." I'd boringly said, barely looking up from my phone screen.
I don't like the boar headed one. He is loud and annoying and can't get my name right.

"HELLO, TAKETO!!" The boar headed one screamed in my face. I seemed unbothered but really I wanted to punch him.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, Tokito. I'm Tanjiro Kamado!" Tanjiro said, shaking my hand.

"I know. I've seen you around." I said as a response. I heard someone screaming as they ran down the hallway.

It was a boy who looked like he had frie hair. His roommate chased him. His roommate was the one from the elevator.

"GET BACK HERE ZENITSU!" The frie haired boys roommate shouted as he chased him with a shoe.

"TANJIROO!!" Zenitsu screamed, as he hid behind Tanjiro. "Woah, woah, what happened?" Tanjiro said, blocking off Zenitsu.


"Well, Zenitsu will clean them up when we get back." Tanjiro explained trying to calm him down.

"Good." The roommate stomped back to his dorm. We could hear the door slam from where we were.

"We should get going... the girls are waiting." Tanjiro said sliding towards the elevator.

We'd reach the ground floor and we'd see the girls in the lobby. "Hi guys!" Genya would shout, running over to them.

I've seen them before. At my old school. I rarely spoke with them though. I only ever talked to Nezuko.

I'd follow behind Genya but I didn't run. "Is that you Muichiro-kun?" Nezuko got up and hugged me.

"Hello Nezuko. It's nice to see you." I said blankly, putting one arm around her.

"Oh, you two know each other?" Genya would question. "Yes, Muichiro was at our middle school. Although I was the only one who hung out with him." Nezuko explained, letting go of our hug.

~Time skip, 30 minutes later~

Genya pov!

We arrived at the Cafe shortly after it was busy in the morning. We got sat at a booth in a corner closet to the kitchen.

The booth is circular so on the right edge is Zenitsu next to him is Inosuke and then Aoi, Kanao, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Muichiro, and on the left edge is Genya.
Anyways back to the story!

I decided to sit on the edge so I could see every one! The waiter came over shortly after we sat down.

"Would you guys like to start off with some drinks?" The waiter asked, scanning the table.

I started to tell him the drink I wanted. "Could I get a decafe coffee with milk and sugar?" The waiter wrote it down on his sheet of paper.

He pointed to Muichiro. "What will you be getting?" The waiter prepared to write. "Uhm, I'll have a glass of milk." The waiter wrote it down and moved on to the Nezuko.

Nezuko ended up getting orange juice, Tanjiro with water, Kanao with water, Aoi with tea, Inosuke with water, and Zenitsu with orange juice.

The waiter came out again. This time taking our orders. I of course got pancakes, Muichiro got waffles, Nezuko got french toast, Tanjiro got french toast, Kanao got pancakes, Aoi got a blueberry muffin, Inosuke got pancakes and a blueberry muffin, and Zenitsu got banana bread.

!A/N Paused here for now! Trying to keep each chapter just over or just under 1000 words! Hope you enjoyed this chapter though, and have a great day! Word Count: 1,024 A/N!

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