<The Confession?> Chpt. 6

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!A/N Omg thank you everyone for getting us to number 2 in the Genmui category! Anyways, Welcome to the next chapter everyone! There may be a bit of drama in this chapter by the way! Anyways Enjoy! A/N!

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!A/N Omg thank you everyone for getting us to number 2 in the Genmui category! Anyways, Welcome to the next chapter everyone! There may be a bit of drama in this chapter by the way! Anyways Enjoy! A/N!

Genya pov

I sit on the bleachers nervously, awaiting Muichiro's arrival. I stare at the sky wondering how this will go. I hear foot steps coming up the metal bleachers. "What's up?" I hear Muichiro's voice say. He sits down next to me.

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked. "Uhm, well yea, I guess." He said, stuttering a bit. I look over to him. "Muichiro-" I get cut off by a thought in my brain.

"Genya, you are going to date and marry a girl!" My father shouted at me. I remember, this was when I had just broken up with my girlfriend in 8th grade. "What if I don't want to?!" I shouted back. He slapped me across the face. "I will not allow any Lgbtq+ members live under my roof!!" He shouted and shouted until Nemi had to help me. "Genya can be who he wants to be!!" Nemi shouted, hitting my dad so he would get away from me. Mom and him were divorced by now. Mom was now dating a wonderful guy who I could look up to. But I couldn't bare when I had to leave for dad's house.

The thought ended as Muichiro started to speak. "Genya, you're crying, what's wrong?" I heard him speak. I sniffled and stared into his light blue eyes. "I'll see you later." I let go of his hands and ran down the bleachers and back inside leaving Muichiro alone and on the bleachers, confused.

I spent the rest of break on the stairs not speaking ot anyone. Gym time came and all the 1st years gathered into the gymnasium. There wasn't many people there it seems the amount of 1st years grows smaller every year. The gym teachers, Mr. Tomioka and Mr. Haganezuka handed out our gym uniforms and made us go to the locker rooms and change. Muichiro tried to speak to me in the locker room

"Genya, why did you run away from me during break?" He'd ask, whining a bit. I ignored. "Stop ignoring me Gen!" He'd plead. I'd slip off my shirt and put on my gym shirt. I'd notice Muichiro blush and I left the locker room not speaking a word to him, what I thought of was still on my mind.

"Alright, we are running laps head out to the running track and start at the entrance." Mr. Tomioka said, pointing to the doors. I head outside and started running at a slow pace. I overheard the conversation of the people behind me. "Did you hear that guy threatened somebody?" One of them said. "Yea, I heard he was protecting his boyfriend." The other said. I blushed a lot at the statement and sped up to get away from them. But when I sped up I slowed my pace and was next to Muichiro.

"Are you going to stop ignoring me yet?" He asked, tapping my shoulder non-stop. "Yes, I'll stop ignoring you." I groaned. "Great! Now why did you run away from me earlier?" He asked, with a worried face. "I'll tell you later." I brushed off the question. "Hmph." He groaned, sounding annoyed at me. "What, you impatient?" I asked, teasing him a little. "Stop you jerk!" He shouted, nudging my shoulder. I'd nudge him back laughing as he tripped a little.

He caught back up to me. "Anyways, what do you think they'll be serving at dinner?" I said, looking down towards him. "I don't know, probably some crappy leftover spaghetti from last night." He said, sticking his tongue out in disgust. I laughed as the teachers said the period was over. "Huh, that was surprisingly quick." I said, stopping by the entrance. Muichiro nodded. We headed to the locker room to get changed.

"Hey wanna go back to the dorm and play some video games?" I asked, grabbing my backpack. "Sure!" He said back, also grabbing his stuff. We got up to the dorm room and sat down on the bean bag chairs. "What do you wanna play?" I asked, looking through my game collection. "What do you have?" Muichiro questioned, grabbing some waters from the mini fridge.

"Super Smash Bros, Minecraft, Mario Cart, and Nintendo Switch Sports." I say, holding up the four games. "Hm, let's play Smash Bros, it's the only one I'm good at." He'd say, sitting down on the bean bag chair. "You're good at Minecraft." I'd say trying to give him confidence as I slid the game into the cartridge slot.

We'd start playing and I was on a winning streak. "HA! Beat you again! 7 times in a row!" I'd brag. "Yeah, yeah, I know, but I'll beat you this time!" He'd say with confidence. He'd beat me that round. "I won, HA HA!!" He'd shout with glee, as he stood up on the bean bag chair. I'd look at the clock, it was dinner time. "We should head down for dinner." I said, putting my controller on the floor. "What! You're just scared at losing again!" He'd cross his arms and frowned. I'd laugh a little. "No, it's seven pm." I'd say, still laughing. He'd whip around and looked at the clock. "Oh-" He'd look at me. "Well let's go!" He said, running out of the room. "Wait for me!" I shout, locking the dorm door as I left.

I watched Muichiro jolt down the hallway. I have to admit I really do love him, he's cute, funny, and has been a great friend and roommate this entire time. But for now I'm happy with being just friends.

!A/N A little plot twist there! Anyways thank you all again for getting this story to number 2 in the genmui category! I hope you all keep reading and enjoying the stories I write! So I hope you enjoyed, and have a good day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 1,021

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