<The Destruction> Chpt. 8

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!A/N Hello readers and welcome to Chpt 8! I have nothing to say right now so enjoy! A/N!

Genya's pov

The power shuts of in a bang and screams echoed through the basement. "Are you guys okay?" I ask, looking into the darkness. "Yes." I hear Tanjiro answer, his voice is shaky. "We should all huddle up, it's going to get cold in here very quickly." Tanjiro also says. We all stay close to each other, conserving our body heat.

But just then I feel Muichiro shivering. I unzip my jacket and zip it back up when he is also inside the jacket. I hug him close to my body as the wind howls get stronger. It sounds like the tornado is right above us. Suddenly the wind stops howling. Everything seems fine. We wait there for atleast 45 more minutes before the power switches back on. An announcement comes on the intercoms.

"Hello students this is your principal it is safe to leave the basement. But beware there are some damages to the building."

We stay close to each other as we walk up the stairs and out of the basement. The lobby looks like a mess. Some of the windows are shattered and there are papers everywhere.

I saw Nemi walking up to me. "Hey dork, I'm going to drive us home. The school is closing for 2 weeks for repairs." He said, looking annoyed. I nodded. "Also, why is Tokito in your jacket?" He asked, pointing to him. "Oh uh..." I felt my face get hot and Nemi smirked at me, walking away.

Muichiro pov

I saw Genya blush and I felt my self blush too. But I buried my face into his chest to hide my face. I heard him unzip his jacket. "You should call your parents or brother to come pick you up." He said, sweetly. I nod and step down onto the ground. I pull out my phone and call my dad.

"Hey bud, what's up?"

"Can you pick me up from the school. It got damaged from the storm and it's going to be closed for 2 weeks."

"You can't come home. Your mother's sickness got worse and I can't have you bringing in any outside germs."

"Okay... so where am I going to stay?"

"Stay with you brother!"

"Eh... no thanks. I'll stay with a friend. Bye."

"Goodbye, bud."

I hung up and turned to Genya. I started crying. I leaned into him for a hug and he comforted me. "What happened?" He said, pulling me away from his chest and grabbing my shoulders. "My dad won't let me stay home because my mom is more sick now!" I shoved my face back into his chest. And he held me, swaying side to side slowly. "What about your brother?" He said, still holding me tightly. "His roommate is weird. I don't like him." I say, annoyed. "Well you can stay with my family for now!" Genya said cheerfully.

"Alright, let's go grab our stuff." I say, starting towards the stairs. We head to the third floor carefully and pack up all our stuff and head outside. We Sanemi standing by his car waiting for Genya. "Hey Nemi, Muichiro is going to stay with us while the school is closed." He said, happily. "Whatever, get in." Sanemi rolled his eyes and helped get our stuff in his car. We get into the car. I sit in the middle seat and Genya sits on the left seat.

"The drive is two hours." Sanemi says, looking back at the two of us. We both nod and he drives away from the school. After about 30 minutes me and Genya fall asleep.

I feel someone shake me and I wake up with a jolt. "What happened?!" I yell, looking around vigorously. "Nothing happened," Genya laughed. "But we're here." Genya said, helping me out of the car. His mom ran up to me and hugged me, she was just a bit shorter than Sanemi, had black hair, and a white bow. "You must be my sons boyfriend!" She yelled happily. "Momm, he's not my boyfriend." Genya groaned. "Oh, I was joking Genya." His mom brushed it off. "Anyways, I'm Shizu and you are Muichiro?" She questioned me. "That's correct." I nod.

"Alright! Come inside, your stuff is already in Genya's room!" She joyfully said, while bringing me inside. Their house was big and beautiful. I saw Genya's dad walking towards me. He was tall and muscular, he also had blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and glasses. "This is my step-dad!" Genya said proudly. I shook his hand and he started to introduce himself. "I'm Yorioya, you must be Muichiro I assume!" He said, smiling brightly. "Yes I am. But how did you know?" I asked. "Oh, Genya talks about you all the time!" He said, still smiling. "Daddd." Genya groaned. "Sorry!" He chuckled and walked away.

"Kids time for dinner!" I heard Shizu yell from the kitchen. Me and Genya raced downstairs and sat at the dining table. His siblings sat in the seats around us. "You must be Gen's boyfriend!!" One of them shouted.

!A/N Not putting all the siblings names because we won't be seeing them much A/N!

"N-no I'm not." My face heated up as I shoved some spaghetti in my mouth. We all talked throughout dinner about school and their family. I finish up eating and put my plate into the dishwasher. "Go ahead up to Genya's room boys, have a goodnight." Genya's mom told us. We head upstairs and Genya jumps on his bed, striking a hilarious pose. I break out laughing and so does he.

"I'll go get a mattress for you to sleep on." He says, leaving the room. I look around the room and find one of his sweatshirts. It's gray and has the Legend of Zelda logo on it. I slip it over my head and look down at it. I smile slightly while my face heats up a little. Then I hear Genya walk into the room. I whip around and my face turns red.

"I-i'm sorry!" I shout. "It's fine, it looks good on you." He says with a sincere smile. I smile a little too as he sets down the mattress. He helps me put my bed sheets on it. We look at the time, 8:30. "Wanna play some video games?" Genya asks me. I nod. We play Mario Kart for awhile. I win 9-7, it was now 11:00. We ended up watching a movie while laying on his bed.

(It can be whatever movie you want it to be)

When the movie was over it was about 1:30. I go down to my bed and lay down while facing away from Genya's bed. Suddenly I feel an arm wrap around me. I know it's Genya, so I flip around and bury my face into his chest and fall asleep.

!A/N This is the end of this chapter hope you enjoyed! Next chapter might have a few other ships by the way! Anyways, have a good day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 1,201

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