<The Day Before Hell Starts> Chpt. 4, Pt. 1

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!A/N This image is very true 😌

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!A/N This image is very true 😌. Also this chapter is mostly just them hanging out maybe something juicey idk yet. A/N!

Muichiro's pov

I'd wake up around nine. Surprisingly the sun didn't bother me. But still me and Genya need to get some curtains-.

I'd check my phone, and I got a message! It's from Yuichiro.

Yuichiro: Hey bro, I'll be coming over at around 3 today. Be ready.

I'd text him back.

Muichiro: Sounds great! I'll see you then!

I'd put down my phone and looked over to Genya's bed. He seemed very focused on a game.

I'd shrug and went to the bathroom. I'd shower, brush my teeth, etc. I'd walk out of the bathroom and stood over Genya's bed. "Genyaaa, we gotta go get breakfast!" I'd whine.

He'd take his headphone slightly off. "Alright, lemme just finish this match." He'd say quickly, then focused back on the game.

I'd look over the corner of the laptop. I didn't usually play video games but they look fun. I think the one he was playing is called minecraft.

My phone would ding. I'd leap on my bed and looked at the message. It read,
"Hello students of Kimetsu High, we have prepared uniforms in the main lobby they are in boxes at the secretary's desk. Please tell her you name and dorm. We also have club and sport sign up sheets down there so feel free to look at those." -Sincerely, Vice Principal Muzan.

(Quick A/N, Kagaya is the principal of the school. Yes I know Muzan is his worst enemy canonly but this is an Au where the demons are humans and Muzan is actually kinda nice so shush)

I finish reading the note and roll over to look at Genya."Genya, we can sign up for activities and get our uniforms." I'd say, getting up and poking his arm.

"Okay, I just finished the match so we can head down now!" He closed his laptop, took his headphones off, and got up.

We'd head out of the room it looked like most people got the email. Genya and I walked down the crowded hallways.

We ran into Inosuke and Tanjiro on the third floor lobby. "Hey Tanjiro!" Genya said, giving Tanjiro a fist bump.

I stayed close to Genya, as I did not like crowded areas. I saw fry haired boy walking over and he smirked at me. I looked up at him quickly but then looked back towards my phone screen.

More people flooded into the third floor lobby as a teacher came up the stairs. The teacher had red fiery hair. I'm pretty sure he's the history teacher, Mr. Rengoku?

"Everyone stay put for now! The elevator broke down. No one use the stairs either, we have workers fixing the elevator using them!" Mr. Rengoku was louder then everyone there he rushed back downstairs.

Everyone groaned they could either go back to their dorms or stay put. We stayed in our seats. I wanted to go back to the dorm but Genya didn't want me going alone.

"Oh! I have an idea, why don't we all play 2 truths and a lie?" Tanjiro said, he sounded excited as he always did.

I knew how to play the game. Me and my brother would play it with our old friends at sleepovers.

We all agreed and started playing. Tanjiro went first. "So, I've been skydiving, I helped test a roller-coaster, and I've been on a date!" He'd sound excited again.

"Hm, first 2 true, 3rd one is a lie." Zenitsu said, sounding confident.
"Well, I think 2 and 3 are true and that the 1st one is a lie!" Genya shouted looking up at the sky confidently.


"Inosuke is right." Tanjiro said, patting Inosukes back. Tanjiro is a great friend but he is quite dense when it comes to love so I'm surprised he got a date.

"Muichiro, you should go next! Since the others don't know you very well." Genya said with a big smile, looking over towards me.

I'd clutch my oversized pants. "Okay..," I'd pause thinking of what to say. "I have a functional family, I have and older sibling, and.... I'm pansexual." I'd say, not looking up at the others.

(Quick A/N Sorry! Muichiro being pansexual is just one headcanon opinion I have but if you don't agree that's fine I will respect whatever you think of a character!)

"Oh, this is a tough one... hm I think, 1 and 2 are true and that 3 is the lie!" Tanjiro said, he puffed out his chest looking confident.

Zenitsu shrugged as it seemed he didn't care much about it. Inosuke was being an idiot and running around the lobby.

"Hmm, I I'm pretty sure 2 us correct I recall you mentioning a sibling and I'll just take a wild guess... 3 is also true."

I pause for a moment... "Genya is correct." I'd seem sad at the fact of home life. Genya put a reassuring arm around me. I'd feel better at that moment.

Mr. Rengoku came back up the stairs trying to catch his breath. "The elevators are... (huff) back up... (huff). Damn those stairs (huff) are tiring."

Some people would go to the elevators including Inosuke, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu. Genya tried to but I pulled him back into the seat.

"What the hell!" He yelled, as he hit the chair. "You'll thank me later." I said, emotionless staring at the packed elevators.

We waited 20 minutes before finally going to the main floor. But the entire time we waited Genya tapped his foot on the ground. It was driving me insane.

We would reach the main floor and we didn't see a lot of people. Genya saw Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke so he went with them for awhile. I kinda just wandered around.

I walked up to the front desk. "Name?" The lady asked. She wasn't the same lady from the first day, this lady looked a lot younger and had pink to green hair.

"Muichiro Tokito. Also where did the other secretary go?" I'd ask, while she typed my name into the computer.

"Oh, the other secretary is off today. I'm actually the literature teacher for the younger grades, so I'm Miss. Kanroji." She'd shake my hand quickly. And she continued speaking, "You're a male correct?" I'd nod. "I just asked because you have such a feminine face. Also, dorm number?"

"378." She type again. "Okay you're all set the uniform will be to you by later today. I'll see you tomorrow young Tokito!"

I'd nod goodbye and headed over to where the clubs and sports sign ups were.

!A/N There will be a part two to this where they talk about clubs and sports and when Yuichiro us introduced! Hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night! A/N! Word Count: 1,168

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