<Do You Like Him?> Chpt. 3

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!A/N Omggg look at little reindeer Mui! He's adorable!! Anyways this chapter might contain Genmui angst so just beware of that

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!A/N Omggg look at little reindeer Mui! He's adorable!! Anyways this chapter might contain Genmui angst so just beware of that. Anyways, Enjoy! A/N!

Muichiro pov

All of them talk about their times in middle school. I feel left out. I feel like I'm not there. They don't realize that I'm here too.

I listen to their conversations. Inosuke is going on about an old science teacher. Mr. Jikken. (Mr. Jikken was nice, he was the only one that I could talk to. Because during middle school my mother became ill. She is still ill now but she's getting better.

But at the start of 6th grade my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. My father fell into a deep depression after that. He rarely left the house and he was taking a lot of time off of work. Our money started to dwindle away. My older brother Yuichiro who is 3 years older than me had to get a job because of this.

At home during these times I rarely had anyone to talk to. So I always went to Mr. Jikken...) I notice that I'm on the verge of tears so I stuff another peice of waffle in my mouth.

I listen to another conversation between them. It's Genya speaking... it's something about 8th grade.

"Remember that 'girlfriend' I had in 8th grade?" Genya said, adding syrup onto his pancakes.

"Oh yea,Wanai? She was stupid. I heard she got held back." Zenitsu spoke up, as he stared, surprised at Genya.

(Genya had a girlfriend..? That made me unhappy for a strange reason. Just then I forgot about everyone else all I thought was... Genya. No, stop Muichiro. Genya is your friend and nothing more.)

I continued to listen. "That's great. I don't have to deal with her." Genya said, taking a sip of his water and continuing. "But I gotta admit she was kinda cute." Genya's voice got more high pitched when he said kinda... did he actually like this girl?

"You've got a point she was really pretty, but her grades sucked she had all C's and D's." Nezuko surprisingly said.

(Genya liked someone... he had her... could I compete for that. No... Genya is a friend dumbass!! Keep a grip.)

I'd finish my food and I finally looked up. Genya looked towards me. "Oh, sorry Tokito! We've been ignoring you by mistake, sorry!" Genya apologized and everyone agreed with him.

"It's fine, I don't really care." I'd shrug, and scoop up some of the syrup left on my plate and eat it.

"Well Tokito, do you have any stories?" Tanjiro asked. Him, Nezuko, and Genya are really the only ones that talked to me.

"I don't or atleast nothing exciting." I'd say, kinda looking down towards my plate.

"You must have something exciting! Everyone does." Tanjiro said, looking around the table.

"I just don't. No one ever wanted to hangout with me. No one ever included. My only friend was Nezuko and a shitty teacher!!" I'd yell as tears started to stream down my face.

(I've said to much.)

I'd push my way out of the booth and ran out the doors of the breakfast place. I heard Nezuko, Genya, and Tanjiro yelling to me. I didn't stop running.

I got to a bridge atleast a few minutes from the breakfast place and I sat on a bench watching the ducks. No one was around. Not even a single car.

"Dammit!! I lost my only friends!! They're never going to want to see my face again!" I pound my fists on my knees.

I rest my head on my hands. Tears still streaming. (No one has ever loved me...) I made myself believe that.

Genya's pov

I finished up eating as me, Zenitsu, and Nezuko talked about my past girlfriend.

(She was nice. But really clingy and just kinda dumb.)

I then notice Muichiro, he's been silent this whole time. I completely forgot about him.

I look towards him and spoke, "Oh, sorry Tokito! We've been ignoring you by mistake, sorry!" I apologized but it didn't sound sincere.

Tanjiro pushed Muichiro to share a story or something. Muichiro seemed upset. Tanjiro just seemed to make it worse. I should've butted in.

But then I snapped out of my thoughts and heard Muichiro scream, "I just don't. No one ever wanted to hangout with me. No one ever included. My only friend was Nezuko and a shitty teacher!!" I'd see tears fall as he ran out the doors.

"Gah, I'm sorry Tanjiro," I'd hand Tanjiro 40$ "This is for me and Tokito's food. Cya in school!"

"Thank you, Genya." I'd wave goodbye and they did the same.

I'd chase after Muichiro. "Tokito! Wait! I'm sorry!" I yelled... he didn't hear me. I could just see his blurry silhouette as he ran.

I'd slow down for a moment and I heard him yell again, "Dammit!! I lost my only friends!! They're never going to want to see my face again!"

I'd start running again. I'd stop as I saw him more clearly, sitting on a bench. "Tokito!" I yelled, waving my hand.

"What do you want?" He said, not giving a crap. Not even to look up at me.

I sat down next to him. Our knees touching. "What's the matter?" I'd say, putting my hand on his back.

He'd wipe his tears and sniffle. "Why should I tell you..?" He said, now finally he looked up at me and our faces were an inch away from each other.

"Because I'm your friend, Tokito." I say, looking into his eyes, sincerely.

I'd notice his eyes grow with happiness. "Thank you, Shinazugawa." He'd hug me and I'd hug him back, patting his back a little.

"You can call me Genya, can I call you Muichiro?" I'd say letting go of our hug. "Call me whatever, I don't really care." He said, happily.

"Good. Why don't we head back to the dorms?" I'd say, standing up. "That sounds great, Genya." He'd stand up with me and we started walking back to the school building.

!A/N Omg this part was so cute to write! But also sad I hope you guys like what I did for Muichiro's backstory. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and have a great day! A/N! Word Count: 1,055

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