<Hell Starts> Chpt. 5

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!A/N Hello everyone! Sorry this chapter took me awhile. Anyways, this chapter will be a long one! Enjoy! A/N!

Genya's pov

I wake up around 5:00 a.m. probably. I could see the sunrise through my window. I look just below my head. I see Muichiro, asleep on my chest. His breathing is soft and he is holding the Sobble I got for him. I feel my face start to heat up. I know I'm blushing. My laptop is on my bed too, it's open but in sleep mode. I want to get up but I also don't want to wake Muichiro. I wait, staying as still as a rock.

A few minutes later Muichiro's eyes flutter open. He squints as his eyes adjust to the light. He'd then look up. We'd stare into each other's eyes for a moment.

"I-I'm sorry..." He mumbled, getting out of the bed. "No, no. It's fine. I didn't mind." I'd say, scratching the back of my head. Than the realization kicked in. (SHIT WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!?! DID I SAY I ENJOYED THAT OR??)

I quickly leaped out of my bed, grabbed my uniform, and ran to the bathroom. I slid down the door. Clutching my uniform. (God, I'm so stupid.) I'd try to make myself stop blushing. It stopped. I hopped in the shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed.

I exit the bathroom throwing my pajamas in my hamper with the rest of my dirty clothes. I'd look over to see Muichiro sitting on his bed, reading. "Bathroom is free." I'd say, while turning away from him trying to get my school bag ready.

He didn't say a word and went into the bathroom. I heard him start the shower and him brushing his teeth. Sooner or later he came out in his uniform. The time was 6:30, just enough time to head down to the canteen for breakfast.

I'd leap out of bed and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Let's head down for breakfast!" I'd smile widely. He'd look up at me and he'd smile slightly. We both left the room and I'd lock the door behind us. We'd get to the elevator and a few others came in as well. We'd head down to the ground floor and went into the school hallways for the first time. It was almost exactly like a middle school just bigger and had a lot more kids in the hallways.

"Hey where's your locker?" I heard Muichiro ask me. "Oh, uhm," I'd take a look at my schedule. "It's says B16." I'd say, looking up from the paper and down the hallway. "Mine is B17, our lockers ate next to each other." Muichiro said with a quite voice and a small smile.

We'd start down the hallway to the canteen. They gave us a map at the front desk. We'd reach the canteen in a few minutes and saw the gang! We'd grab our breakfast quickly and headed over to their table.

Muichiro pov

Me and Genya headed over to the table with our trays. "Hey guys!" He'd yell as we got closer to the table. How does he have so much energy at 6:30 in the morning? We'd sit down and they began to talk while I ate my food.

"Hey Mui, how do you feel about our first day?" Nezuko asked me with a bright smile. "I don't know. I just hope no one notices me." I'd say, not making eye contact. "Oh, come on Mui! Please try to interact with someone and maybe open up to us a little?" She'd ask me. (I'll try...)

I'd then notice Genya pushing away his food tray. "The food is so good! But I'm full!" He'd stretch back his arms. "I know right the food is delicious!" Tanjiro said in response. I'd look at Genya's tray, a half eaten muffin, hm.

"Hey Genya," I'd start. "Yea, Muichiro?" He'd ask, looking towards me with one of his eyebrows raised. "You going to finish that muffin?" I'd ask, nodding my head towards it and eating the last bite of my fruit cup. "Uhm, no, why?" He'd ask, sitting up in a more proper manner. "Cool." I'd snatch the muffin off his tray and started eating it.

I'd finish eating the Muffin and the bell rang for us to go to our lockers. I went with Genya to the lockers. We got our stuff for the first 3 periods and headed to our homeroom classes. I had homeroom with Mr. Iguro. I've heard from older students that he's harsh with grading and teaching but other than that he is kind. I walk in the classroom and I already see a few people sitting down. Inosuke is in my homeroom class. I go to the furthest seat from his and sit down. There is a person sitting next to me. He has longish hair that goes into cyan and pink and he has cyan eyes, he is drawing in a sketch book. Mr. Iguro teaches biology.

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