<The Storm> Chpt. 7

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!A/N Hello everyone welcome to Chpt. 7! I hope you enjoy this part! A/N!

Muichiro's pov

My day was going well so far but it was cloudy out and looked like it was going to rain. It had been a month after Genya's breakdown and I've caught myself liking Genya more and more everyday.

Gym was just finishing up and I headed out to the running track to practice. I do some stretchs and start jogging on the track. Genya is at his archery practice which is in the center of the running track.

I'm at the far side of the track when I hear something flying towards me. I stop for a second to look at the archery practice and I see one of their arrows coming straight for me. I stand there glued to the spot unable to move. Fear going throughout my body.

"Muichiro!!" I hear Genya's scream as he bolts towards me. He was a close. He ran before the arrow was shot. He is a foot away from me and leaps to jump at me, sending both of us onto the ground. He hugs me tight as I lay there, shocked. The arrow flys over us, hitting the fence. Genya gets up and crouches above me. "Are you okay?" He asks me, his voice shaking. "Y-yea I'm fine." I reply, taking his hand to get up.

He doesn't let go of my hand and drags me over to the guy who shot the arrow. It was one of the bullies. "You moron!" He yells, before punching the guy in the face. The guy bleeds from the mouth and looks up at Genya. "So that's how it's gonna go." The bully replies, he kicks Genya's shin and they start fighting. "Genya!" I yell, watching the fight in horror. They stop fighting after the teacher comes over and me and Genya go back to the dorm room.

We get there and we sit on our beds staring at each other. I speak first. "What were you thinking?!" I yelled at him. "I wanted to protect you!" He yells in response. "Well you didn't have to fight him!" I yell, getting up from my bed. "Well what was I supposed to do? Let it go that he just fired an arrow at you?!" He yells, sounding more violent. "Well..." I mumble. "You don't have to hurt yourself for me." I say quietly, leaving the room. I head down the hall to Tanjiro's room and knock on the door.

"Hi, Tokito!" He says, cheerfully. "Come in!" He continues. I sit down on his bed. "What's wrong? You seem upset." He asks, sitting next to me. "Me Genya had a fight." I say, disappointed, pulling my knees up to my chest. "About what?" Tanjiro asks, comforting me. I explain it all. He doesn't interrupt me at all either.

"What should I do Kamado..?" I ask, looking up at him slightly. "What you should do is, go back to your room and tell him that you're sorry for starting an argument." He says, patting my back. "Okay, thank you, Kamado. Oh, and you can call me by my first name." I say, getting up. "You're welcome, and you can call me Tanjiro." He says with a smile. I nod and head back to my dorm.

I open the door and see Genya on his bed, facing the wall. I lay down next to him facing his back. "I'm sorry for arguing with you." I say. "It's fine." He says sounding grumpy. He flips over to face me and smiles calmly at me. I smile back. "I'm also sorry, I shouldn't have fought that guy." He says, tilting his head down slightly. "It's fine Gen." I say, putting my hand to his face. He looks up to me and we stare into each other's eyes for a moment before he pulls me into a hug. We stay there. I feel his warmth, and it's nice. I feel loved at that moment. We fall asleep, Genya's arms are around me and my head close to his chest.

Genya's pov

I hear a bang outside and I jolt awake looking around. I notice there's a bad storm going on outside. I look at the clock, 2:44 am. Muichiro is still sound asleep. I wrap my arms around him still terrified from the bang. About 20 minutes later I'm still awake and I hear the announcement bell go off and a voice after it.

"Everyone, get to the basement we have a tornado warning. I repeat, we have a tornado warning get to the basement immediately."

The announcement stops. "Muichiro!" I half whisper half yell. He doesn't wake up. I get up and pick Muichiro up bridal style and head for the elevators. The elevators were packed but I spotted Inosuke, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Murata. "Guys, are you okay?" I say pushing through the crowd. They all nod. We finally get into the elevators and we head to the basement. It's already packed with people. I see my brother.

"Nemi!" I shout. He looks over to me and directs me and my friends to an open spot. He looks mad that I'm holding Muichiro but he brushes it off. "How long do you think this will last?" Zenitsu asks, looking around. He spots Nezuko. "Nezuko-Chan!" He yells, waving his arms violently. Nezuko, Kanao, Aoi, Makomo, and some pink haired guy we don't know came over.

Nezuko hugged Zenitsu and Tanjiro then she sat between them. We all sat together. Muichiro was on my lap with his legs around me and he still slept. "Who are you?" Tanjiro asks the pink haired guy. "I'm Sabito." The guy said, smiling slightly. His smile quickly stopped as the wind got stronger. I held Muichiro closer to my body. Muichiro woke up at the motion.

"What's happening?" He said, still drowsy. "Tornado warning." I say, my voice serious. Muichiro seemed scared and put his arms around me pulling himself closer. I'd blush at the action and looked back at our group. "So, how is everyone?" I ask, trying to brighten the mood. "Really you ask that now?" Zenitsu said, annoyed.

But then we all heard a loud crash as the dim lights went out. Screams echoed through the basement.

!A/N Hope everyone enjoyed this part! Have a good day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 1,072

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