<The Love Tunnel> Chpt. 11

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!A/N Hello everyone! Welcome to today's chapter. I have actually been consistent with this story, posting a chapter almost everyday! Anyways, enjoy! A/N!

Tanjiro pov (finally a different pov)

I sit eating one of the snacks from the carts as I over hear Zenitsu talking to Muichiro and Genya. "Are you dating?" He asks, munching on a pretzel. I see Muichiro and Genya look at each other quickly and then Muichiro jumps off of Genya's lap, sitting in the chair next to him. "No!" Muichiro yells. Genya is visibly sweating. Nezuko then spots a ride.

"Let's go on that ride next!" She shouts. It was called The Love Tunnel. "Oo, my ships should go on the ride together." Nezuko also said. Everyone froze when she said that, wondering what her ships were. "What are your ships Nezuko?" I asked anxiously. "Oh well, You and Kanao, Inosuke and Aoi, Genya and Muichiro, and Sabito and Makomo!" She stated eagerly. We all seemed to be blushing.

"Nezuko-Channn, what about me??" Zenitsu Whined. "Oh uhm, I guess you can go with me." She said. Zenitsu yelped in joy as he clung to Nezuko. "Well let's go then." I said with a tint of anger in my voice. We all headed to the ride. I and Kanao got on first and buckled the harnesses. The ride started shortly after. It was a long tunnel with a love theme. You rode on a boat through the tunnel so it was a water ride.

Muichiro pov

It's been a few minutes since Kanao and Tanjiro went on the ride. Just then we here the boat coming back to the start and Kanao and Tanjiro walk off it hand in hand. Then Inosuke and Aoi go on the ride. Me and Genya are now in the front of the line waiting. Sweat rolls down my neck. "This is a love ride... why are me and Genya going on it together?" I thought to myself. I watch as the boat comes back with Inosuke and Aoi. They come off the boat, Aoi blushing and Inosuke looking as confident as ever. It was now me and Genya's turn.

I freeze at the entrance of the boat as Genya sits down. He pulls me into the seat and puts my harness on. I feel myself blush and I look away. The ride starts and we are silent until about 2 minutes into the ride. (The ride is 7 minutes btw) . "Hey Muichiro, uhm, do you wanna talk about anything?" Asked Genya. "Sure." I said. "Alright so..?" Genya asked me. "Uhm... your hair looks nice." I say. He blushes a bit turning away and turning back. "Is it hot in here?" He asks, stumbling on his words a little. "I mean your hot... I mean-" He says, getting very flustered. I also get flustered. Then I realized I could see the end of the ride. This was my last chance. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. So I did the last thing I expected myself to do. I kissed him on the cheek. I freaked out inside while he was a blushing mess. We got to the end of the ride Genya was a blushing mess still and I had small smile on trying to hide myself freaking out.

The people who finished the ride already were standing next to the line and I hear Zenitsu speak up. "What did you two do in there? Genya looks like he is about to die!" Zenitsu yells at me. I stare at him. "We didn't do anything, just talked about what we are going to do later mostly." I lied. I turn around to look at Genya and he is gone. "Where'd Genya go?" I question. "I think he went to the bathroom." Tanjiro said.

Genya pov

My arm was being pulled by someone. "Hey!" I shout, trying to pull myself out of the grip of this person. I look up to the back of the persons head. They have a messy bun. The person pulls me behind a tree and I finally see who they are. It's Yuichiro?! His name echoes through my head. "Stay away from my brother." He sternly says. "Why should I?" I question. "Because I said to, you don't deserve him." Yuichiro says, pushing me a little. I stumble back. I stand there frozen, a sinister smile appears on my face.

I run. He chases me. I run back to the group and Muichiro. I get to Muichiro and I freeze in front of him. I looked back to make sure his brother was near, he was. So I kissed him, we held on for about 10 seconds before Yuichiro grabbed Muichiro. I looked at him. "Muichiro, you're coming with me." He said, glaring at me. "Why is he going with you?" I questioned, my voice full of aggression.

"He can't date you." He said, smiling an evil smile. "He already has someone our father got for him to date." Yuichiro says, grabbing Muichiro's arm tighter. "You're insane." I say. This is all going on while everyone else is just standing there, watching. Yuichiro starts walking away with Muichiro. I tighten my fists and run behind Yuichiro, kicking him to the ground.

I grab Muichiro and pull him close to my chest. "We have to leave." I say quietly in his ear. I walk away with Muichiro. Yuichiro is still on the ground before he gets up, brushes himself off, and leaves.

Muichiro spoke up. "Hey, Genya?" He says, looking up towards me. "Yea?" I say, trying to calm my voice. "You're a good kisser." He says softly, looking down towards the ground. I blush, and look at him. "You are too..." I mumble, but he heard it. He looked up, stared into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back slightly and we got back to the group.

They all looked happy like nothing happened and I was glad about that. "Like nothing ever happened." I thought.

The rest of the day was fun filled. We went on more rides and even ate dinner at the local pizzeria. We got home around 10. And me and Muichiro fell asleep. He was in my arms and at that very moment I felt the happiest I've ever been.

!A/N Helloo! Sorry this chapter took me longer to make! Anyways hope you enjoyed and have a lovely day/night!
Word Count: 1,082

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