<Detention> Chpt. 14

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!A/N This chapter might be a bit shorter cause I'm running out of ideas again. But I hope you all enjoy! A/N!

Genya pov

I sit in detention with Muichiro. We obviously are there because we skipped school yesterday and brought an animal back. They don't really mind if we have a cat in our dorm but we still got detention for it. We have detention everyday for two weeks. It's going to be terrible, having to miss archery everyday. Muichiro taps my shoulder.

"What?" I answer, sounding frustrated. "I just wanted to let you know we are getting out in 5 minutes, jeez." Muichiro said, rolling his eyes at me. I scoffed and turned away from him. I wasn't terribly mad at him but I was frustrated. He said we wouldn't get in trouble but look where we are now! I watched the teacher who was watching detention today. It was Mr. Iguro.

I looked up at the clock. 2 minutes left. I watched the seconds tick by. The time struck three and the bell rung. I shot up out of my seat. "Have a good evening Mr. Iguro!" I joyfully chimed, walking out of the room. He waved back and I headed up to my dorm. Muichiro followed.

We got to our dorm and set our stuff down. I pet the cat that we found yesterday. Muichiro named him Orange for his orange coat. I sat down on my bed, pulling my laptop out of my backpack. I'd load up a game and kept looking over to Muichiro.

Muichiro pov

I noticed Genya kept looking at me while he played a game on his laptop. He looked over at me again so I stared back. Blush appeared on his cheeks and he quickly looked away. My face also got hot and I looked away, annoyed. I pulled out my phone and started texting Genya because I didn't want to talk to him face to face.

 I pulled out my phone and started texting Genya because I didn't want to talk to him face to face

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Still Muichiro pov btw

I smiled slightly at the texts. I got up from my desk chair and jumped onto Genya's bed. I crawled up next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I watched him play the game he was playing. I'm not sure what it was though. I slightly tug at his sleeve and he puts his arm around me, still focusing on the game. I fall asleep on his shoulder, it's warm and cozy.

Sanemi pov (wow another pov)

I fix my tie and look at myself in the mirror. I was asked on a date today from a secret admire. Secret admire, sounds stupid. "Maybe I should check on Genya... he gave me a key to his room for whatever stupid reason." I think, looking down at the key. I decide I will and head down the hall. I still live at the school because they need atleast two teachers on each dorm floor.

I reach the room and knock on the door first. No answer. I get slightly worried. I know he had detention today but he should be back already. I listen through the door. I can hear two voices, Genya's and some other person's.

"Muichiro, I need to get the door..." Genya says. "Nooo...." The guy I presumed Muichiro was whined. I wait another minute or two and the door hasn't opened yet and the two stopped talking. I decide to unlock it. I put the key in the lock and turn it. I reach for the door handle and start turning it slowly. I open the door the entire way to see Genya and Muichiro kissing.

"GENYA!?" I yell at him. I watch as he pulls away from the kiss. "N-NEMI, THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" Genya yells back, looking flustered. "Oh I know what it is. You have a secret relationship." I say, getting annoyed. "No, it's not like that..." He says, getting up from his bed. "Save it." I say, turning around and slamming the door shut.

I walk down the hall and head down to the main lobby. I look back at the note that was left on my desk. It says to meet them at the left door. I stand at that door, anxious of who this person is. I see Kanae walking towards me. "Hello Sanemi-San, are you ready?" Kanae says, smiling her usual smile. She was wearing a lovely dress, it was pink and green like the clips in her hair. I felt myself blush slightly, I've had a crush on her since my first year here.

"You're my secret admire?" I managed to get out. She simply nodded. She took my hand and we left.

Genya pov again (right after Sanemi left their dorm)

I'm stunned from what just happened. Muichiro still looks like he always does. "So?" He asks. Before 'Nemi came he asked me the question. 'Do you want to be my boyfriend.' I hadn't said anything yet we just kissed. "Well..." I muttered. Muichiro looked at me with anticipation. "Muichiro to answer your question, meet me at the diner down the road tomorrow. He just nodded. I get back into my bed.

Muichiro snuggles up to my arm and falls asleep. I two fall asleep.

!A/N Hello again! Also forgot to put this in the story but, Sanemi came to their room an hour after Muichiro originally fell asleep! So, hope you all enjoyed and have a good day/night!
Word Count: 921

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