<The Day Before Hell Starts> Chpt. 4, Pt. 2

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!A/N So I just wanna let everyone know that Yuichiro in this story is 17 years old. I also wanna mention that Yuichiro is close to Muichiro but they have separated a little due to Yuichiro moving for school years prior. Oh, I also want to mention that their school schedule will follow the American school schedule like how they will start in September. Sorry for the long A/N! Enjoy! A/N!

Muichiro's pov

I wander around the lobby after getting my name put down for the uniform. I find something I want to join. The track team.

I'm pretty agile. I was on my middle school's track team, too. I finish signing the paper with my name and homeroom. I continued to walk around.

Sooner or later I run into Nezuko and the other girls. "Hello Nezuko." I say, trying to smile slightly.

"It's been awhile, Mui! The last time I saw you was at the breakfast place..." Nezuko said, sounding apologetic.

"I know. Can I join you guys in wandering around?" I'd ask, I tried to be more social after Genya asked if I could try to get closer with his friends.

"Sure!" Nezuko said, while she pointed to one of the girls. "This is one of us you haven't met, Makomo, Aoi's roommate!" I waved at Makomo and she waved back smiling a bit.

I started to wander around with them. They were trying to find the guys but it was very crowded and hard to find them. "Should we look over by the clubs?" Aoi mentioned. We'd all nod in agreement.

Once we got closer to the club sign ups I saw Genya's tall figure. I'd smile and jog up to him. "He seems happy to see Genya." Nezuko mentioned, as I got further away from them.

"They seem to be growing closer." Kanao joined the conversation. They followed shortly after me. They all said their hellos, but I was more focused on Genya.

I went over to Genya and tugged on his sleeve. He turned his head toward me. "Hi, Muichiro!" He said now turning fully towards me.

"Hello Genya, have you signed up for any sports or clubs?" I asked, gazing into his purple eyes.

"Yea, I signed up for archery and this one club that helps out the kindergarten kids in the elementary school." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

Archery is at the same time as track after school, nice. "I signed up for track." I said confidently, while turning my gaze to my watch. Oh, crap it's 2:00 my brother will be here in an hour.

"Genya, we gotta go back to our dorm." I said, frustrated. I dragged Genya to the elevators.

"What? Why?" He tried to stop me from pulling him along. "Because my brother is coming in an hour!" I yelled.

He nodded and I stopped dragging him. We walked peacefully to the elevators now. We got to our dorm and I texted Yuichiro.

Muichiro: Hey bro, my dorm is 378 on the 3rd floor. Just tell the front desk lady that you're coming to see Muichiro Tokito.

I waited for a response. Nothing. He left me on read. Whatever, he was probably driving. Genya was grabbing a snack out of the cabinet.

"Oh, get me something." I say, turning towards him. "What do you want? We have chips, pretzels, and popcorn." He'd say, moving things around in the cabinet.

"Pretzels." I'd say with a small smile. He'd toss me a bag of pretzels and I'd catch them with ease.

"Wanna watch a show?" He'd say sounding happy, he jumped onto his bed opening his laptop.

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